What went wrong?

>Get DS
>Play for some hours
>Realize I can have a better time playing Minecraft in survival

Too much grinding.

Wendy for cute spider genocide
Wickerbottom for not dying horribly

Robot guy, every time

custom anime girl

Wickerbooty op

Wrid is best in pubs because of sanity and life leech.


best character.


Wigfrid, all day every day.

I have close to 400 hours across various iterations goddamn how am I not tired of this game

Because it's an amazing game. I've never gotten tired of it. Switch port plz.


>If you don't like Sup Forums culture... LEAVE

>I-I was only pretending

>send people away because they called you out on a pathetic error

If you admitted to your mistake and/or turn it into a joke instead you wouldn't look like a massive faggot right now and people would let go and laugh with you and not at you.

This game is surprisingly fun when playing with people from Sup Forums threads, it's a shame it's not played here more often.
I'd make one now but my internet is probably too shit.

"I was only pretending to be retarded"

Does anyone else find this game very unsettling? I can't play it for more than 2 hours

The creepiness is part of the fun.

Yeah wigfrid is the best. Just build near spiders and youre set

Klei never made PVP updates. Once you get good at surviving, this game gets boring as fuck.

I think you nailed it. Every time I think about playing Don't Starve my eyes just glaze over at the thought of crawling around on a new map finding everything and gradually working my way up the shit-tiers. With Don't Starve it feels like everything is just a shitty waste of time until you're well settled, but in other survival games like Subnautica/the Forest/Long Dark the early stages don't feel like as much of a waste. Though Subnautica's close.

Wendy or Webber honestly

Webber best boy

>winter ending
>hear deerclops moan
>equip my armor and spear ready to slap his shit
>fuck up a little bit at the start, don't kill him fast enough
>sanity drains too much and am now being chased by shadow beasts and deerclops at night
>all of a sudden see deerclops' death animation
>pengulls step out from the darkness
>pengulls eat the deerclops eyeball
Didn't even know those fuckers did that.

>tfw spending your winters night next to a campfire listening to the sounds of your spider brethren murdering each other in a war you started so you can drown have more monster meat than you'll ever need
It's an oddly comfy feeling

Yup. The games difficulty is wonky as fuck. Its hard, gets easier, gets mega fucking hard, then it's a joke. Having a ham bat and three logsuits ready with 8 jerky makes the deer cyclops trivial. Farming spiders is easy with traps. Etc.

The initial rush to find a decent place to live, getting your drying racks up and running, and then shoveling resources and stock piling for winter is most of the difficulty. Spring is easy as fuck, and summers a minor nuisance because you need your base built around flingomatics.

You can eat the Deerclops eyeball which makes it technically Food as far as the game is concerned. Food is either an Animal based food (meat or eggs or edible animal parts) or a plant (fruit/vegetable)

almost every mob in the game, pengulls included, will eat an 'Animal' based source of food if it is on the floor next to them.

Fighting dragonfly without cheesing it with rocks or the flute is hard.

How is the co-op compared to the single player? What happens if one player dies?

I came up with a character concept for this, but never got good enough at coding to actually make it.
>Warwick, the Goat Herder
>Australian hermit who hasn't seen other people in years
>Starts off with a brush and has a cheap recipe to make them
>Voltgoats don't run away from him and he can brush them for electric milk
>Heat resistant
>Has bad luck with weather, lightning strikes happen more often around him
>Not used to cold weather

Basically someone who's designed for surviving in a summer desert. Most of his dialogue referred to Aboriginal myths, how he's happy to actually see other people for a change and how much he misses his wife.

How's your first day on Sup Forums newfriends?

you want a challenge try shipwrecked
can't prepare for fucking meteor showers every year


His ghost hang around and puts a drain on the living's Sanity until they perform a recipe to resurrect.

>make your base in walking distance to a mangrove pond
>when the volcano is about to erupt, just hang around in the mangrove farm. have an umbrella, boat repair kit, some food, a fishing rod, and torches in your inventory if it is close to night time
>either sit in the shade and enjoy 100% overheat resistance, or fish to kill time
>when the volcano erupts, equip your umbrella if in the day for heat resistance or a torch at night so you can see, and dodge the volcano rocks while trying to stay in the mangrove pond and not leaving it (At the very least, stay in the ocean and dont go on land)
>when the eruption is over, repair your boat if necessary, and pick up free twigs and wood from the mangroves that will regrow in just a few days time, go back to your base to store your food/items, craft anymore boat repair kits or fishing rods or umbrellas you need, and rinse and repeat.


>temperature dial

i like wendy's lines but her instrument is by far the most annoying

like nails on a chalkboard

Haven't played this in a long time
Who's the little monkey feller?

my biggest problem with shipwrecked is that I am on day 120, have gone out of my way to explore, am using a default map, and I have around 30-40% left of the map to explore before it is completely explored

and most of the map is just deep ocean with nothing in it at all

i feel shipwrecked really dropped the ball overall, mechanics feel really unorganized and it seems to be missing around 30% of additional content that should be there. RoG is still the best way to play the game.

i dont really understand the comparison
what does the regular map have that shipwrecked doesnt?
same shit excepts its coral instead of trees


interestingly enough, he's kinda bad-tier in his debut expansion shipwrecked, but is absolutely amazing in RoG

>Ice Maker 3000- "My heart makes ice too."
>Birdcage- "Some of us can see our cages."
>Wood Wall (damaged)- "Now I can delay the inevitable. Unlike my heart, this can be mended."
>Stone Wall- "What will protect me from what's inside?"
>Rope- "That would be the easy way out of this place."
what happened to wendy and abigail

abigail died and filled an innocent girl with existentialism, nihilism, and death anxiety

I was never good at it, game is way different from what I'd like to play.
I don't like cheese strats, and this game is all about that, some stone corridors with gayzlion traps inside to where you lure beasts, running in circles until your pigs and buffalos deal with the enemies, and when you really do the fighting, combat is wonky af

I bought the game (quite a while ago) because I thought it will be comfy, and the art was really nice. I only had fun playing Together with some randoms on low danger worlds.

Name a cuter spider.

the game has a really in-depth world settings menu. You can turn off or increase the number of enemies, resources, and world features you want in your game. Hell you could in theory make a world with scarce resources, minimal enemies, plenty of neutral wildlife, and very intense weather if you really want to just play a survivalist type of game