Revive Battlefield 2

Why aren't you playing BATTLEFIELD 2 user?
You a cod baby?

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dling now

ty user, didnt know ppl were still playing

installed 2142 the other day

might as well install BF2

Your welcome, you can register and download the game at

Honestly having more fun with BF2 than any recent BF

Because it's rubbish. Squad is everything Battlefield should've been.

BF2 is shit

good battlefields:

Battlefield 1942
Battlefield Vietnam
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Battlefield 2142

the end

im downloading 2142 instead

it was dogshit

Nah, Project Reality is far superior to Squad.

>Battlefield 2142
my negro

amerifag still salty about losing the war?

Grenade field:2

project reality runs worse than squad which is retarded

>not just playing ArmA 3

I'm already playing Project: Reality.
Why should I go back to vanilla?

>everyone hates the L85
>tfw it could one shot people

>Want to play Battlefield 2
>Remember all the dolphin diving

>Want to play Battlefield 2
>Remember the j-10's

>vanilla Battlefields

im playing 2142 revive instead
less grenade spamming and titan attacking is fun

is it populated enough?

there was a server with 30 people an hour ago
let me check to see how many are on now

Played the shit out of this for awhile around this time last year. I see the BF2 side still has some players. 2142 desperately needed more

theres a server with 45 people and one with 12

We didn't lose, bitch.

when you have to retreat so fast youre pushing helicopters off your aircraft carriers you fucking lost

Bad Company 2 needs to be repopulated

it is

i like games were you aim at a guy and you can hit him

Is local multi working on these versions?

>tfw always get fucked by the LAV-25
>in every BF its in

No thanks.

cause bf 1942/1943 remake and bf 4 are better

BF2 and its shit maps suck donkey dick most of the servers are full of jet fags too

imma try streaming this shit

another 0 viewer episode

hell im bored enough to watch, whats the link

Name ten reasons that don't include the fact that it had been out for years before Squad was even conceived and thus had more time to build up to where it is today. I swear every time somebody talks about PR being "superior" they're always talking about "muh content" and conveniently forget that that content didn't just all magically appear the second PR was made.

I'd watch user but I just put a 2 tb hd in my ps4 and have to dl all my games

I think he's the only one streaming BF2 right now.

Because it has the worst gunplay I have ever seen?

Content is still a major factor, even if what you say is right. Only thing Squad's got going over PR right now is better gunplay and a more active community.

Are the 2142 servers still active on a regular basis? Had a sudden craving to go play it the other day.

PC port when?

Never ever. They canceled it to do some shitty BC2 dlc. It wasn't Vietnam, I think it was that co-op thing.


Because I'm playing BF4

ususally a couple servers and they are full