Is this, Dare I say it, Gamepad perfection?
Is this, Dare I say it, Gamepad perfection?
It’s a fucking abomination
sticks are the worst analog input device
Left stick is going to be the primary movement input, why the fuck is it haphazardly tacked on to the original controller?
what else would you use other than sticks on a gamepad? a trackball?
I'll be honest with you OP, one day in school years ago my friends were talking about the SNES controller and I said something like "if only it had analogs", they then proceeded to laugh in my face for the next 3 hours and I was too embarrassed to do anything about it
I told my mom and she pulled me from that school immediately, in my new school I didn't dare mention anything about SNES ever again, but I always had a feeling the kids there knew
For that controller, with no handles or grip, circle pads would be preferable, wouldn’t they?
>chink shit
I have a Dualshock 4 with Dualshock 3's domed right analog stick for better camera ctrl
>arthritis simulator
do you mean touchpads like the steam controller?
dual shocks have garbage dpads
are there triggers or just shoulder buttons? no triggers no buy. It completely fills the retro controller niche and current controller paradigm if it has triggers.
No, I mean circle pads like the perfected ones on N3DS.
that's a dualshock
heres the back
If you're a manlet with hands that small yes.
8bitdo make good shit, and things like updating the firmware to work with the Switch earn some loyalty.
Yeah DS4 would be perfect if I had the XYBA buttons for PC input and a Saturn or Vita D-pad; but assymetrical sticks I jumbled are a joy desu
oh shit. sexy.
fuck no
The FC30 Pro reverses AB/XY and it's fucking stupid that they don't officially offer a fixed version.
I know it's because it's SNES button mapping, but trying to use it on mobile is a nightmare.
Just change the keybinds in whatever game you're playing.
Why L2 R2 and not ZL AND ZR.
This. Give me prongs to grab onto god damn it
Because ZR and ZL are fucking stupid.
Because 4 shoulder buttons are standard now
Just gimme that fuckin PS2 Saturn pad and give it usb sega please
Extremely ugly, ruins the symmetry of the original.
>only 2 shlulder buttons
>3rd party
>Concave sticks
Seems awful to have double shoulder buttons on a controller that thin.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
are their any 3rd part saturn pads that arent shit?
The names of the inputs don’t change the number of them.
This thing still screams blasphemy to me...
It has 4 and the sticks click
It's thicker than the original
Those are skinny as fuck, you wouldn't even be able to have one finger on each button.
Why are there so many tripfags on Sup Forums?
What makes a man want to be known on an anonymous imageboard?
One, stop this you aren’t helping.
Also, Mona here. I don’t always use my trip, hell most of the time I post anonymously, but with project and anthology threads and tech support/controller threads and sales threads, having my trip makes it easier to search stuff through the archive, which makes it easier for me to help people. It’s also easier to filter someone with a trip code. If used right and not 100percent of the time, trip codes can be useful. I know, I’ve been here since early 2007.
Okay since there's a little stick-discussion here...
Why didn't they give the N3DS a second circle pad instead of the shitty c stick? I mean I'm glad it's there but it's slippery and uncomfortable.
There's enough space for another circle pad, why does Nintendo hate doing the right thing? Everything that's possible to fuck up, they fuck it up.
It's like they hate money, yet they still make tons of it.
best D-Pad ever.
>easily perform basic & complicated shit smoothly, like butter on SFA2
>Get PS1 & SFA2
>It's like sliding your thumb through a cheese grater.
>i dont always use my trip
>makes sure everyone knows who you fucking are defeating the purpose
you tripfags actually have brain cancer
>Best d pad ever
>What is PS Vita
Isn't this the same company that made that awful Wii U Pro Controller that technically wasn't one?
Just stop, no one gives a shit who you are on an anonymous imageboard
Thanks for your help!
No. The right analog stick is too close to the buttons.
>I know, I've been here since 2007
why havent you picked up on the fact that tripcodes actually make you look like a retard then
Sorry guys, made a typo, I've been here since 2017.
N3DS was developed to release alongside smash in mind. For a handheld Smash, with the other version being on a low-selling console so the handheld game had to be the belle of the ball...
Isn’t flicking a clit mouse less damaging than traction of Two circle pads?
Like I said.
do you actually think people search you in the archive you special ed fuck
You haven’t been around for the deals, have you?
actual autism
a dust collection device
>thinking that shit can compare
Fucking die attention whore
Faggot, go home
Jesus Christ, fucking tripfag white knights...
thats the top you dumbo
how about you make a tumblr
trackpad, trackball, gyro
anything but a stick
Fucking attention whore, fuck off
>Letting your Vita collect dust
Enjoy your 240p screen 3DSfag
when the hell is it coming out? i want to buy it
I'm sure the technical specs make up for having nogaems
To be fair they both have no games.
>no games
dont be retarded
sonnyggers need to be exterminated
useless post
It's true, this thing is garbage. I should have never listened to you imbeciles, handhelds are just as bad as consoles these days.
it has hundreds of worthwhile games sorry you cant find any you like
Were the d-pads on their previous controllers good?
excellent i have an NES30pro and its great was playing zelda 1 and mega man no problem with it
Wrong. Both have a shit ton of games.
There's zero grip. Duslshock is better.
is the mona you love the one from shovel knight
Hori, PDP, Mayflash, etc.... they need to make a controller like this pic I made.
This is without a doubt the intended method of controller perfection. It is as God intended. The placement of each button is available with a short finger extension.
retarded post, user