Name more overrated games

Name more overrated games.
Protip: You can't.

How can MGS 3, MM, SM and FF even feature? The argument for the other two can obviously be made that the gameplay is utter garbage, but pickling those (relatively unpopular even) games over something like Fallout 4 is insane.That game is hugely popular, to the point of being a household name, and barely functions.


The only game in that trinity I'd describe as overrated is ff6. Should replace it with chrono trigger to really complete the meme


>not oot

ya ok son go back to bed

That's not a trinity that's a fucking pyramid


not even posting a fucking reaction image

>6 games
are you fucking stupid?

>tfw responding to obvious bait

A trinity has 4 objects not 6 retard

>not ffvii

It's a trinity as long as it's a triangle

This is actually pretty accurate.

>I can't have shit taste so it means these games are bad
have a sage I guess


9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors
Age of Empires II
Bayonetta 2
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Chrono Trigger
Civilization IV
Devil May Cry 3
Diablo II
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong COuntry Tropical Freeze
Doom (1993)
F-Zero GX
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Katamari Damacy
Kid Icarus Uprising
Metroid Prime
Mother 3
Ninja Gaiden Black
Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver
Rayman Origins
Red Dead Redemption
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil Remake
SMT Nocturne
Silent Hill
Silent Hill 2
Skies of Arcadia
Street Fighter II
Suikoden 2
Super Mario 64
Super Mario Bros 3
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario World
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Witcher 3
TimeSplitters 2 and 3
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Ultima Online
Unreal Tournament
Warcraft III

>post 6 objects

wew lad



>Planescape: Torment
Most of the people here don't even know it exists

Original Nier needs to be on there desu

Every game except Deus Ex belongs on there 2bh



Replace Deus X with Baldur's Gate, Torment with Alpha Centauri and Majora's Mask with Dark Souls and you got the real list.

>Deus Ex's gameplay

>Alpha Centauri

Are you implying a significant number of people even know what that is?

Dark Messiah

New Vegas. By far New Vegas. It doesn't help that it's fans are psudeo-intellectual twats

day sex is good tho

Practically no one knows this game exists.

>six games

Overrated != bad

Not on my Sup Forums

This, it's just a bunch of good stuff built on a foundation of shit. Nothing that similar to Fallout 3 can be considered good.

Even on Sup Forums I almost never see Dark Messiah or Arx Fatalis mentioned and when I do most people will say 'it's the best 7/10 game you'll ever play.' The game isn't touted as a masterpiece, Dragon's Dogma on the other hand.

Do you know what 'trinity' even means, retard? it doesn't mean sic

>not recognizing its unparalleled brilliance

you are lost little lamb.

A game so popular it is still competitively played and pulls 50k concurrent viewers on twitch 20 years later... Yeah overrated.

I dunno m8. Most discussion I've seen with it are either "this game has the best combat ever!", "more games should have the kicking mechanic", "Skyrim should had this combat", "why arkane isn't making DM2 and instead making those garbage Dishonored game?". And I got called a pleb for not liking it. It such an ugly and clunky game.

Dragon's Dogma is legit good but way too unfinished to be properly enjoyed.

You've got ten seconds to beat it before I add you to the list of NSF casualties.

>popularity = quality

Are you implying a popular game can't be overrated? More often than not popularity is the reason a game becomes overrated in the first place. Just look at Breath of the Wild.

how many players does 50 viewers translate to


Zelda Majora's Mask is my childhood

The music, the dungeon, the quests...

Best game I have ever played. Every other game just can't compete.