Which game is harder to fully complete, Binding of Isaac or Dark Souls...

Which game is harder to fully complete, Binding of Isaac or Dark Souls? By "fully complete" I mean get every last achievement in the game.
Pic related is harder imo

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If you knew what was good for you, you would disable achievement notifications. They really take away more than they add.

Any game with a randomizer is instantly harder than a regular ole' "hard equals fun" game

I'm a completionist, I have ocd about not doing everything in a game that I have the time/ability to do

Dark Souls is a intentionally slowed """""action""""" RPG with entire mechanics made so that you don't feel bad when you die and allows you to grind infinitely to increase damage output.

Binding of Isaac requires you to beat first 6-8 levels in 20 minutes to even ENTER special levels. And you need to do that with all characters.

star ocean 4 saddly.

Literally ask for impossible bullshit and everyone just give up , not becouse of the archivemente but for the game being bad

binding of isaac is fucking shit
play monolith instead

Thing is, Isaac is can be easily bent over your knee to get what you want. It's a learned game at this point

You can say that about any game ever.

Show me what you got, Sup Forums..

Issac is way harder just because you spend so much time waiting for items to spawn or meters to fill. Dark Souls is a modern console game so you get 90% of the achievements just for making it to the end. Then the hardest achievements are for grinding tokens in the shitty and dead multiplayer covenants.

this will be the new captcha

Isaac is not really harder. It just takes longer.

You can get every achievement in the game if you just keep restarting until you get an OP combo.

Craah bandicoot

Of course Binding is harder because of RNG and the time needed

isaac has like 500 retarded achievements. dark souls is just "join covenenant" and "get all these items". some of the dark souls ones are annoying and take a lot of grinding but those isaac achievements are fucked

With DS getting all the achievements is only a matter of time, so it's not difficult at all

Binding of Isaac, because it's a fucking boring game that takes forever to 100%.

Dark Souls is an action oriented game where RNG determines basically which moves your enemy uses and nothing else, everything else is down to player skill and stats.

Binding of Isaac is an RNG shitshow where the computer randomly decides whether you're a god filling the screen with screen looping spinning quaddirectional multishot spliiting scythes or a peashooter.

Binding of Isaac is harder but only arbitrarily. This is actually a case where the word artificial difficulty fits, because having to press the skinner box until you get a run where it doesn't feel like you're using a nerf gun is not difficulty, it's autism.

>achievement whore

What the fuck man

>includes 1638 Steam Achievements

Binding of Isaac, easily. There are a few unlocks requiring you to beat the game as a character who dies in one hit, automatically making the game harder and longer than DaS which simply requires you to do 2 playthroughs and collect some stuff

ToME's achievements are a bitch. Quite a lot of the are based completely on RNG events happening, essentially-RNG story branches, or situations where you NEED to playthrough the game as a certain few builds (and the game is like 50 hours long). And all of this needs to be done on the absurd, nofun difficulty on permadeath in order to gain the achievements on it and all lower difficulties

>Binding of Isaac is an RNG shitshow where the computer randomly decides
i must have imagined all those 100s win streaks then!

Isaac is harder cus the game sucks

No you just imagined me saying that the game was ever unwinnable dipshit. I just said that the difficulty can vary by a huge amount depending on factors completely outside of the player's control.

I'm sorry I called you a dipshit I read your post about multiple 100s of win streaks in BoI again and realised how hard it must be struggling with autism.

I had a 1 game win streak one time

> replied to me three times

long win streaks on Eden mean that player can pull the win starting from any item, and any stats

there is a secret to it though, a mysterious trick that allows people to magically be good at videogames, casuals hate it!

You need to apply yourself

Tbh I've gotten to a point in the game when I notice something that should have hit me somehow didn't
Hitboxes in that game are low-key fucked up as hell

Both are equally difficult seeing as they are just as boring as one another and a chore to play.


I'm not enough of a hardcore gaymer to give a shit about going after achievements and 100%-ing
The most recent game I replayed was Hyper Light Drifter and that was because I actually enjoyed the game and thought the extra challenge was great by the end of it. I don't enjoy hunting down every last collectible though.
just so this post is relevant probably Isaac. I don't really enjoy the gameplay, it would be more of a grind, especially with the random elements conspiring against you

Any game with multiplayer achievements with no servers online.

As someone who has all of the achievements in both BOI games, Bloodborne and Dark Souls, Gears of War series is the hardest because of the immense amount of time it takes to get everything.

Souls series are actually easy to platinum, you don't have to do anything harder than in the ng besides grinding a little.

BoI on the other hand takes fuckton of grind and rng to get good items. I got the platinum before dlc and I was so sick of it I'm never doing it again

Dark Souls is the same dipshit.

Isaac is both time wise and difficulty wise harder than any souls game.

That difficulty comes from the keeper and the lost.

> the lost
> can take infinite damage as long is it's one hit per room
> guaranteed devil room at level 2 and can take all the devil deals for free
> hard

>>can take infinite damage as long is it's one hit per room
After you complete the game, right?

>he didn't complete the lost pre holy mantle

>Beat a Developer in an Online Match
Every time I see this I laugh and then feel bad for completionists.

> Rebirth Lost
how about no

World Of Warcraft.

Good luck with this one.

>do a million RNG shitfests or complete a series of fairly straightforward tasks

how to beat Isaac10000000000000000% Blank card + jera +Taroth cloth (optional)

or D4/d100

So who managed to beat the Witness as the Lost?

It took Sharp Key, flat penny, dead cat, and a miracle to pull it off

Isaac because the rng seeds can really fuck you over with no money, keys or bombs in any rooms. Also if your first couple of item rooms aren't great you won't survive the womb/Utero if you get a bullshit room with masks.

Are any of them World Firsts or something? Getting World or even Server First on new bosses seems like the only problem. Because if not, you can probably do it with a shitton of time and a few buddies on a new server.

The fact that you would rather brag about how great you are at BoI on an anonymous board than admit that the difficulty in BoI can vary from Joke easy to Dumb hard based 100% on RNG says a lot.

You tell me.

How about "drink a beer with a developer irl"?

>x or y?

Are you retarded?

>which game is harder to fully complete
This is why difficulty is a meme
I could make a fucking Kirby game and as long as I threw in a "complete this in two minutes" achievement I could call it harder than dark souls
Stop worrying about comparing your fucking e-penises and find a game that challenges and interests YOU

20 minutes time limit is for boss rush, not 'special' levels

Is that a thing? If so, where?

Dungeons of Dredmor. There's an achievement called "Sewer Brew" that literally requires you to drink a beer in close proximity of a developer while also somehow proving you own the game.

30 minutes is for Hush and by proxy even The Void since otherwise reaching that level is pure RNG.

so not 20 minutes then

>There are a few unlocks requiring you to beat the game as a character who dies in one hit, automatically making the game harder and longer than DaS which simply requires you to do 2 playthroughs and collect some stuff
This. I'd say that 80% of BoI is much easier than Dark Souls, but the last 20% of bullshit (The Lost, The Keeper, Ultra Hard, Greedier mode) is way harder than anything that Dark Souls has to offer. Also, BoI just has so damn many achievements that it would take forever even if the game didn't have those ultra-hard characters or modes.

Never found that 30 min time limit for The Hush that hard, I usually can clutch it even if I'm late for boss rush. But yeah, getting to boss rush can be a pain if you have bad luck with items and can't clear rooms on time.

Seeing Egg getting mad at Ultra Hard was the funnest shit.

At least I got the achievement for baking a cake IRL.

How is it even remotely hard to bake a cake irl? Just ask your granny.

>defeat a bunch of bosses and do some quests
>pull through horrendously designed characters through RNG over and over because Ed has a fetish for artificial difficulty

Dark Souls is hard but the Binding of Isaac is bullshit, more like a test of patience because most of the game is based on luck, even beating the game over and over as the Keeper is not over the shitty rewards.

Isaac for sure. Dark Souls being hard is a meme.

>not wanting to complete godhead faster

Or at least do Afterbirth lost to unlock it.
No thanks

Can you use seeds in this game and still get achievements or does it disable them?

Seeds and Mods disable achievements.

enter the gungeon
I played it for hours and hours
never got really far and every single time I feel like the game just fucked me over

fuck this game

>I have ocd