Is this the best competitive game on the market?


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Best competitive game would be rocket league.
Csgo still doesn't have 126 tick and the spray and first shot is a little bit rng which shouldn't.
Not to mention even the e-sports scene has hackers.

Even Valve hates it, treating it like a red headed stepchild (and the stepchild isn't even an idiom, they outsourced its development to third parties).
This is why they don't have an International, like Dota, which they love infinitely more.

i don't know


the loosers of Sup Forums will cry otherwise because it's popular but this is objectively the correct answer right now

can you repeat the question?

with "best" do you mean the one of highest quality or the one that is the most skill-based/competitive?

if you mean the latter: a team-based game can never be the most skill-based or competitive. This is true for video games and real life sports as well. The game youre looking for is probably a fighting game, cant tell which one is the most skill-based though since im not that much into the scene.

>best competitive
>even more casual than cod


it's fun to play and has a classic flow to it that makes it enjoyable to watch

no because its RNG and not skill

No. That's probably a fighting game. And if we're talking fps then an arena shooter would be better.

>find random weapons in random places

I'm being baited, am i?

olof and guardian to faze boys




the most hacked game on the market maybe

Best competitive fps by a long shot

Super Smash Brothers Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube (2001)

Money sponges Arent good games

call of duty search and destroy would be more competitve if it wasn't for the game being designed for consoles.

>buy game
>play game and don't suck
>have fun as long as you don't play dust 2
>get skin drops
>make money back easily in under a year

seriously, I have gotten around $50 from in game drops and selling them on the market.

>game that handles recoil like CS does


>A game that has people blatantly cheating at major tournaments

No, i'm sorry.
I like CS, but the matches are pretty much soft HvH nowdays.


I've been playing it for 2+ years.

>a good game doesn't require you to set up essential settings through it the console
>a good game doesn't require you to meddle with it's files just to change the crosshair
>a good game doesn't crash randomly or disconnect randomly (did this on 2 of my PCs, my friends' PCs, teammates' PCs)

It's a buggy mess. It was developed for consoles and ported by mongoloids.
The entire game is too unstable and unoptimized.
It feels like an indie alpha version of an "early access" greenlight game ffs


>run around the corner
>12 year old kid playing on the opposite team
>notice the faggot first and start firing first because LEL reaction time is useful in FPS games
>try tapping because the game's retarded-ass fucking recoil and spray patterns are worse than Hitler
>hit the kid once in the leg, once in the torso
>in the meantime, Tim, age 5 just holds down the left mouse button while turning in my general direction
>get headshotted instantly

Good game.

I've played CS since beta in 1998, the current iteration is pretty wonky, but the basic idea of the game are fundamentally the same as they always have been. Tap shooting is pretty shitty compared to 1.6, but I think GO is an improvement to something like CS:Source because that was pretty much the CS for people who are too shitty to play 1.6 due to the retard huge hitboxes and disgustingly easy b-hopping.

CS will always be thrown around as the most competitive game because it's been throwing around that title for 17 years, do we really need to ask the question if it's the best? It's such an arbitrary and subjective question, who really cares?

RNG games can't be competitive. It's a joke, much like competitive poker.

The best competitive fps is 6s in tf2.

>the game's retarded-ass fucking recoil and spray patterns are worse than Hitler
The first ten bullets are literally just pull down. Sounds like you're just bad at the video game and making excuses for why you got rekt by a little kid.

no, everyone complains about that shit.

You're defending a company for free, that's shilling.
CSGO feels like a buggy, broken indie early access rng game.

I guess that's what you get with an Xbox 360 game that gets ported to PC

nah its siege

>You're defending a company for free, that's shilling.
So, saying you're shit at the game for being unable to beat a 12 year old kid is shilling now? Fuck off, retard.

I don't know

No because there are better alternatives.


>The first ten bullets are literally just pull down.
So? It's fucking retarded anyway, the sheer thought that you have to settle for this shit instead of wanting the game to be designed properly.

Different user, but there's no indication of recoil. Pulling the mouse down works, but it's knowing the speed and how much you pull your mouse down is the problem. There's no visual muzzle climb.

Other FPSs are a lot better because it tells you on how to manage recoil and it shows you the muzzle climb. For example

>Lightweight 5.56 rifles have a larger muzzle climb than SMGs with 9mm.

A modern "Realistic" shooter is supposed to fit in with ironsights, but how CSGO works with no ironsights should be limited to arena shooters.

t. someone that goes to firing ranges

No that would be Splatoon 2.

ITT: Sup Forums can't into spray patterns and blames rng

You can put literally anything next to the pile of shit we have today

Of course it's out the ones that are alive today

ITT nu/v/ defends spray patterns instead of a developer making a good game
Summer over yet?

t. dmg who claims pros hack

I'd say Dota is better in terms of fun but from a skill viewpoint CS blows everything else out of the water

>t. someone that goes to firing ranges
If you'd have actually fired a real automatic rifle you'd know that even a deviation of a single degree can cause your bullet to miss
Recoil isn't some magical thing where your weapon flies into the outer reaches of space, it's the small deviations that matter the most and you can barely feel or see that shit

Of course though because you're right because deviations also occur even in semi-automatic. Firing actual guns is a lot harder than what movies/video games portray them, even on semi-automatic.

What I'm saying is that in other FPS games, they at least visually show you a way on managing muzzle climb. In CSGO, there is no visible muzzle climb because the firing animation just repeats instead of it being dynamic. You have to remember the spray patterns even though guns don't have them in real life.

can you repeat the question?

>defending a company for free, that's shilling.
You heard it here first, opinions are now shilling.