That part of the game

>that part of the game
>dad walks in


I grew up with two moms.

lucky you
i grew up with no guardians that would look after me ;-;

Did you /ss/'d?

>turned out to be a homosexual anime poster



Yeah, besided getting bullied for 10 years at school for having two lesbians as my parents that were so overly protective that they ruined my entire development process and only regained my "true" self if you might call it that way in the past three years after I moved out.

I broke up all contact with the two. I'm pretty sure they kill each other one day. They are insane.

Life isn't a /ss/ trash doujin from the bargain bin at the last comiket.

Not anymore

Would you let me give you hug user?

sounds like you were a lousy kid

>I grew up with two moms.


>Video Games
You've already failed your father.

Were you adopted or was one of them you're biological mother?

And kids at school knew about you having two mothers how?

Sometimes I wonder what would it would be like to have two moms.

Man ... that would be fucking hot.

>Glad to see yer winnin' son! She's a real beaut!


Fuck off, gayboy.

Of course I was a lousy kid. I was only fed with shitty green vegetable juice and fat free chicken without skin, wasn't allowed to do sports or visit friends. Junkfood was a big no-no and the only thing I was allowed to watch on TV were animal documentaries.

If you would treat any kid like that it would turn out to be a fucking looser.

My dad apparently pissed off when my mom started fucking her girlfriend. No clue where he is now, never heard of him. My mom never told me anything about him.

Because both of them walked me to school, every fucking day. Even in fucking highschool.

And no, they didn't looked like the lesbians from pornhub videos. Just two average, slightly fat women in their mid fourties.

Don't fucking imagine things that never happen.

Shit at least you didn't grow up with a mom and different step moms

and yes. I did have sex with only 2 of them

I wish I was a gayboy. They look cute.

Is the only choices I can make convo wise through that texting bs? All I want is to love faris AND Kurisu, but why can't I? Why must I choose such as in life?

I love Faris because she and I just click, we have fun together. Don't you ever have a girl in your life you can have fun and enjoy yourself with anons? DON'T YOU? Is it a crime to love one of my best friends? She and I can just bounce fun off each other, and not have to worry about all that BS.

I love Kurisu because we click on a deeper level. We get each other in ways I can't quite describe. She put on the lab coat without even being asked! She's cute, funny, and most of all we just click. She's like me, in the ways that are important. Almost like a soul mate!

Who should I try and get Sup Forums? My best friend or my mate? Why must I pick so harshly!

Also open to relationship with text girl.

>muh parent's were the reason i'm shit!
No. You're just a beta who didn't even have the balls to stand up for himself. Your """solution""" is to run away from the only family you have and becoming a traveling disappointment

They're not real so just pick one and play the game again with the other one

Or he needed somebody to tell him what he should do but of course he grew up with 2 moms

But he is a boy?


They are one of the few girls who matter man! I can't in good conscience cheat on one of them later.

Would you cheat on IRL girls knowing it might possibly hurt the other? NO! No real man would.

Dads don't know that

even hitler would be a lame nobody if he was had that anons childhood.

Would you stay with your abusive parents, user? Because if you don't think that trying to turn a frog into a newt, conversion parenting, is fucked up abusive shit, I don't know what to tell you.

>walks him to school

>playing TF2
>dad walks in
>he sits down and watches
>he salutes me and walks out
thanks dad!

at least you didnt turn into a tranny or something
good luck dude

>not picking best girl Suzu

End yourself

Just follow your heart

>Doesn't let him be a normal boy
>Let's just get rid of all this toxic masculinity

But you would cheat* if you had knowledge that the girls would never find out. Which it is ingame

*Assuming that their is no negative utility to yourself from cheating/the benefit of cheating outweighs the cost

I loved her once, but I saw the pain she had to endure. The horror of departure makes me cry, as saying goodbye is the hardest thing in the world and she has to leave to save us all. No, doing this would hurt too much.

>the people you grew up with who raised you are not the reason why you grew up as you did
wow, you really have to do some fucked up crazy gymnastic to actually believe that.
I'm lucky enough to not have abusive or fucked up parents, and if i consider myself a somewhat decent human being is thanks to them and how they raised me.
To think that in an opposite situation the same logic is not true is just dumb.

>it's at least not that part of the game.

>Childhood friend of mine has two moms
>Always wondered why there was always a second women acting like a mom
>Never really thought much of it as a kid cause friend and I just liked doing normal 7 year old shit
>They move to a new home when I was still a child
>Once till I got older and my mom confirmed when she remembered them as the "Lesbian couple on the corner" did I finally figure out my best friends parents at the time were gay.

It took me a lot longer then it should have to figure it out but boy did they have me fouled.

nigga you were dumb kid


>"I never knew you liked cute girls son, I thought you were a bit gay"

>my parents that were so overly protective that they ruined my entire development process
I have 2 straight parents, but they did the same with me
>and only regained my "true" self if you might call it that way in the past three years after I moved out.
Too bad I can't move out even if I'm almost 25

what's up, chase

>I can't
You're a spineless little bitch. If you want to move out, run away and beg for work

At least they didn't make you a woman (man)

I've wondered this many times, but what's with parents always walking in on this scene? I mean, I thought it was just me but apparently shit tons of people had someone walk in RIGHT AT THIS SCENE.

Is it some curse?

There WAS a time in my life where I did crossdressing ...

But only because it made my dick feel good and my girlfriend enjoyed it.
And I was 15 at that time.

>Not turning into a rebellious teenager who would give his parents shit they deserved
>Not bringing home a girl and fuck her with the door open letting your duke parents know how much better hetero sex is
>Not stealing their credit cards and make their life a loving hell
>Not joining the military as a the final fuck you to them

>run away
Nowhere and no one to go to
>beg for work
I do have a job, but pays too little to pay for my own place.
Adding to that, both my parents are around 60 and retired with a pension(which thanks to the economy fucks up are not enough to sustain their normal life), I'm legally obliged to take care of them financially.
>inb4 look for a better job
Once again, can't.
I currently make about $750/800 per month, which added to my parents' pension, makes for an annual income just a bit below the limit with which you're allowed to almost not pay for medicines, which both need heavily.
If i were to make even just $900 per month, we'd go over that limit, no more almost free meds, which means i'd have to pay for them, effectively resulting in me being able to keep less money for myself than now.
To avoid that, I'd have to find a job which pays me at least $1800/2000 monthly, a salary which only jobs requiring a high level degree offer, and since my parents blew the money they had "saved" for my university using them for stupid shit, I didnt go to university.

Not everyone lives in america kid.

>tfw no qt to lurk Sup Forums with

real feels
had a gf for a couple years and even though she kind of liked int the whole website was 'too mean'

>toxic masculinity
What are you talking about? Sounds like you just had normal parents. Chicken is great for you. Sports is highly dangerous that can lead to giant effects later in life. And with what we know about sugar junk food shouldn't be given to kids.

>Two parents love me and try their best to raise a good kid
>steal their money and get shot

sure showed them

How can Lukako be both best boy and best girl? It's not fair.

Yeah? Well it worked for John Connor


stuff like this just hurts now, because I know it's not real, I know I'll never find someone who really does love me and I completely missed any opportunity I had with any girls in the past and while I may realize and accept my pathetic state, that doesn't make it hurt any less



But you can still get with girls. Just ask your friends or family to get you hooked up. It gets a lot easier after the first time

pretty hot desu

>living at home with your parents

I'm not quite at your level, but I just don't know where to meet girl a now that I'm in the work force. I don't really want to do online dating.

I don't care about sex, I want to be loved

>I want to be loved

Why did you stop if it made you feel good?

Life changes.

Why did you stop? There's literally no problem with crossdressing for fun

>joining the military
I thought the point was to stop being a faggot.

Not the best screencap material but peculiar enough of an insight.

Come on man, people age and at some point crossdressing just doesn't feel right when the cute boy aesthetic dwindles.

Because I sure as hell don't love myself, but I wish there was someone who could
I had one for a little while, but even she grew sick of me


You don't deserve it


Put me in the screencap.

great screen cap dude, bretty gud
the gayest branch hands down is the navy

Put me in the screencap calling this user a fag


>posted a trap
>shocked people are curious about someone with lesbian parents
Also look it's only a minor thing. Some people just enjoy the feeling of panties and a skirt.

God fucking damn I need this to happen at least once in my life.


>Your environment growing up doesn't affect you at all, just be a fucking man
I'm sure you were a paragon of masculinity growing up, you dumb fuck. Guess my general paranoia is just me being crazy.

No-one can love someone who doesn't love themselves Shinji. If you want to love yourself then just do stuff that improves you

>if you pause, you have no choice but to start the entire thing over
>they didn't fix this for any of the re-releases
they fucking knew. It's your punishment for trying to pause it when your dad walked in on you playing it.

I already said that I've accepted my situation, I'll never love myself, there's nothing to love, all I feel for myself is a burning furious undending hatred

>everyones parents are insane

sucks doesn't it?
My mother thought the devil was her conscious telling her she was acting crazy.

My dad sold illegal weapons and got me in trouble a lot.

I also had a black dad for like a year and then he left. He was surprisingly the normal one.

hah that actually felt nice to get off my chest.

>The mental state of America

I want a trap as a friend, is it weird?
>inb4 faggot
Yeah, i am a faggot, but i want a "normal" dude for sex and a relationship.

>dad walks in
>stab her in the pussy son
makes you think huh

dont lump all of us together with losers like that


Yeah what said
I'm just one fucking loser, I don't account for everyone

>only regained my "true" self if you might call it that way in the past three years after I moved out.
There's no such thing as a "true" self, you dipshit. Human existence is multifaceted, and every part of your personality is just as true as any other. Persona lied to you.

>All I want is to love faris AND Kurisu
You should just kill yourself desu senpai

w...what game


>Playing life is strange with headphones on
>Don't realize my dad has crept up behind me
>I'm at this part and choose to kiss Chloe
>"Good choice user, she's pretty cute!"
>Scares the shit out of me, close the game in one nanosecond
>"Yeah... haha..."

And why was he a beta? Who you think raised him you dumb fuck? A child is innocent since he/she is completely molded by her parents.

>he can't sense people with the vibrations through his feet
>he doesn't instinctively take off his headphones for the "that part"

Unless they come from Sup Forums, they seem to get really offended by that term, "trap."
blah blah fetishization of a minority blah blah

My mom used to say if kids don't have something to tell their therapist the parents did something wrong.