>this game is sjw tumblr bullshit because the main character isnt a white male
This game is sjw tumblr bullshit because the main character isnt a white male
They usually are, you faggot contrarian cuck.
Is that Tomska? Did he let himself go? What ever happened to that guy?
>a loving and healthy homosexual relationship with zero "fanservice" between non-conventionally attractive characters
>game has a woman of color
>Sup Forums tells me to think it's sjw bullshit
He was so overcome by grief over his friend's death that he became him in order to keep his memory alive.
Just like Cosmo.
Why isn't there more games set in sub-sarahan africa though?
I mean doesn't anyone want a cod edition of the rwandan genocide? Or a game where you get to play as some zulu spear chucker?
Got morbidly obese and turned into a sadsack white knight desperately trying to remain relevant as his audience grows up and moves on.