wat do
Wat do
He's right, Drows deserve no mercy.
Burn both you and her for picking such a shitty replacement portrait
Save best girl
Love best girl
burn the nigger.
Kill her. She is evil, and all evil people deserve to die. Make sure you have a cleric and/or paladin spamming detect evil at all times to kill any other evil people you find. Only you can purify the world from scum.
Save her, then teach her to be a submissive housewife.
if you have a problem with her being evil, you can change her alignment in ToB
essentially what said.
It's written Neutral Evil on the character sheet so burn it. Such is the simple way of D&D.
Let her die.
Her cavernous vagina is no doubt filled with spiders that she plans to let loose upon the city at a moment's notice and will likely feast upon the town's young children and babies.
Also, from a gameplay perspective,
8 Con/10 Str on a cleric of Shar? A cleric of the Dark Moon requires at minimum a con of 12 to be canonised into the church.