Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2
Final Fantasy XIV

Give me your best selling point to any of these games. What is the best MMO RPG.

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>no Overlord mmo

FFXIV Stormblood has a free trial up to level 35.

All 3 of those are pure garbage and you should play none of them. The worst of them is Guild Wars 2 since the game is ran entirely by SJWs.

Black Desert is the current best.

Well, if you play WoW you have thousands of hours of old content you can go back and experience, and volumes of lore to delve into.
If you play FFXIV, you have probably the best story you'll find in an MMO - though I wouldn't say it's fantastic when taken on its own - and if you discuss it on Sup Forums you can trigger the shit out of select people.
If you play GW2, meanwhile, you can piss on the grave of the hopes and dreams of the obnoxious GW1fags, I guess?

WoW because it has actual endgame

>Black Desert

Neck yourself.

WoW because the combat isn't absolute ass.