Which series is better and why?
Dragon Age vs The Witcher
DAO is better than Witcher, but Witcher is better overall.
Witcher is shit, so that says a lot about how bad DA became.
Seeing how each series got progressively worse with time it's tough to say
I personally did prefer DA2 the most since it had by far the most enjoyable protagonist out of all the games
Witcher isn't edgy enough for my taste so I will give it to Dragon Age
>Seeing how each series got progressively worse with time it's tough to say
As a person with about 300 hours in Witcher 1, kill yourself and/or stop posting.
One is using magic to hide her disgusting face with a hump
>Turtles versus aircraft
Which is better and why?
I like both games but why would you even compare them, they have completely different gameplay and goals.
TW3 > TW 1 > DA:O > TW 2 > DA: I > Every other fucking game on the planet > DA2.
>reading comprehension
You do understand my implication of Witcher 1 being the best of the series, yes?
This, actually.
>open world games
>the best
You do realize this game is a punchline and almost universally reviled for a reason, yes?
Never played the Witcher series, but I have played every Dragon Age from start to finish and I can say with full confidence that the Witcher series is better.
TW3 >> DA:O > TW1 > TW2 >>> DA: I >>> DA2
I fixed it, I'll PM you the bill.
How can you sit there and pretend DA2 was better than anything?
How can it be better than DA:O when it removed gameplay features and simplified everything. Not to mention the game breaking bugs on release.
Depends, are we including DA2 and DAO? If so than anything is better than those two meme games.
Someone post the bow picture.
DA:O was a solid game though user. Not outstanding, but definitely worth a playthrough.
Did you mean DA:I? Because that game was one of the worst I've played this decade. If they apparently never planned for it to be an MMO, why does it have gameplay copied 1:1 from MMOs?
Persona, because it's Persona.
I like the characters and world more in the witcher it mixes the beauty of the scenery and monsters very well
DA has better setting if that makes sense. The party and combat system shit on witcher in that regard
Yeah my mistake DAI
DAO was fun. I got bored of 2 real quick doing everything in the same city.
I liked it for the fact that preset femHawke was incredibly arousing and a joy to roleplay as, a feeling I didn't get from either DA:I or DA:O
Also I liked the whole idea of a single city being this hotpot of different ideologies that clash with each other and you/your companions being the trigger for it to topple over
While it wasn't as sophisticated and enjoyable in terms of raw gameplay compared to DA:O, and I did hate 2 initially as well, I still found myself liking it more and more
Oh yes, the adventures of:
>Doormat savior complex Hawke
>Sarcastic manchild Hawke
>or finally Twisted Fucking Psychopath Hawke
The Warden was 10 times better than Hawke. At least, when Witcher made you play as preset Geralt, it made him badass and fun. And there was a point to it, because his character was all written up and all.
>what other people say dictates my opinion
To each his own, buddy
>implying geralt is either badass or fun
He's the doormat saviour you've been talking about, I know
TW3 > DA:O > TW2 >DA2 > TW1 > DA:I
every other opinion is objectively wrong.
>Also I liked the whole idea of a single city being this hotpot of different ideologies that clash with each other and you/your companions being the trigger for it to topple over
This concept was was definetly a good idea on paper but it was poorly implemented.
Easily The Witcher though i'd say The Witcher 1 is very overrated and DA:O is much better and is very underrated by rpg fans.
>I hate portals
People back then complained about DA:O being to simplistic and "dumbed down" compared to Baldur's Gate.
Now, in hindsight, if you look at how simplistic and dumb games are nowadays, DA:O doesn't seem so bad anymore.
Pretty much everything in DA2 was poorly implemented but I can appreciate it for trying something different
You really need to fuck off, fanboy.
I don't take offense to your shit taste in games, why do you take any in mine?
>People back then complained about DA:O being to simplistic and "dumbed down" compared to Baldur's Gate.
I think the combat is much better in DA:O, possibly the best combat system of any rtwp game, the enemy variety is the only lacking thing about the gameplay in DA:O compared to BG.
I think It's easily the second best Bioware game after BG2.
Both are made by white people so both are shit. Western developers should let RPGs to Japanese people and focus only on cowadoody and FIFA
>I think It's easily the second best Bioware game after BG2.
We can agree on this. The problem why DA:O is "underrated" is because back when it came out, people were expecting a kind of "BG3" - even bigger/better/more complex etc. than BG2. When it turned out to be a mass-market-audience, dumbed down Version of what BG was, people were disappointed.
The Witcher obviously
Morrigan is better than any witcher girl
TW3 > TW1 > DA:O > TW2
i think the whole DA series is fucking boring as shit, but at least Origins isn't TW2
i haven't played DA2 at all, but i imagine it isn't nearly as mindnumbing as Inquisition. i'd say that's by far the worst game here, although i couldn't get very far in it at all without wanting to mash my head against my table.
Morrigan is literally just Yen but written by tumblr roasties and beta males
Yen is literally just Morrigan written by some smelly old pervert who is probably a pedophile
what a great endorsemend old perverted pedophiles are literally the best writers
DA:O = TW2 > TW1 > TW3 > DA2
Haven't played Inquisition, it could be better than DA2 but I doubt it
Witcher 3 is boring as fuck in every way that DA2 was, but doesn't have the decency to be over in 20 hours. It's only saved from last place because it doesn't have as much of a dogshit story as 2
He smells though which completely negates any artistic value present in his work
The Witcher, no SJWs
You think fat tumblr roasties don't smell? At least with the old pedophile it adds character
Witcher 3 > Witcher 2 > Witcher 1 > DA:O > who gives a shit
any other listing is wrong
Well I do like my girls hairy
Well at least you have to play half way through DA2 to notice and fully understand what is so wrong with the game.
It only takes 2-3 Hours to understand that DA:I is a shit game.
So you get more enjoyment out of DA2 than DA:I
>le ebin obviously wrong opinion XDD im such a smart baiter epic lol
Witcher 1 and DA:O are the only games in the series I really adore so it's hard. Witcher 2 is decent but kinda boring, DA2 is a glorious hilariously bad mess but kinda charming in a broken kind of way. Witcher 3 is just boring, DA:I is just boring.
Going by times of replays I suppose DA:O would win out.
Tried 5 times to get through DA:I and I managed it about a week ago, ignoring most of the side content, the main quests actually get pretty good and intense and by the end I was pretty invested.
Tried playing through W3 four times but it's never stuck. I think the big reason I'm not enjoying myself when playing it is the shitty controls, it just makes me wish I was playing Witcher 1 instead.
how in the motherloving fuck can you think the witcher 2 and 3 is boring and not 1 or DA:O?
>DAO is better than Witcher, but Witcher is better overall.
How does this even make sense.
Unlike W2 and 3 , 1 and Origins are actual RPGs, whereas W2 and 3 are more along the lines of a choose your own adventure action games
No user, you are in fact the autist hivemind follower for liking Witcher 3, which is in actual terms a bad RPG, maybe a good game but certainly not on my lawn
I don't know. Witcher 2 is kinda boring because it has no charm if that makes any sense. Witcher 1 have so much heart to it and playing W2 it just feels so soulless. Witcher 3 is just bland as fuck, from the shitty open world gameplay to the impressive but nevertheless dry as fuck aesthetics that makes me feel like I'm playing a German simulator, to the controls that make doing everything a chore, to the "let's make every quest follow the red streak cause we can't be bothered".
DA:O is bland as fuck as well don't get me wrong, but I just really enjoy the gameplay in that. It's pretty much what I always wanted when I played Neverwinter Nights as a kid.
No user, you are in fact the autist hivemind follower for liking Witcher 3, which is in actual terms a bad RPG, maybe a good game but certainly not on my lawn
>playing NWN as a kid
Underage aren't allowed to post here
I'm 24 though.
You'd have needed to play it at 3 years old to be underage.
>DAO is better than Witcher, but Witcher is better overall.
are you fucking retarded
lol shut the fuck up kids
>DAO is better than Witcher, but Witcher is better overall.
You can't make this shit up.
i really enjoyed TW1 even though it was supposed to be shit
Go rent a mobility scooter grandpa.
>tw1 was supposed to be shit
whoever told you that and you for believing should be shot on sight
The Witcher.
Sup Forums told me it was shit so go ahead and end it
I'll go kill Sup Forums right now and you're next
Are you drunk?
How does it not? The first Dragon Age is better than any Witcher game, however Witcher games on average are better than Dragon Age games on average because DA2 and DAI are fucking garbage.
Fucking hipster