This is Steam, a gaming platform for your Personal Computer.
This is Steam, a gaming platform for your Personal Computer
Still better than neogaf.
'member when you bought a big box PC game from the store, you installed it and it played without an internet connection and some cancerous DRM client?
I 'member.
>and it played without an internet connection and some cancerous DRM client?
Literally zero difference to me. It's all automatic and im doing nothing.
GOG and Humblebundle sell DRM-free games. Many Steam Games are DRM-free too, theres a wiki about it somewhere.
Also Southpark fucking sucks and that joke is overused crap, kill yourself.
'member when games wern't broken and needed stupid things like day 1 patches?
'member when Myth 2 erased your hard drive? You don't?
It doesn't fit, it's too small for my balls.
>group picture
>panties on a girl
Did you know you couldn't play Fallout 3 on Windows 7 until the steam version came out, because the DRM broke it?
Pirates could play it without steam though. Pirates never had a problem.
>'member when games wern't broken and needed stupid things like day 1 patches?
Girls are boys too.
Panties do fit on boys
t.someone who did it.
Fess up which one of you was behind this?
Ive never had a problem too. First i pirated it, then bought in sale. You can't find something relevant so you cater to problems which almost 10 fucking years old. Nice.
Thanks God i'm a faggot then
you can still do that
by pirating
>a big box PC game
you mean your blizzard game or random shitty flavor of the quarter mmo? that's all they sold in stores circa 2004. and if you're talking about anything earlier than that, then you'd have to deal with even more cancerous physical DRM anti-piracy bullshit where you get a huge ass piece of paper with impossible-to-read codes that you have to type in every single fucking time you launch the game. dont forget to nail that piece of shit to the wall right next to your pc or you won't be able to play your game again.
I'll take an online platform that gives me DRM-locked and offline executables over that garbage any day.
you're a good man, user.
holy shit it's the real gif
Reported in FSB, thanks.
this isn't what I expected
Blueboard enjoy your ban fat admiring fuck
any traps steam group?
disgusting landwhale.
>bought PC game in a store
>has to remove Nero because of the DRM
>has to remove Virtual CD because of the DRM
Good times.
>mfw i was expecting your mother dies in her sleep tonight
Why do all these >people have to plaster "LOL I POST ON REDDIT AND Sup Forums!!1!" all over their profiles?
Desperate for attention and recognition. What else.
the people who brag about posting on Sup Forums are mostly redditors that lurk the one reddit where they steal shit from Sup Forums and act like it's epic meemee OC
I'm in that Sup Forums group because they post about free games on the humble store and such occasionally
never interact with any of them though, seems like fags mostly
I hate people who showcase conversations they have
>muh sekrit club
Also i don't see any reddit there? Are you just trying to conflate people who aren't elitist snobs with reddit? Because that's mostly what reddit is and these guys don't seems like elitist snobs to me.
If there was one thing I dislike more than furfags, weeaboos, or any other cancerous fanbase on the internet, are people that use anime (and Japanese culture in general) like an ironic accessory and pretending it's the peak of comedy.
fuck off faggot nobody cares
it's an elitist weeaboo who says people can't enjoy the art of certain anime because they can't be a weeaboo since they don't watch every season of anime.
I mean as long as you're not a complete cunt about your tastes, who cares.
>"Hey guys look AT MY CATGIRL STEAM BACKGROUND and cropped HENTAI avatar, its ONLY IRONIC btw, I not interested in any of those and just want the attention
>ANIMES this season? yeah I just watch whatevers posted on reddit. RE:ZERO and YOUR NAME are fucking masterpieces btw.
I agree. Ironic nuweebs are the biggest group of faggots to ever exist
same people that watch that dragon maid and little witch show, or even worse, pretend to have watched them and just spout memes like "le don't le lewd le dragon loli xDxdddd" and love nekopara and compile hearts shit
steam community was a mistake
Quite visibly triggered there my good sir.
if your against this your a fucking elitist scum
wat a qt
>Tfw I only watch wholesome and pure channels like Accursed Farms
Ah yes, a tip of le numale cap to you my good gentlesir. I say, should we catch the new Konosuba ova? I heard from our good chaps at reddit dot com that it was a smashing hit. Truly uproarious memes to be had, let's head on back there now old dear! Lead the way! xD
nothing wrong here
>yfw anime fans went from actually being autistic to being """"""""""ironically"""""""""" autistic
>thumbnail picture is from some /mm/ thread
I lost
Take it to Sup Forums sicko.
Nah im good i don't watch weeb shit.
I remember cancerous CD-keys and starforce desu
Fucking hell
Guys anime is so fricking epic lmao xD
don't lewd the dragons he he
and traps are so not le gay!! felix is fricking epic and my trap waifu!!! xpp I fricking love anime lol!!!!
do you like my nekopara steam background??? I paid $30 for it ironically LMAO fricking trolling those dumb normies xd
I platinumed all nekopara games and my first anime was urotsikidoji back in the 90s
ask me anything
>joining meme weeb groups
>all these thumbnails with retarded faces
what is generalizing the post.
very few had that kind of copy protection where its "please write the 5th word in the 10th line on page 30 of the instruction manual.
most if not all the games around 2000 started coming out with CD keys. I suspect you weren't even born till the 2000's. Or atleast didn't get into PC gaming till then.
All anime is fucking garbage. There's no difference between otaku faggots, same breed
why does anime always attract the bottom feeders of society
>Actually buying into the "wtf I hate this now" because of a singular example
Please expand your horizons.
member when Sup Forums wasn't Sup Forumseddit and would have liked this?
I member
I don't need to ask you anything. Assuming you're not lying, which of course you aren't because everyone is truthful here on Sup Forums. That simply means you're part of an incredibly small minority of people. I'd wager that 85-90% of all current "anime fans" starter watching anime in this last 8-10 years. And fewer still are able to cross the generational gaps as seamlessly as that.
Good job, you might be a genuine weaboo among a sea of poseurs.
holy shit u ok there bud????
>Bullying isn't funny
You'd be surprised
>"Sup Forums was always gay!!!!!"
a tell-tale sign of someone that arrived here post-2011
Odd way of spelling Sup Forums there, friendo.
I don't even watch anime anymore
>PC gaming
>being a faggot enabler
Traps are gay
the two aren't exclusive
the question still stands
Honestly, that provably gives you more credibility than your peers here.
Ohh, sweetie where did the big bad Sup Forums touch you?
>'member when Myth 2 erased your hard drive?
Dodged that bullet only because a friend of mine uninstalled the game before I ever tried to.
I've always despised weeb shit.
Grow up you fucking baby, anime is worthless just like all of nip pop culture, it's shit
keep chugging that bottled water kiddo
make sure you let your single mother know you love her too
>a friend of mine uninstalled the game before I ever tried to.
>weeb retard can't understand how someone couldn't enjoy his japanese drawings
Literally kill yourself, you're pathetic
This website is not for you. Please fuck off
Not an argument, sweetie.
You sound underaged as fuck kid
It took me a second to realize you can't post this on Sup Forums
Back to Sup Forums anime faggot, this is not your safespace
>waah anime is bad >:(((
You've only been here a few years at most, right?
Elitist Perfection, we can continue with are Elitism every step of the way because we know our cause is a righteous one
It's not bad, it's shit
You're free to eat shit, don't complain people call you a shit eater
that's a cute character
animefags fucking btfo until the end of time
Steam is for gays.
I just torrent
he's right, anime, mistake.
>Steam is for gays
>Is bi
You're half right.
anime ftw