I love you Sup Forums, you're the closest thing to a family I have

I love you Sup Forums, you're the closest thing to a family I have...

No wonder you're so fucked up

hang in there.

literally the closest thing I have to hanging out with people my age



try out v4c if you havent already guys

Hi Sup Forums it's my birthday today!!!

Kill yourself, faggot.

jmahuen is a fag

Fuck off sjw libtard cuck jew

Happy birthday user! Hope you have a good day

Happy B-day, Leobro! Mine is tomorrow.

>28 year old ugly poorfag NEET virg

Thank you Kirby boy!
Happy birthday in advance to you too!

my mom died yesterday

if were all family that means I can't hook up with any of the girls here unless they're into incest, that sucks

I fucked a dead woman today.

Love you too, user.

luv u faget

`Happy birthday user!

Happy Early birthday for you too!

Imagine being this pathetic

>Imagine being

my deep condolences user

What's your btc wallet. I'll send you 40 cents my nigga.


We are all gonna make it one day user.



it's funny on occasion, but it's completely degraded into emote spam memes

thanks bro
I'm a filthy nocoiner

honestly fucking sad you "love" Sup Forums especiallly in their current state. but what can i say im stuck here too

this must be the second shittiest summer of my entire life.


As much as I like to shit this place I love you all too Sup Forums

Love you all.

Even if I hate this board, I still like y'all.

From /po/

>tfw being on Sup Forums 12 years
I thought I escaped, too. Was clean for 8+ months. Then I remembered, you're here forever.

fack u btich



what else would you do allday erryday?
Sup Forums always has a tab reserved on my browser.

If you guys are at the very least on the outskirts of a city, then go around the city. Even if you hate it, there's a good chance that you'll do it just to see what people do in a city when you go on your walks. Enter buildings and see what's around. In one of my walks I found out that there's a general store where some old man comes in most if not every day at around 5:00PM. It turns out that he's a millionaire that sculpted the nice as hell statues littered around the general store. He likes to be in the store and have people haggle him for the statues. The store owner told me that it's best to start below the price you want and you can work from there. He just likes to think that he won the deal. I also tried to go into my city's Freemason Masonic Temple, but the curator is on vacation until August 9th and so I'll have to come back then to check out their U.S. Civil War museum. If you're not the talkative type like I wasn't, just pull a Revolver Ocelot and do some hypnotic suggestion and light brainwashing to at least pretend to be outgoing. It really does work. I do this all alone and I still enjoy myself. You can find out some pretty neat stuff about where you live, and you can still come back home and play some vidya when you get bored or sick of walking about.

s there an anime character stronger than Madara Uchiha?

And I’m referring to Rinne Tensei Madara Uchiha with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikidou paths ability) equipped with his Gunbai and control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, a complete Susano’o, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in his chest so he can perform Mokuton kekkei genkai and yin-yang release ninjutsu as well as being extremely skilled in taijutsu and bukijutsu.

fack u bidge

12 years guy here.
I have a pretty nice social life and do outgoing things quite a bit. I go rock climbing with friends, ride my bike a lot, and go on camping expeditions. I just always come back to Sup Forums when I get home, like the average person watches TV. Excellent advice though.

been here since 07, Sup Forums as a whole since 06. Sup Forums is like that family or friend that always wants to keep you at their level. The more you hang around with them and listen to them the more you will stay at their level. Once you leave that friend for a while and get yourself together you can talk to them again, but the friendship will never be the same. Never be as close as it once was because that friend just can't move on with his life.

Duuuude guys. This girl games and I'm in love with her. She lives down the hall.

fack u bittch

>falling for 3dpd
She probably doesn't have good taste. Also,

fuck off