The great thing about SSB for Switch is that it's not being made from Scratch.
I expect tons of new features in it.
Austin Wright
Colton Jenkins
everyone knows it's coming but just waiting for it to be announced.
It'll use all of the same character models from Wii U with some upgrades. New levels, new fighters, etc.
It'll be Smash Bros perfected.
Ian Roberts
um no sweetie, until melee's mechanics are back it won't be perfect
Nicholas Davis
>It'll use all of the same character models from Wii U with some upgrades. New levels, new fighters, etc. Considering the title follows the same pattern as smash 4 (Smash Bros 4 Nintendo Switch) I highly expect a deluxe edition
Camden Perry
But Melee wasn't perfect either.
Camden Long
true, but it's gameplay mechanics are
Robert Rivera
>There'll be Smash announced at the NX reveal! >Ergh, at E3 there'll be Smash >There'll be Smash, I'm telling you! I have inside sources! >IT'LL BE HERE SOME DAY. JUST YOU WAIT! YOU'LL RUE THE DAY YOU DOUBTED CREDIBLE TWITTER LEAKER64!!!
Brandon Rivera
A popular nintendo franchise coming to the new nintendo console? You are such brilliant detectives :o
Nolan Peterson
Smash Switch is being held for a rainy year because they know it'll steal thunder from everything else they had at this year's E3.
Colton Turner
Of Fucking course the Switch will have smash bros
But it's not a Sm4sh port
Hunter Evans
>exploits are perfect only melee fags are this retarded
Jonathan Parker
when they enhance a game they are, would you call combos shit in SF2?
Hudson Brooks
Please stop this ridiculous idea that this incredibly broken and mistaken game is "perfect." It's not a boring game, but it's not perfect. It's heavily flawed, but because of its flaws it is entertaining.
Ryder Ramirez
explain how the mechanics are flawed
Logan Kelly
When a new Smash is announced you will see "leakers" taking credit.
No shame.
Adrian Brooks
Melee is very clunky and stiff now that I look back.
David Barnes
Sterling's assistant tattooed a rabbid on >her arm for the amazing accomplishment of copy pasting a leak from a French blog.
Luis Adams
you didn't explain why a single mechanic is flawed
Cameron Ward
SF2 was developed with combos in consideration.
Lucas Ortiz
right but cancels weren't part of that which extend combos. Are you saying we should get rid of cancels?
Liam Sullivan
A character from Ubisoft will make a first time appearance and it will be RaBBID
Anthony Reed
Well July 21st has long since passed so this is pretty useless and false information
Luis Hill
Funny you had to change your argument. But to answer I wouldn't get rid of cancels, no that matters since I'm not the same user which you replied first.
Joseph Sullivan
Yeah, I misspoke. The thought process is the same though
Tyler Gutierrez
This was a trivia question posted on Nintendo's website today...
Tyler Campbell
think they will add in smash run?
Ryder Harris
>letting meleefaggotry actually convince you its a superior game
hehehe ummmmm no sweetie~ try again
Ethan Flores
>new gimmicky party/single player mode >new splatoon character >new fire emblem character from upcoming game >states from both consoles >3 new stages: Mario Odyssey, Breath of the Wild and Splatoon >2 new items for level editor >no adventure story mode >no new stages that aren't deseperately trying to advertise recent games >no geno, no fawful, no king k roll, no ridley, no midna or whatsoever >time will be still the default game mode
Ethan Smith
>Are you saying we should get rid of cancels? No because Capcom themselves thought it was good so kept it
Meanwhile Brawl had measures in place to prevent most of the exploits Melee had.
Landon Miller
>Meanwhile Brawl had measures in place to prevent most of the exploits Melee had.
and brawl is by far and away the shittiest smash game
Thomas Brown
L cancelling is stupid because there's never a situation to NOT do it. It would make more senas to simply reduce the recovery of moves to the L cancelled versions, as it stands it's an entirely arbitrary execution barrier.
Jaxon Moore
i want to suck reggies dick so he will give me a switch
Jason Flores
I agree. Even PM has an option to make it automatic.
Sebastian Watson
While what you're saying is right, it doesn't take away from the game, it just increases the execution barrier. I wouldn't consider that a flawed mechanic
Justin Diaz
When there's an execution barrier for not making your aerials horrendous shit with no redeeming factor without the cancel I would definitely call it "flawed". Maybe if a non L canceled version had higher kill potential or something it would make more sense but that's not the case.
Ryan Sullivan
they should automatically make your aerials fade back out of grab range too so you just don't have to do anything
Cameron Brown
No? Spacing should still be a key part of the game, unless you're trying to make some sort of facetious insinuation that arguing against L cancelling makes you too casual or something in which case you're a massive faggot.
Nathaniel Nelson
PROTIP: If it is NOT NCL saying it, then it is NOT confirmed, period.
Anthony Bell
there's some basic shit like actual momentum into jumps the games past Melee really should have
Gabriel Mitchell
the removal of momentum from jumps in a PLATFORM fighter is beyond retarded. Fuck Sakurai for his anti competitive crusade
Henry Hernandez
>But it's not a Sm4sh port This. The legalities of having all the third party characters, stages and music that were new is definitely too much of a headache. Expect no Ryu or Cloud in Smash 5. Bayo i can see possibly keeping her spot.
Connor Cox
Ledges. There faggot
Bentley Ortiz
In what way? Ledge camping is counterable and removal of edge-hogging was cancerous as it makes stocks/matches last forever
Justin Anderson
That stages remark has me wondering if this is supposed to be a mad post or a glad post.
Ryder Robinson
Jacob Russell
In other news, water is wet. Like, no shit, of course they're going to make a Smash for switch. Was anyone seriously surprised by this?
Kevin Wright
>time will be still the default game mode
What a whiney baby thing to complain about.
Josiah Sanchez
>Was anyone seriously surprised by this? No, but people will seriously be trying to take credit for 'predicting' it happening.