Would you play a ww2 game where all of the soldiers are cute girls?

Would you play a ww2 game where all of the soldiers are cute girls?

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No, that shit's fucking annoying


No, that's lame as fuck.
Give me a dressup/cooking/house decoration game where all of the characters are buff manly men.

no thats bullshit, I want a American civil war style game where all the soldiers are milfy/christmas cake magical girls


Beat me to it

>mfw antietam during this

Why are there no American civil war games?

to be fair, the style of warfare might not suit an action game. I think they could make a game where you play as skirmishers armed with sharps or spencer rifles could work though.

Other than that, Ultimate General: Civil War recently released and it's apparently pretty decent.

There's the Ultimate General games.

Fuck you, you just made me remember those retarded fucking Covenant enemies in Halo Reach.


It's not a war our country is particularly proud of, nor is it very marketable.

Fucking japs, have they no shame? That's some embarrassing shit


Where's my moe SoL Holocaust anime?

Fucking nips asking for a third nuke

>set fire to an enemy tank
>hear the girls screaming inside burning alive
I'd rather not OP.

That'd be literally half the fun

>screaming krauts
my kind of game

>capture enemy tank
>take the girls as prisoners
There are no rules in war, user.

Females and combat simply don't mix.

she would probably burn alive in the tank user

Fucking pussy, just thinking about that makes my dick hard.

That's why I said capture, not blow up, idiot.

I'm still burned out on world war 2 from the Battlefield 1942, Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, etc years.

I want a TPS with cute anime girls.
Bullet Girls but that's kusoge.

delet this

there are literally hundreds of them, just none of them are AAA FPSs

Those enemies were fucking great and it's a shame they haven't been included in other Halo games.

>It's not a war our country is particularly proud of

Obviously not American.

I'm proud of striking fear into the heart of rednecks

If they do the dying like when bullets are flying instead of highschool antics like GuP sure, why not.


Clearly neither of you have heard of the classic Darkest of Days.