Why is the ps4 so popular?

Why is the ps4 so popular?

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because it has gaems

Xbox and wiiu didnt compete so its the ideal console for kids who arent smart enough to build a pc

pretty much this really
its not even a meme; its like MS and Nintendo forgot what sells a console


>game with 2kk sales helped to sell 60kk+ of consoles

It's the dudebro console of this generation. People buy it for madden and cod.

Its popular with colored people.

Sony has always had the best consoles ever since the PSX, what makes you think it'd be any different now?

The PS5, PS6, PS7 and so on will reign supreme as well

>sell console cheap
>stiff-em on the paid online

The competition shat itself this gen

3ds outsold.

television told millions of mindless fools to buy it so they did

same as everything else

Because niggers.

Honestly? it's just because most people have one. All of my friends who are only casually into gaming went with a ps4 because somebody they knew had one. I still haven't bought one and haven't been able to play with my bros. maybe I'll get one eventually but it really doesn't interest me much

>Microsoft gave them a free win by fucking up Xbone's launch
>Cheap out the gate due to underpowered hardware
>Heaps of 3rd party games & some good exclusives

That said it's attachment rate is pretty bad, i think a ton of normies brought it & only buy FIFA & COD

>Microsoft fucking up with the always online, "if you don't like Xbone stick to 360", "The new water cooler" launch
>People thinking the Wii U was just an extension for the Wii
Sony made it to the finish line without even needing to try this gen because they actually advertised it as a video game console.


It was and still is the best choice of the current three consoles.

mostly this. It also doesn't have any competition besides PC (xbox shit the bed and Nintendo has gone "blue water" or whatever the fuck since the wii where they make their own nitche) and it simply being a console separates the two for most consumers, even if consoles and PCs have very little difference now.

Marketing and early ps3 stigma is the only reason 360 had any sales.

Because it has most games most people want to play

For the first year of it's realese the lost money on every sale to make it affordable

Yeah the attachment rate is PS4's bane & Ubisoft's CEO even admitted it

Horizon Zero Dawn only pushed almost 3mil units despite having an enormous marketing budget & no competition from other AAA games for weeks

A lot of people just use it as a FIFA & Netflix machine, i also think a ton of idiots brought it back "it's not an Xbone" but didn't play it

Maybe for Sup Forums users, for normies the xbone is hands down better now.

>Cheaper/better games with paid multiplayer
>Generally agreed better controller
>Generally agreed better online service
>Backward compatibility
>Better exclusives (remember we're talking about normies here which make up most PS4/xbone users. Pubg is BY FAR the most popular exclusive with normies this gen and is xbone only)

Because sony people are idiots. They could spend that money to play Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart and Splatoon 2 and dozens of other future exclusives but choose to spend on the same rehashes as last gen

PS4's attachment rate is actually pretty impressive.


Normies don't even know what Pubg is because it hasn't came out on consoles yet.

I thought about picking one up used over the weekend, but $230 for a used PS4 with no games is too fucking much money.

3DS has been out two and a half years longer than PS4

Except the PS1 and PS3 were both pretty shit?


> Breath of the Wild
> Mario Kart
> not rehashes



You should be able to figure this out.


wahoo yaha!

Normalfag netflix and 2K machine

>unironically wanting a pc if you like AAA


They do, make no mistake. It's the most viewed game on YouTube/twitch and an awful lot of those viewers will have consoles.


But I've got my switch and finished botw and Mario kart.
Now I'm playing the waiting game and the psquadruple has lots more fun games to enjoy and experience.
It's 4 the players.

Xbox is complete shit so this is where normies go to play their fifa, call of duty, madden and gta.

Many people also use it as a netflix machine.

That's about it.

Pretty sure he meant exclusives have a low attachment rate which is 100 percent true. See It gets beaten by the xbone, and absolutely eternally btfo beyond measure by PC and Nintendo

This. Regardless of what shitposters here say it's the only console with worthwhile exclusives at the moment.
>inb4 le Bloodborne meme

I think you're moving the goal posts there mate

The first guy sounds like he's talking about exclusives to most people (obviously if normies bought cod/fifa every year the attachment rate would be high).

The second guy is VERY clearly taking about exclusives.

You knew that's what they meant.

>Why is the ps4 so popular?

Plays FIFA really really good

>This means that so far, the attach rate is around 7.51 games per each console sold. According to analyst Daniel Ahmad, this number is higher than both PS2 and the Wii, two of the all-time best-selling consoles.

These attachment rates are 90% bullshit because nobody really tracks it. I saw figures for the Wii ranging from 5 to 9. I saw figures for the PS3 ranging from 6 to 11. When somebody like Ubisoft's CEO or EA's CEO says the attachment rate of their games in particular are not good it's worth paying attention because they generally have the highest selling games for the system and will actually know their own sales. When somebody from Sony just announces a global attachment rate take it with a grain of salt, it's an estimate and it's almost certainly going to be a favorable one. When an analyst gives their opinion they can shove it up their ass, they have no clue. Not to mention, some of them are less analyst and more paid shill.

Because Xbone fucked up before launch and never recovered. What Microsoft did in the run up to the launch will go in the history books as one of the worst PR blunders ever.

No it sounds like they're talking about games because you know it's the attachment rate for the console. I think people are just anally devastated at how well the PS4 is doing and like pointing out how the most mainstream and popular series in the world sell very well on it as an insult which is very odd.


M8 the attachment rate sucks outside of the few normie blockbusters like GTA, COD & FIFA, Wii U sold 13mil units but it's exclusives could push 5-7mil (Splatoon, MK8, Smash 4)

PS4 sold 60m & it's exclusives tend to sit at the 2-3mil range
I think even Sony were a bit embarrassed by this & hence why they bundled Uncharted 4 with $250 PS4's over the holidays to brad about how well it sold

>Cheaper/better games with paid multiplayer
>Generally agreed better controller
>Generally agreed better online service
By who? You?
>Better exclusives
Again, why are you using your personal taste as argument and fact. What exclusives Xbox One have? Games you posted are all on PC.

>PS4 sold 60m & it's exclusives tend to sit at the 2-3mil range
Uncharted sold 9 mln outselling every exclusive from any platform.

> nintendr0ones trying to defend the indefensible

just accept that sony won again bros

All the Western 3rd party
Japanese exclusive 3rd party
Sony Worldwide Studios are on a role

What are you going on about, the attachment rate is good, the most popular series in the world sell very well on the most popular and successful gaming platform in the world right now. This is all true.

This guy gets it

Not much competition for its niche as the main multiplat machine for normies.

A PC is too complicated for the normies, Xbone burnt its bridges at the start of the generation with force Kinect, always online, can't share games, ect, which set it up to fail for the rest of it's life. Switch/Wii U aren't really a place people are going to buy COD, Fifa and Madden. That leaves PS4 as the only real option for the normies, who, by in large control the industry.

>the attachment rate sucks
PS4 software experiences more competition than on any other platform.

Anyway who cares, PS4's large install base is able to support exclusives and multiplatforms. A game selling 2-3 million copies isn't suddenly a failure because there are 60 million PS4s out there.

You what? Nintendo fanboys only buy Ninetndo colorful kids games. Kamiya tried with Bayonetta 2 and it tanked on WiiU compared to Bayo 1 or even other japanese third party games on PS4.

>Bayo2 on PC never
>NieR on PC never

More than half of that was bundled


The only ones not getting Bayo 2 are Sonybro's

> being this mad about another console's success

wew lad

Fifa, CoD were also bundled. Why do you constantly bring this autistic argument?

Every other console is shit

It have the best Madden and fifa

>That said it's attachment rate is pretty bad,
Literally fucking wrong.
Why does Sup Forums pretend to know anything about games?

>Uncharted 4 sold amazing, just ignore it was bundled with 5+ million PS4's

Why Sup Forums is so buttpain over PS4 success? I see this thread every day.

I bought it bundled, so?


>mario kart 8 and Splatoon sold amazing, just ignore it was bundled with 3 million WiiUs

Only at launch, where it mattered. Xbox has mostly unfucked itself but I think the damage is already done.

>CoD and Fifa sales are only thing that sales. It's not important that they are bundled.
>Uncharted don't count because was bundled!

Seriously why are you so anally obstructed? You even pulled some random number out of your ass.


When MK8 came out Wii U's units barely moved, so this is false

UC4 was sitting at 3-4mil sales for a while & sky rockted recently due to being bundled with $250 PS4's in periods where people buy consoles en mass like Holiday's/Black Friday etc

>When MK8 came out Wii U's units barely moved, so this is false
>UC4 was sitting at 3-4mil sales for a while & sky rockted recently due to being bundled with $250 PS4's

Source: my asshole.

>When MK8 came out Wii U's units barely moved
>then it suddenly shot to 8 million sold after it got bundled
fuck off.

I remember when MK8 came out, all the articles came out saying WiiU sales increased 500% spammed on Sup Forums saying it would make a comeback, nice try.

That means it was a system seller.

It's not like Wii Sports where you got it whether you liked it or not.

> being this mad about another console's success

wew lad


When MK8 came out people were saying it would move Wii U to 20mil Consoles sold & Wii U still got outsold by PS4/Xbone

Guess you are new here & don't remember the shit flinging when that happened

Sorry I'm not American but can someone explain this to me, if there is a bundle does that mean you are not allowed to buy the console alone and choose the games you want? Like if you want the console you will be forced to also buy this specific game?

You're allowed to buy a standalone, but there's less reason to do so because bundles are either the same price or slightly more expensive than the standalone.

Not really, Uncharted 4 is barely the 20th most played game on PSN despite constant updates & being the 5th most sold PS4 game, clearly most people who have it don't play it

>Not really, Uncharted 4 is barely the 20th most played game on PSN despite constant updates & being the 5th most sold PS4 game, clearly most people who have it don't play it

You have some source of those hot news?

>Duke Nukem World Tour

Fuck you nigger

> nintendikids spinning and moving goalposts as usual

How's the next DOA console doing btw?

Or they just played the story and moved on?


>5mln people bought Uncharted just to look at it

Wow, care to post some source?

Nope, in this case the PS4's only came with Uncharted 4 & that was it

Honestly it was a sick deal, one of PS4's best games & a PS4 for $250, makes me jealous im not American

>if there is a bundle does that mean you are not allowed to buy the console alone and choose the games you want

Maybe, maybe not. It depends if the place you are purchasing from have non-bundle consoles in stock. Typically the games in the console bundles are not for individual sale so there's no point in selling the console without the bundled game even if the customer asks, you are just out of money then.

PS4 is losing its customers to Switch

Said the increasingly nervous man for the 14th time this year.

It's not just this really.

Xbox One was fucking destroyed reputation and sales wise due to the practices they had planned back then, and even if they went back, it was too late for them. Sony did their brainwash E3 which made anyone remotely interested in consoles go for PS4.
Unless you were loyal or rich, chances are the console of choice at the time was Playstation , best case scenario you got a PC and a PS.

Maybe MS can get back with One X, but for me atleast this console gen is settled for now. Also helps that exclusive wise, Sony is pretty strong, admittedly not everything they offer is for everyone but they fill enough categories for something to draw most people's attention. The only things that can bring a balance the situation is either Xbox managing to catch an audience again with anything, including better tech, or just Sony's arrogance getting worse and affecting their decisions, impacting the brand in a negative way.

Because it is the choice for normies. Although miltiplats are best on PC normies can't into PC gaming so for them the PS4 is the best choice for multiplats. On top of that PS4 has all the movie game exclusives which are very popular among normies.

It's honestly so fucking grim how well the Wii sold compared to the last gen consoles.

Source: My ass.