I don't have time to watch it. tldr please

i don't have time to watch it. tldr please

>jim sterling

yes you do, you fucking neet.


Said that its much like the first game without a great deal extra.

Fine for once due to console jump, cant happen again else its p shitty of them.

>Lard Chuggling
no thanks

oi gimme spandex so i can pretend that im a trap

Hey i bet the splatoon fans don't throw a fucking fit and start doxxing and threatening him like the zelda fans did when he gave botw a 7.

Jim Sterling is suprisingly entertaining when he's not screeching like an autist

ah he's one of those "muh team" shitters not surprising

I'd wait a week before speaking, user.

>Jim Sterling
you might as well just link to a ExtraCredits video to watch some fag babble on about how his opinion matters

fucking fat shit

pretty sure it took like 2 hours and a single percent drop in the metacritic score for zelda fans to start going rabid. and i don't get it, 7/10 is a good score.

>That one fat fuck makes a video about Splatoon
>Now this fat fuck makes a video about Splatoon; talking about the same shit

You know what the Splatoon team should've done? a Splatoon racing game, how's that for a difference; or maybe an Inkling raising sim.

>Jim sterling
If I wanna watch a satirist I'd watch a better one.

It would be cool if he was shitting on nintendo for the sake of shitting on nintendo, not because he's a sony cocksucking maggot who panders to neogaf for a living.

Who gives a fuck about Gum Spermling's opinion to begin with? Have you seen the fucking guy? Why do you give, one, single, fuck, about a man that probably doesn't even wipe his ass?

I honestly can't understand anyone who gets mad that some e-celeb on the internet doesn't have the exact same opinion on something as they do. What gives this fat fuck's opinion any weight to you at all?

>people like a game
>fat '''reviewer''' says "I'm gonna shit on this game for arbitrary bullshit" when in truth he's just trying to get clicks from people who already dislike said game
>Sup Forums sucks his dick, says nintenbros btfo, ect ect
It's so stale, it's so transparent, and it's unbelievable that people give this guy attention. It's the exact same deal with how people ride Shad's cock when he's a below average artist who gets attention from edgy reddtors, not because he's an artist worth following, but because he pisses of le sjw cucks. I hate you people.

He was right about BotW though.

I'm ready to make the last Switch I'll ever need to.
What's the cheapest price on a PS4 right now?




>one of the first criticisms of the game is the kid & squid meme
I don't even own a wiiu or a switch and this is enough to understand this man is a manchild and should not be taken seriously

hmm looks like Slant's gunning for that sweet sweet Nintendo payola


>My name is Jim Sterling
>I am fat
>I am in an open relationship with my fat wife

speaking of splattering paint all over the place

i like how alot of Sup Forums is video game hipsters. they HAVE to hate a video game because other people like it.

I don't think people who are fat should be able to talk about games. Because if they can't take care of themselves, then what merit does their opinion have?

>the game is too similar for a sequel
How is this a negative? What the hell qualifies to be a sequel?

Jim Sterling is honestly a giant hack

People here don't like FO4 because it's not good

Beth Fallout is shit dude, sorry.

Maybe Nintendo should have just called it Splatoon Deluxe to avoid the backlash?

I need context. The post doesn't link to whatever tweet that is a response to and I'm not going to crawl through his Twitter to figure it out.

Keep telling yourself that, NVfag

No no, Sup Forums hated FO4 well before fat fuck talked about it.

waiting for monhun to get the switch, but doesn't this look a bit worse than splatoon 1?

>I need context
he's a cuck