Go and sit down.
Go and sit down
be humble
>Doom-kun will never fist you to near death and then cuddle with you afterwords
Why even live
His design is really fucking cool. I legitimately want to see him in a fighting game. I don't like using him very much, but his moveset is kinda cool. I wish he could reload his left click instead of waiting for it recharge.
finally, a nigger i can safely domestically abuse other people playing ovarywatch with without doing jailtime
You must be jokin!
Go be racist elsewhere
I just uninstalled this shitty game.
A black man using white man's technology.
Some thaaaangs never change.
Don't tell us to sit down
Would you please sit down?
average pol user
Age: 12
No you for you faggot
dead game
this desu, haven't touched it since sombra turned out to be shit
>triggered snowflake
GamerGate ended years ago. You lost
Literal stream monster game.
you're in the club and this guy slaps your girlfriend's ass.
what do?
Spread my ass cheeks for him
>Not him but lurk moar
P + K + S + HS...
yes daddy I will sit down
on your cock, that is