CoH/CoV Thread

CoH/CoV Thread

What'd you play? Which side did you prefer? Will any other MMO make a pet class as awesome as the mastermind was?

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I think he was a Boba Fett-esqe bounty hunter kinda guy. Damn, it's been a while.

Agreed on the villain side. The rampage missions felt so fucking good. Nothing like robbing a bank after demolishing an entire portion of the city.

Villains had all the fun archetypes. I especially liked Brutes and had a Dr. Doom inspired guy named Baron Bludgfaust who ran around punching people in his mystic armor.

I also made a ton of characters with terrible pun names.

its mandatory to have pun names or edge names if you played villains

While blue side had most of the players, red side had the best zones, missions, enemy groups, contact storylines, and archetypes. I used to play my nin/nin stalker religiously. I fucking loved being able to oneshot bosses and combo mobs with the ninja blade's Tier 8 and 9 powers, and caltrops were extremely underrated. Once I got him minmaxed with 45% defense against all 3 positional attack types, I was just as tanky as a well built brute. The buff stalkers got in Issue 22 made them even better, and it felt great having such insane DPS on teams that people would ask me almost every single day about my build.

And no, the only way an MMO will ever make a minion master that was as fun as a mastermind is if they just copied every single mechanic that masterminds had. I miss it so fucking much.

MM was so outlandishly fuckin broken

Still, pretty fun

i played everything because i had a serious case of altitis. never even got a character to 50 even though i played on and off since the beta

i think the villain powersets were a little more creative, but i hated the environments and am glad that i don't have to trudge through mercy island again

and no, pet classes are usually pretty bad. i liked WoW's warlock, though.

I hate to say it, but I don't think I would have got any character to 50 if the game didn't end. I just happened to subscribe right before the shut down announcement, so I got full access right up until they closed. Since I just unlocked the Street Justice power pack I made a fresh guy and did all the content I could with him.

I think it would be easier to list what i didnt play.
Fuck I miss this game so much...How is it that not a single fucking private server has popped up?
The world, the lore, the style... It was all so good I just want to run lowbie sewer groups again...

Honestly one of my favorite parts of the game was that there wasn't much of an end game. I'd level a character up, get bored, and try a new archetype combo. As clique as it is, it seemed they focused on the journey and not the destination.

PvP was a joke though. I don't think they should have even wasted the resources on developing it.

>got Street Justice right before sunset was announced
>never got it to 50
hurts me to this day because I was having a lot of fun with it

they did start adding more end game eventually

and it was fucking great

God I remember getting home from school and checking the mail if I got one of those new city of heroes comics they did. I loved those shitty comics.

>You will never come home and hear this music again

of my 50s, I think my Katana/Dark Armor blue side Scrapper was my favorite to play, although I also really fell in love with Street Justice/Regen Praetorian Scrapper later on in the game

basically Scrapper a best


It's been so long I had forgotten how dope the soundtrack was. Here's the villain login music just for good measure.

Too bad is dead and never coming back

Why were these games supposedly not complete shit again? I've forgotten.

hopefully one of the successor projects actually gets off the ground and is reasonably successful

I really hated that they started changing some of the music when the game went F2P. The music in Darwin's Landing was extremely nostalgic for me because I first started with CoV back when it first released and hearing this song when I first entered the slums was one of the best feelings I had ever gotten from an MMO.
Then in i21 they completely revamped Mercy Island and made it so you already spawned in the giant fortress of Mercy, instead of starting in the run down slums and having to work your way through it. To top it all off, they changed the music in Darwin's Landing to this generic shit

Lots of customization and the perfect level of cornyness.

ghost widow the original waif

>creating a character was super fun
>degree of customization (both cosmetically and gameplay-wise) was insane while also being surprisingly balanced, i.e. a bajillion builds that were all viable, and you'd have to try to find someone who looked just like you
>one of the earliest examples of your character's appearance being entirely unrelated to their stats
>gameplay was reasonably engaging at all levels
>character development was meaningful across all levels
>looked pretty decent for a 2004 game
>good original lore
>good writing
>filled a niche that other games have failed to fill
the only real flaw it had for a good chunk of its lifespan was lack of a really meaty endgame, although that was more than fixed over time.

Ice/Ice Blaster - Vanilla Ice
Fire/Ice Controller - Pyrite
Soldiers/Traps Mastermind with Stargate theme - Jack O'Neill
Storm Summoning/Ice Defender - Dr.Nimbus
Dual swords/Regen Scrapper - Pool of the Dead
Illusion/Kinetics Controller - Mr. Mirage
Invul/Earth Tanker- Brother Earth

These are all the ones I can remember. I still hate NCsoft to this day and refuse to buy anything even remotely related to them out of spite, especially after what they did to Statesman.

i did find someone once that was just barely different from me; slightly darker skin, different colored tie, no shoulderpads

my character was just "lady in suit" so it wouldn't be too surprising to find someone like that, but still

It was so hard to find good storm defenders, but played right they were a blast to group with
>All those unique characters
>With different themes

>actual difficulty sliders that gave players the freedom to adjust missions however they wanted
>players could scale mob levels anywhere from 1 level above the player's level, all the way up to 4 levels above, and even increase the number of enemies per mob to challenge themselves
>instead of going for "hardcore audience only" bullshit they even let casual players reduce the difficulty so enemies spawned 1 level under the player, but lower level meant less exp and slower leveling
>CoH had classes like support, tank, DPS, crowd control, and control/support hybrids
>CoV brought class hybrids, from pseudo-tank/dps to control/dps hybrids, stealth based burst damage, dps/support hybrids
>every class had a place in the game and while it was possible to create trinity based teams, trinity wasn't a requirement or even the best way to play the game
>debuffs/buffs could be stacked, meaning a team with 8 debuffers could apply so many debuffs that their damage output was technically higher than a full team of 8 dps
>tons of build variety due to recipes/set bonuses
>tons of content that was always enjoyable to play
>low level content starts out challenging, with simple 3 man mobs being average and fighting 2 mobs at once could mean death
>high level content turned the game into a fucking Musou, standing toe to toe with groups of 10+ enemies
>teaming is encouraged solely due to the fact that more players = more enemies = more exp per mission, and not because of bullshit questlines that force you to play with PUGs if you want to continue the story
>an actual good community that was always friendly and enjoyed helping/playing with others
>combat was simple tab targetting, but the animation quality, audio and enemy reactions to the powers kept the combat interesting no matter how long you played
>LFG was nothing more than a large roster of player names and details about their class, and it was up to you to form teams with them

Which of the 3 major successor projects do you guys see having the most success?
Ship of heroes, Valiance online, or City of Titans?

whichever one I like the most when they come out

I don't see any of them doing any well, but probably VO or CoT. I remember reading somewhere that CoT won't even have a stealth class, so fuck that shit. Then I think VO was the one with Golden Girl on the team, so that's a trainwreck waiting to happen. All 3 seem to lack the charm that CoH had, and being able to move while "casting" is a huge turnoff to me because the animations always look fucking terrible when strafing and using a power. I don't even like capeshit, City of Heroes was just a really really good game and I would have enjoyed it no matter what genre it was.

i really can't imagine any of them working at all, or even coming out

I didn't find Mastermind all that fun.
Maybe it's because I'm so used to playing Melee classes in games, but I just felt like I was standing back doing nothing.
I gave Robotics/Force Field a legitimate try, but after a while I felt like I was just forcing myself to play and went back to my Sword/Regen Scrapper.

Champions Online

You would think by now they should have merge the team and cut their losses.

I'm fucking mad that I never got to try Warbringer/Peacekeeper, got a character so close too. Villian Mastermind was cool as shit and made soloing missions easy as fuck, but I mostly played a Hero Blaster when I found a broken as fuck combo (I think it was sound+lightning) and mowed down everything in the game.

I could never get into Peebles and Warshades. liked the Arachnos archetypes more.