Ryan Lopez
Jace Fisher
Why apologise? S'cool
Zachary Sanchez
What isn't?
Asher Martinez
Is that Cody Cigar?
Jose Long
Its clearly Nugget Head.
Parker Ortiz
why did world peace get renewed for another season?
Xavier Lopez
You better apologise to us fag
Caleb Robinson
>retards see deus ex as being "red pilled" because of the conspiracy theories that line up with ridiculous theories today by pure coincidence (statue of liberty's destruction conducted by the government a year before 9/11 happened being the obvious example)
>doesn't see it for the nuanced critique of 20th century capitalism it actually is
What a shame.
Chase Jones
Holy fuck
Michael Bennett
I'm pretty sure being against 20th century capitalism is red pilled. Just think about who it benefits and you'll understand why.