What do you guys think of PS3 games on the personal computer?

what do you guys think of PS3 games on the personal computer?

It's probably alot of work to set up an emulator that has no games.

Provided they work as well as the webm. It's great! Although as a brain man, I've already played all the PS3 games I want on my PS3. Fuck waiting 10 years


The only game I care of is MGS4 everything else run well enough on PS3.

I think it's neat but I can't think of any games I would want to play on it. Maybe RDR if they can get it running at 60fps without the game exploding.

Is this real?

Are there even any good PS3 games? Sometimes I feel like I want to try Blue Dragon but that was for the 360..
What about that gun RPG? I always forget the name but I think one of the characters is named Vasheron. Does that work smoothly?

keeps game preserved forever so i can always play them without keeping a console around and i can still use my original discs. old games should be kept alive as much as possible.


I want to play Yakuza, DS, Persona 5 maybe

Not really. Mostly JRPGs but that gen was filled with mediocre JRPGs.

Once they get online working we can all play MGO again!

I think you should stop and support the devs by purchasing their game.

this is one of my dreams

>no online

what is the point if you cant bully people online with the scrapping spear and soul suck?

all you get is a crappy beta souls

hes only renting the game
what difference is there from cashing out a book from a library and putting it back when you are done.

here are my specs btw
it will come one day

>ni no kuni only goes to intro

FFX came out on PC


Condemned 2 would be fun to play again.


>I only get 15 fps on disgaea
Guess I meme'd myself by buying an underpowered cpu because no regular pc game needs a powerful one.

Trust me, you not losing much and thats coming from a huge fucking weeb who loves rpg, catch monster element, giant in game encyclopaedias, real time combat and ghibly which is everything that should have made this game my favourite.

This game is just an empty shell, it looks gorgeous but thats about it.

>still runs at 30 fps
>still drops frames like mom's spaghetti
It is impressive that sony retardo architecture is being emulated but you can grab a PS3 for like $20 now

>think about downgrading ps3 and modding it
>look at the games I don't have that I could have
>see like two games I'd want to try
I don't even have that many PS3 games.

real talk, would this allow me to play infamous 1? i got it digitally for free after sony apoligize for getting hacked in 2011 or something. i played it and had a blast, but dont have the ps3 anymore. i dont wanna go to athrift store and pick up t plastic lump for 50 bucks just to play one game might make a good blu ray player for me mum though, and im told infamous 1 doesnt work on ps4 if i ever get one of those. please help.

Please test Ninja Gaiden Sigma.

>game is below 30 fps on PS3
>drops frames in one webm out of three
and the emulator is still on alpha

I'm kinda surprised the PS3 Infamous games didn't get a PS4 collection yet. They did well enough critically and commercially.

Pity Second Son was so mediocre.

Infamous sucks dude, don't waste your time.

In those webms it looks like it runs about as well as it does on a PS3. Demon's drops frames like a motherfucker.

Demon's Souls was good, not great, but has a lot of shitty locations that mean I really don't want to go back and replay it. There's honestly nothing else on the system I'd like to go back to. It's genuinely the worst generation and I don't know why people act like it was a godsend. I got it with GT5 and LBP and it was a disappointment from day 1.

There were some OK games, but that was the entire extent of it.

I don't think I ever played a worse running and looking game than this. Massive portions of it were just stretches of single grey textures, and in the most enclosed areas it ran at sub 20 fps sometimes.



I'm surprised PC gamers have time to play games from a 10 year old console with all the awesome PC exclusives games they have to play like LoL and DOTA

The way it's meant to be played

meh, i liked it. im a sucker for unique ways to get around in games and grinding on powerlines and train tracks was really nice. it was 2008, the year of binary "moral choices" in games, but i think the story was clever. like i said, i got it for free, so maybe if i payed full price i might have been more critical of it. i do remember the sewers being repetitive. i think my ps3 crashed once when i jumped off a high building and did a power slam, thats it. nothing too bad in terms of performance
i hope it gets backwards compatibility. im not a fan of supporting remasters for games that can still be found easily physically, or hat exist digitally. the "definitive way to play" thing is snakeoil too.

It's a feature. They managed to get your frame rate down to 5 FPS in Blighttown.

PS3 really wasn't very good, was it?

i5 1070 here

Is Nier playable?

is yakuza 5 playable haha

the real ps3 experience

From it's generation it was the best by far.

ps3 has no games worth playing

>you can grab a PS3 for a hundred
>you can grab a PS3 for 80
>you can grab a PS3 for 50
>you can grab a PS3 for 20
Every time I see this it gets lower and lower lmao.

sorry, the 360 was better, a lot better.

>that time a pc master race youtuber tried to say playstation streaming means their games arent exclusive anymore

Tried running Catherine but only managed to get around 10 fps. My toaster isn't strong enough.

The original fat fuck is legit 80 bucks on ebay. It might even be in working condition.

Anything that isn't 80% dust by weight is more pricey.

They both sucked, but 360 doesn't have any games worth emulating
t. pcfag since 1999

>but 360 doesn't have any games worth emulating

since production was just recently shut down, it's going higher

Gears and halo are both shit, what else you got

Still have my PS3 so I don't really care. Should be great a few years later when it's more stable and playing legally would be harder to do though.


Saints Row 1

I wonder if trophies work on this or not when you obtain one?

fuck you, halo 3 was great. theater mode was influential and no pc game before it, or maybe even after has done it. you only hate it cause it wasnt on pc.

Scraps, that's what they got.

wait hold the fuck up, how well does dragon's crown run?

360 won.
love how this image doesnt include the shit ton of gems xbla had, the hate for 360 is unreal

>there's no GTA game on new consoles in [current year]
>hold my drink, we'll shit one out in a month

Oh shit I forgot about far cry instincts, guess I'll go buy a 360 now

Also ghost recon advanced warfighter is probably the last game ever to get a PC version substantially different (read: better) from a console one

I think of them one frame at a time.

>love how this image doesnt include
It doesn't include pc multiplataform xcuck.
Also are you fucking kidding me with that list?Even WiiU shits on that, only thing good here is Ninja Gaiden 2.

Replace the shitty american covers with the original Japanese covers and this would be perfect.

yeah stay delusional

The only thing the X360 had were shmups and now it's all gone.

are you blind?

So does this emulator become my best chance at playing Skate again?

Why is it using vulkan, every game on ps triple runs on opengl

did the ps3 have games?
i didn't pay attention

Does RDR work?

yeah it had so many great exclusive games like demons souls and uhhhh

>needs reasonably stronk CPU
>still runs at 30
>resolution is better?
>artifacts and glitches are a given
It's just for us PCbros to nerd about to be honest

Sources say it has several

>i only play souls games
- souls retard

and uhhhhhhhhh

I bought a 250gb version secondhand for $45. The original owner barely even touched it.

>tfw Persona 5 is playable for me
Looks like I don't have to bring my PS3 to a dorm

It's the only PS3 game that matters imo

After a decade and a year, the pc can finally run a dead console.

How about shadow of the colossus remaster, did I imagine that one

wow a ps2 game, who gives a fuck!

So, what is this emulator and how do I play games on it? There are a few I wanted to play when I was younger but I only had a wii.

Is it playable?

is there an easy way to dump my digital copy of demon's onto my pc?


Yes. With a pretty beefy processor it plays fine

No. Not without a cfw ps3

>Just game on the PC!
>Use steam too, it's the best platform to get your games off of!
picture related

holy shit that is disgusting

Have PCfaggots never heard of immersion?
Probably not since they have multiple monitors with shit to pull them out of the game constantly.

>windowed emulation nonetheless


So when can I start mastubrating to Totori in 1080p 60 fps dolby digital sound?

>implying that you can't just ignore all the social network shit around Steam

I've never thought about it. I don't think I ever would.

>out of so many valid examples of steam being shit he uses this one
baka desu senpai

You can go fullscreen you nitpicker.

Proper mainline Ace Combat 6.

Sweet. Catherine in 1080p here I come.

t. buttblasted steam erpers


>50 Cent: Blood in the Sand is now playable

It's over. Consolefags are finished.