Goy thread

Goy thread

Anything people are backing that they are really excited for, thinking about backing or have backed and they absolutely love? Or even just laughably bad projects or good stories of shitty people taking the money and running?

Pic related

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Pretty hyped for this game, looks to be inspired by fantasy life but with monster raising (no, not like pokemon). Going to have multiplayer right from the get go and the monster raising looks to be fairly in depth. Graphics are meh but it looks well enough.


Only nintoddlérs could ever be into that game.

Also stop shilling your game.

is this a shill thtread?
Because if it is, it worked on me.


>putting re in front of everything
I'm sick of this meme

Isn't that a Square Enix game? Anyway I'm a sucker for anything cute and similar to Harvest Moon, so I'll try if it ever releases.

I hate this, unless it allows me to make some really sexycute ones.

I know that terrible anime that Sup Forums loves Re:zero, but is there any other that do this?

>Sup Forums loves Re:zero

Don't project your animeshit onto Sup Forums

Looks like Digimon World aka the greatest monster raising game of all time

I never watched it, but it was shitposted here to death, particularly the blue haired girl, fuck off.

Sup Forumsfags don't represent Sup Forums. Just look at that guy spamming daily "black haired shy anime girl snifging her hair"

>like looking at max backer tiers for shits
>this one you get to become one of the game producers
>you will never have the money to back with the max value on games you want to come out

Only a producer? Necrocosmos is offering an Executive Producer role:


I'm backing this too. I'm ashamed but it looked too good to just ignore. Time Factory left a hole in my heart that this may fill.

I've noticed a few of these RF like games come out on early access or kickstarter lately. Do you think if the genre becomes the next big meme then we might actually get RF5? Because I will totally shill some shitty knockoffs if it brings more attention to the genre from real developers

Actually i been aware about the project back when they just announce it, but didn't really care all that much since it's going to be another kickstarter stuff.
I want this game to not fail, but then i seen the stretch goal.

Well only $S 78,000 Left so we can get on the switch and after that the others. He advance 10,000 - 20,000 for day so is a good sign. And the backer always answer my questions

Looks cute as fuck. Like a ridiculously cute Rune Factory. And it's coming to PC and not handheld exclusive.

It's on my watch list.

Is it multiplayer-only game?
Can't believe they pledge only that much to make MP game, giving promise for multiplat even.

it does not and it is not

Is not the developers of rf dead?

Apparently they are still working under a different name, it's just that their last game (not RF4, some maid/inn management game with combat) kinda flopped.

>Can't believe they pledge only that much to make MP game, giving promise for multiplat even.
Also they want to put cross-play between platforms

What game?

This one.