They're ruining my idea

>work with a game studio as one of the creative directors
>brainstorming ideas for a game, I came up with a fighting game with mafia/crime themed characters
>everyone loves the idea
>game was going to be a 2.5d fighter like SF4/MKX/Injustice/etc.
>was supposed to use a realistic artsyle and be extremely dark and gritty and fucked up
>my ideas all get warped and changed, get told if the characters are too realistic it will be boring
>game ends up using some anime/manga looking artstyle
>characters are more over the top and not realistic at all(one of my designs went from a realistic crime boss wearing a long coat and fedora to a female crime boss wearing some overly elaborate leather trenchcoat with feather/fur collars and shit, smokes a Japanese pipe, and fights by clawing and kicking people with bladed stiletto heels
>entire fighter concept is overhauled to be an arena fighter like Dissidia or Anarachy Reigns now
>my fucking original concept has officially become weeb shit

Is there anyway at I can sabotage this fucking project, it pisses me off my cool and unique idea got turned into some faggy jap shit, I wanna see this shit crash and burn. People don't like anime themed arena fighters right? What did Platinum do to cause Anarchy Reigns to sell so poorly, maybe I can get these assholes to make the same mistakes and ruin this shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry ideas guy, you can't code so you can't contribute shit beyond your oh so original idea.
Maybe take a computer language course so you can build your vision next time.

Sounds cool, I'll be on the lookout for when it releases so I can buy it.

But the other idea guys can't code either, so why the fuck do they get to overrule me? I did NOT want some weeb arena fighter shit. I wanted it to be a real dark and gritty game and very realistic. This team said its still very dark, but come on its fucking anime shit. Look at thi design I described, that sound fucking dark and gritty to you?

>female crime boss wearing some overly elaborate leather trenchcoat with feather/fur collars and shit, smokes a Japanese pipe, and fights by clawing and kicking people with bladed stiletto heels

No the fuck you're not. It has to fail so I can be vindicated.

Isnt this a copy pasta?

Maybe next time you should work on your own projects instead of trading your intellectual property rights on your creations for a salary.

Why is there more than one creative director? Not much of a director aren't you? Is it a big studio? Because if it isn't how can they afford multiple senior positions like that? I'm intrigued OP

this shitty bait thread again? not happy with the (You)s last time?

We're just people who love games. I'm pissed because my idea got morphed into this shit, no one wants to buy anime games, and my game was NOT supposed to be anime. You can't do dark and gritty shit with anime.

Do any of you know how to program?
You're also stupidly out of touch if you think anime-styled games don't sell.

Oh don't worry then, rest assured there is no need to sabotage anything because it's not going to be successful anyway. If having multiple 'creative directors' wasn't bad enough, the fact that it's an amateur studio pretty much settles it

That's pretty gay.

The concept actually sounds pretty good.

They don't. FF XV sold way more than Persona V, an anime game.

FFXV is an anime game

Commercially successful ideas are extremely rare and sought after. The thing is, once you actually give it up, you become expendable to the project.

THe only way a pure ideas guy can make it in the industry, is to have a long history of commercially successful games behind them, so you can point to that when someone will invariably challenge your "vision". Otherwise, you need to either code yourself or be holding the purse strings. In which case, anyone one else brought on to the project knows their place immediately.

To be fair, whoever change your idea is right. Your idea's too boring. I don't know if you think that supposed to be cool, or just playing safe but that shit is boring man.
What's the game name anyway?

I like these threads. Usually the idea is same, but ideas are varied, so it isn't a stale pasta and I find it really funny to see what user things as a "cool sounding idea that Sup Forums will totally buy" and how he turns it into something that should trigger Sup Forums.
Lots of creativity goes into this bait and such things should be rewarded.

FF XV is gritty realism, not anime. It's story is more dark than Persona 5 and the character designs are more realistic looking too.

>Commercially successful ideas are extremely rare and sought after.
Only ideas that can be considered "commercially successful" are those that have already been tried and been found successful. Ideas on their own hold no value.

yes, but it is reversed. Funny how the industry has changed so much that the entire troll is inverted from the original but still works.

How the fuck is it boring? Do you see any realistic and dark mafia themed fighting games around? Because I can name tons of anime shit especially arena fighters. Dissidia, Anarchy Reigns, Gundam, that new JoJo game, Jump Stars, all that shit, weeb shit. If you really think playing as this
>female crime boss wearing some overly elaborate leather trenchcoat with feather/fur collars and shit, smokes a Japanese pipe, and fights by clawing and kicking people with bladed stiletto heels

is good, I don't know wtf to tell you.

>just finished watching claymore again after finishing the manga
the way they treated rigaldo in the anime was so disrespectful

also, raki a shit.

Do ideas guys who can't program actually get jobs in game dev? I feel anybody can come up with game ideas.

No one cares about your junky weeb show. Claymore sucks, it's just a bunch of stupid white bitches with some elf girls tossed in fighting monsters.

>implying just any body could have come up with the genius that was metal gear solid

I know it's not real, and yet thar's something I've seen. Original idea gets introduced to a group which then changes beyond recognition and the original author gets mad. The thing is, if what you're doing is a group effort, the ideas are not fully 'yours' already. Unless peolle believe in you or you have an extremely superiour standing (like a director of a stage play), the group will change the idea if you don't defend it. And there's nothing wrong with that.

If I remember correctly, Kojima planned the enemy routes in the levels, so he at least scripted some things.

>how can I screw it up
that's what anime gets ya - its already screwed
but to make sure, include as much of the progressive LGBT stuff in it as possible

also include ecchi, yuri, yaoi in the game for maximum screw up

god, I fucking hate shitters who want to put anime in everything

>Complaining about anime on Sup Forums
Reddit would be more your turf, they hate Japan.
When the game comes out I'll buy it to spite you

Does the art style influence how likely it is to fail? Because they're making the game look similar to some unholy hybrid of One Piece and Jojo with the kind of wacky ass designs Jojo and One Piece has

You can look at it that way, sure. There is no doubting that there are people who are more "in tune" with the "zeitgeist". I know it's probably unfair, but you only really need to look at Infiniminer and Minecraft to see how a slight change in idea can have massively varying degrees of success.

I doubt it. Why would they buy the OP's game when some other games already do the meme anime thing? I think that people would be sufficiently saturated at this point in time.

In my opinion customers would react to this game as follows
>huh, an anime fighter game?
>lol, its another one of those shitty indies trying to utilize the anime fighter game meme
>like with all the minecraft clones, I won't buy this cheap moneygrab and I won't care what happens to it

Because it sounds like the game will be about old ass grandpas fighting wearing their fedora and trench coat. It's boring, sounds boring.
Maybe that's where your problem located, you can't convince people about your ideas.

"Female crime boss with anime style" just that sentence can convince anyone that it can sell because it sounds sexy as fuck. Which is the point, it potentially can sells.

grim, dark, gritty, realistic mafia? who the fuck are you trying to sells it to? Who's your audience? Because I sure as fuck would think that is boring as hell.

Think this, you said "everyone loves your idea" yet it get changed anyway. If "everyone loves your idea" your team would stick to your idea and denied that other person idea, but no, they prefer the other one because it's more convincing and doesn't sound boring like yours.

Why do you like old grandpa anyway, are you gay?

So it's destined to fail? Thank god. That means I win, I will be vindicated.

>How the fuck is it boring?
This is what goes through every ideas guy when his concept is challenged

Haven't seen this one in a long time.

it sucks what the anime did to the story. But well it can't be helped since it aired while it wasn't finished. Galatea a best

>my ideas
>my ideas!!
>do what i ssay
You suck


I thought it was a fighting game set in a cyberpunk future with an edgy elf assassin with laser katars or some stupid shit?

I miss the Dark Souls part, that always actracted tons of tards into replying.

They said they liked my idea when it was a mafia themed fighter, then when I mentioned more details they started changing shit til it got all japanesed up. Andwhat's wrong with mature manly men fighting in the streets? I'm sick of fighting games always having to be fruity ass anime shit with bitches with big titties jumping all around. This was meant to be dark, gritty, mature. Mature men, crime bosses fighting for their stake in the game. Bloodsoaked, rainsoaked streets at night, dirty alleyways, abandoned warehouses, real underground. More realistic fighting, no characters flying around, hurling energy attacks and punching 50 times a second. And they fucked it all up.

Want an idea of what they turned my gritty backalleys and streets into?
See the stages those characters fight in? That's the kind of shit they're doing. How is that even dark and gritty?

I would buy it without the anime shit

>They turned it into UniB
Sounds great OP, why are you complaining? Oh yeah, because this is a bait thread.

Western studio doing anime style is cancer and I hope the game just crash and burns

But that game looks like gay ass weeb shit. The only jap shit my game was going to have was a yakuza character, and they fagged that up too. He was supposed to look like a badass buff as hell older man covered in yakuza tats and fights with a knife. Instead he looks more like this wacky shit. And instead of being a grizzled hardened badass who survived WW2, he's a fucking "polite psycho" aka some shit anime trope.

>insulting Skullgirls

Fuck you

>So it's destined to fail?
Its double sided.
The game and the setting/theme behind it is destined to fail.
However, it is probably gonna be successful as a lewd fapbait.
source: look at any patreon """"games"""" with anime art

We all know what they get paid for - for the anime/furry lewd art. Nothing more. I am sure you have seen at least some of those - now, quick, tell me what were the games on those patreon pages. You can't, since they being "games" was just an excuse or just a backdrop for porno.

Tell us about the mechanics, I don't care about your Battleborn tier character design ideas.

The fuck did you call my character concepts?

Why do so many anime haters come to Sup Forums when the site was literally /founded/ on anime?

I'm playing the 1st witcher game and it's surprising how it reminds me of Claymore.

Claymores are basicaly witchers.

Oh sorry, didn't realize Sup Forums was the anime only site ya fuckin weeb

It was, pretty much
Back on 2003, Sup Forums was the only board.
If you want people on your side or to pat your back, reddit and Something Awful are that way

>Claymores are basicaly witchers.
now I'm interested in playing. I've avoided this series thinking it was just another skyrim.
it's fine. I wasn't expecting it to be great, but it was still disappointing how weak some of the big were.

Most of Europe was founded on feudality. Then why do these democratic fucks still want to stick their heads here. REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Are you saying that things can't change over time.

>Back on 2003, Sup Forums was the only board.
are we on Sup Forums - the anime board?


So get back to your containment in Sup Forums.

Europe =/= a website made by a random faggot

Nah, I like games.
I just hate american games with fervor.
>inb4 weeb
Not american, both are foreign for me

Didn't read.
Post Claymores.

Feudality = founded by some random faggots
Sup Forums = founded by some random faggot


Those random faggots had money/gold tho.
Moot only had zits on his face and 10 bucks.

>my ideas all get warped and changed, get told if the characters are too realistic it will be boring
>game ends up using some anime/manga looking artstyle

They were right in that realistic would be boring. But anime isn't much better.

Both shit ideas OP

>I've avoided this series thinking it was just another skyrim.

Couldn't be farther from the truth.
Well, the 1st game is very different from the others. Much more of a true western RPG, but since it's played in real time people judge it as an action game and become disapointed.

But even with it's problem, the story and setting are its strongest points.
And with a gritty, medieval setting where young orphans are taken by a secluded organization to be mutated into monster slaying mutants, it's impressive it took me this long to draw the parallel.

>I just hate american games with fervor.
that's oddly specific. but nothing suprising for a faggot such as yourself

>Not american, both are foreign for me
oh, look everybody, we have a special snowflake over here
he's the one single person who lives outside USA
give him a round of awe

I can get behind this idea.
>tfw s2 never


Triggered murricuck spotted. Go shoot up another school, burger boy.

>realistic crime boss wearing a long coat and fedora

You almost had me going there.

At least Rigaldo didn't have a pathetic death like Isley.

>Those random faggots had money/gold tho.
>Moot only had zits on his face and 10 bucks.
so what?

>Those random faggots had money/gold tho.
wrong, at the moment of founding feudality, they were nothing more than robber brigands trying to get by

This sounds exactly like Claymore. I'll be picking this up the next time I see it on sale. Thanks, user.

Not sure if I'm supposed to be nostalgic because of this almost eight years old copypasta, annoyed that we are still reusing eight-years old fucking jokes, or just completely disgusted with how the majority of people here are not recognising this shit...

Im, not an American, wonderboy.

If anime where like skullgirl I would like them


ITT: Newfags falling for copypasta

Sure. Just be wary of I just said: it's a true western RPG at its core. It might not be for you. Good thing it always filthy cheap at sales.

The biggest complaint people have is about the combat system, but don't treat it like a hack 'n slash.
The game gives you tactical pause, item shortcuts, hotkeys... use that shit.

It's also not very customizable. Don't try to do a specific build. Be versatile.
The game is very lore-friendly in the sense that you're expected to use all its mechanics in conjunction: alchemy, magic, swordplay and the occasional pacific solution.

If even then it doesn't click, so be it. But if it does, you'll understand why to this date there are more threads about the 1st game than the others, outside of Witcher 3 shitposting/console-war threads.

>Do you see any realistic and dark mafia themed fighting games around?

You should have got contracts signed.

>a female crime boss wearing some overly elaborate leather trenchcoat with feather/fur collars and shit, smokes a Japanese pipe, and fights by clawing and kicking people with bladed stiletto heels

I want it.

It's okay user, none of your characters would ever combo as cool as UNI's Seth anyway.

Honestly some Dissida/GUndam Versus style game sounds much more fitting to mafia members fighting than a tradtional 2D fighter. It makes incorporating guns far easier. Otherwise, you'd have to go for something like Immaterial and Missing Power in which the game is specifically built around everybody being projectile zoners due to being a spin off of a shmp. It seems like the team just went in a direction with the gameplay that fits the concept better.

You come across as a true autismo, I bet your other team members hate your guts

We will get rid of anime faggotry my friend, I promise you

>Weeb shit this weeb shit that
shouldn't you be on reddit or literally any other site other than Sup Forums if you hate anime so much, faggot?

tons of anime on reddit, you should go back there, or to your weeb retards containment boards

>writing all this bullshit just so you can bait people into a west vs weeb faggot discussion

Honestly it'd be a good bait if you removed the 1st line and didn't try to shit on weebs so hard and kept people in doubt if you were butthurt because you got cucked or baiting.

Never seen this bait before, but apparently it's common? I need to keep up with my Sup Forums lore.


OP, unfortunately, when you work as a team, you'll have to compromise most of the time, which more than often, progressively changes the original vision. With the amount of accessible tools, these days, available you could develop it yourself.

Being a creative director I presume you're acquainted and experienced with an array of visual tools.

If I imagine your concept somewhat faithfully to what your project might look like, based on your pitch description ... it actually sounds intèresting, imo.

I assume you're not strictly sticking to the 1920~30 era of organized crime, only.