Will there ever be a stealth series as great as thief?
Will there ever be a stealth series as great as thief?
to be quite desu, Sup Forums maybe heard of deadly shadows from their older brother and thought thief 2014 wasn't terrible
I loved the fact that cutscenes not only were pushing the plot forward, but they were a reward on its own. I wanted to finish a mission just to see a new cutscene. Those times aint coming back
Already made desu.
it's just a thief thread you double taffer. just because he said "general" doesn't mean we'll be getting them regularly, I assure you
no matter how much I'd enjoy that
I tried to enjoy the first Dishonored but the game just had zero tension. The video above goes theough this issue more aptly. You're just not punished hard enough for getting caught. Not a fan of being able to teleport either.
Has anyone played The Dark Mod?
>they don't even say taff anymore in nutheif
>Has anyone played The Dark Mod?
I did. AI seems unpredictable and more than a little shit. There are like 3 good maps for it, and less are being made than TDP/TMA every year.
I'm sure there was something it did better than the original but I can't quite remember what
>no more taffing
one job
>binary switch visibility gem
>who cares about sound, have a dash move
>guard patrol routes involve staring at awall in 1 room and then staring at the opposite wall in the same room
>garret is an edgy twat now
>you don't have to steal nything in a game called thief
they had several jobs and they fucked them all up
I think Splinter Cell hit that mark. 3D stealth is a rarity nowadays.
Hitman is a different type, I think it reaches similar heights IMO though I prefer thief
Very different beast to thief, and stealthing itself is more about line of sight than visibility and noise
Yeah hitman is great, but unless you're autistic you don't sneak in your suit, you stroll in like you own the place and drop chandeliers on people
you seem to understand your shit, so what's your take on deus ex MD? been thinking about getting it since I finished my PC build
>Share name with Garrett
>Already played the previous titles, Deadly Shadows comes out hot damn
>Creeping through the open-ish hub town, fucking around stealing shit, diving from window to window
>'The ambient sound and music in this game is really nice and subdu-'
>lose my shit and spin around in my chair I thought I was home alone holy fuck wh-
>"Uhhh yeah, dat's me, 'Garrett', the mastah thief."
>It's the game
>It's some fucker in the game in the building I'm lurking outside
>While some cunt pretends to be me
>Start post-terror-laughing and trying to still my beating heart
>Conversation finishes and Garrett hums "So that's the famous Garrett, huh? He's not as handsome as I'd imagined."
That entire short 2 minutes is my most memorable in all my years of gaming, there's a special place in hell for the people who bastardized the 'reboot'.
Just finished the sword level yesterday, absolute ludo. Does it get even better than this?
not the same user
worth 15dolleros
great immersive sim
story pacing is shite
great side quest
better gameplay than hr
and nothing to use it on till close to the end game
>so what's your take on deus ex MD
More of HR, but with an even worse story and some of the best level design in history of gaming
In fact even the story missions are complete garbage because they take you out of the big hub, where all the effort went
Deadly shadows is not all that better than the 2014 game, breh
In fact I think it's the main inspiration
Not really. You just played pretty much the best mission in the entire series. The quality of the rest of the missions is still high though.
Is it weird that I get aroused every time I hear Garrett talk?
To be honest I was kind of hoping there'd be a kikestarter for a spiritual sequel but seeing how the system shock remake is handled at the moment I'm kind of pesimistic.
What are some good fan maps/campaigns and why?
Completely normal
Thief 1 is great but the final level sucked, you just literally walk down the level until you get to the Trickster and wait for him to be facing away so you can switch the Eye with the fake then watch him kill himself. Soulforge is the best final level in a video game that puts all your skills to the test with limited supplies and full of those mechanical eyes and walkers.
The Sword is good but it's not the best mission at all really. A lot of fan missions are even better.
The sword is the ultimate mansion-style level, but the game has plenty of surprises left for you I can guarantee.
[Spoiler]especially spooks[/spoiler]
And I'm telling you that the only stench heartier than your rotting burrick of a master is the liquor on his foetid breath. If he comes near Lady van Vernon again, we'll boil his knickers.
Dishonored isn't really a pure stealth game though, it's all about having lots of options (stealth being one of them) and as a result shares way more DNA with Deus Ex than Thief
Dishonored should get a spinoff that doesn't do the same shitty story again but instead is a spiritual successor to thief where it is pure stealth and you use your dark magic powers to steal stuff to make money so you can keep living in the nice area of town.
At least Deadly Shadows still had the original setting and soundtrack.
Thief 2014 just takes a big fat dump on all of that turns it into a generic steampunk setting and adds hollywood music.
Deadly Shadows may not be a worthy follow up but Thief 2014 is like insult to injury
That's actually a good idea, but it'll never happen because muh assassinations, even though collecting all the loot and doing all the objectives without touching anyone (i.e. playing the games like Thief) is one of the more fun ways to play the game
What are some good stealth games, besides Thief, SC, MGS, and Hitman?
I hoenstly wouldn't include MGS in that list. And they don't exist.
The subsequent 5 missions are the best imo
>mfw people are 100% adamant that vidya hasn't gotten worse over the years
How is MGS mechanically a good stealth game? It's a monster maze with terrible AI and strict alert stages indicated with a countdown clock. It's got boss fights and machinegun mass murder sections. The only game in the series that almost reaches the standards of 1998 is maybe Phantom Pain and it's open world ie. fuck level design.
>Thief 1 is great but the final level sucked
not as much as Thief 2, probably my only favorite games that I have never finished.
The point that turned my hate for Soulforge to my love of it was when I started avoiding the use of knockouts and prioritized sneaking around things. The important thing to note about Soulforge is that you simply do not have the resources to do everything. You need to choose carefully which iron beasts to disable using your limited supply of water arrows. And you must avoid being seen by watchers at all times to minimize the amount of reinforcements spawned by alerts.
nah man. The main inspiration is Assassin's Creed. I think one of the main designers was a former Ubisoft AC weirdo.
>All movement is a scripted animation tied to static animation nodes in the levels
>Pickpocketing is "hold down key until snatch"
>Press x to enter hiding spot
>Every mission ends with a forced alert and an escape sequence
there's more but I don't want to keep thinking about both AC and Thiaf at the same time
When is Thief, Deus Ex and System Shock 2 getting remasters?
>terrible AI
So Thief? You can just walk up to guards and knock them out.
Thief has over a dozen factors that determine the AI's awareness of you, and after different levels of alerts their awareness is changed different amounts, and they can even ambush you by pretending to not be aware of your approach. In MGS they chase you until the clock says 00:00 and they return to normal. Because that's what the MSX2 was capable of, and instead of improving stealth for the Playstation, they added anime and 2deep4u Kojima cringe.
Do you guys think refining the AI of the original Thief games would benefit them, or would you have to rework the level design as well? This is an aspect that the remake of MGS1 missed completely, it upgraded the general behavior of the guards without considering the level rooms which were designed along with the limited enemy AI at the time.
>and they can even ambush you by pretending to not be aware of your approach.
is that what's happening on expert?
I honestly thought their line of sight was bugged or some shit