“There’s nothing worse than getting stream sniped,” streamers said a mere week ago. Oh, how naive they were

>“There’s nothing worse than getting stream sniped,” streamers said a mere week ago. Oh, how naive they were.
>The latest major update for PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds added car horns. Now instead of stalking their favorite streamers and killing them, people have taken to following them around in cars and honking at them incessantly. It’s called stream honking, and it’s infuriating and/or hilarious, depending on your perspective.
>Brendan “PlayerUnknown” Greene stated that multiple repeat offenders have been banned and rule changes are expected that would officially make stream honking a bannable offense.

What the fuck? I paid cash money dollars for a game, so why can't I play the game as intended because some streamer gets booty blasted?

I'm glad I refunded this.

Streamers are such fucking babies. All they need to do is add a delay. They never do, cause they're fucking retards.

They made streamers a protected class in that game because they owe all their popularity to streamers. If there's a big streamer in your game you should probably just let him kill you or you might incur a ban for harming his business.

>streamers get exposure for the game so more people buy it
>you're just a random faggot and they have your money anyway
>act like a faggot
>hurr durr y u ban me?

Fuck off



>streamers are now a protected class who can get people banned whenever they want because they're the only reason the developers make money
Awesome, don't you just love modern gaming?

>t. streamer

>play the game
>kill the guy
>get banned

>play the game
>get banned

>Adds car horn
>But you get banned for using it

These developers, holy shit.

It's almost as if people gain perks when they are known.

honking should always be allowed

> one person spends money to make a handful of people experience a bad time
> other people build a community of dozens/hindreds of like minded fans while promoting the PLAYERUNKNOWN brand over affordable market exposure

I bet you run up on the stage durring concerts.

Banning players for playing the game instead of fixing the problem is common now. Overwatch does shit like that too.

I really love the game (it's great, fun, pure gameplay, fast) but I really hate and loathe streamers, fucking entitled crybullies.

Stop being a retard for a second. The people doing stream sniping and stream honking purposely stalk streamers, line up in their queue to get into a game with them for the sole purpose of harassing them. It's like driving 30 miles to someone's job and hiding under their car waiting for them. There's literally no reason why they shouldn't be banned for their shit.


>people defending streamers

Man reddit really has taken over.




The problem is they are banning people without proof.

>kill streamer
>get banned because streamer and his fans report me for sniping
>I wasn't


>Stream Delay
>problem disappears
Woooow, that was hard.

>people following you in a car honking their asses off giving away their position to everybody
how about you just fucking shoot them and kill them you fucking whining faggots, you have guns.

Anyone have a link to that quote where playerunknown lead dev banned an irl bully of his from his game?

stream delay, kill the offender. Wow so hard

>playing shit in the first place

I'm surprised more people aren't adopting trip codes since they all seem to think that they're just waiting to become e-famous.

People tend to call things you get paid to do a job, yes.

Even easier, just slap a face cam over the minimap

There are like 15 big streamers MAX playing the game at the same time. The peak amount of players is currently at 400k, 250k being the normal average. You would have to be very fucking unlucky to randomly killing a streamer without knowing he is one AND getting banned at the same time...Unless you're obvioulsy stream sniping like the people who join and leave games until they get into one with a streamer and then proceed to kill them first, in wich case you deserve whatever ban comes you


They already have your money, they don't care about you.
inb4 shill. Yeah I'm actually shilling for the third most played game on steam and the top 3 most watched game on twitch, they really need all the publicity they can get.


>buy game
>fuck with streamer
>get banned

>without proof

There's plenty of video evidence when someone dicks around with a streamer. Plus I'm pretty sure the dev can see if a player is honking hundreds of times in a short period.

>defending people getting banned for doing the games objective

Streamers provide hours of cost-free content while raising awareness to a product and brand.

Random honk-sniper harasses celebrities because they are frustrated that people don't pay attention to them.

>ultrafaggot gets red carpet and privileges because he's playing streaming a game
>other players who paid for their game can't play like they want to because ultrafaggot streamers get annoyed

>It's called stream honking
At this point I thought I was watching South Park

>autismos stalk streamers for e-fame
>Sup Forums actually defends this

>cost-free content

This is fantastic shill vocabulary bait.

>There's proof!
Except there isn't. Fuck your honking memes, I am talking about players being banned because they killed a fucking streamer. You cannot prove they were stream sniping.

Just refund people who don't like your garbage protected class streamers,

guess panhandling is a job then

inb4 "but muh chat interaction"

You're unwanted. IMO people banned multiple times should start getting charged exponentially higher amounts of actual cash.

>Tripwire writes in EULA typical shit that they can ban you from the game for being racist
>they don't do it
>get shit anyways

>Blizzard and Bluehole ban people for stupid, pointless shit on daily basis
>somehow they get away with it

>Banning people for using a feature you added to the game.
Fuck streamers.
Exactly how do they even prove you were in their stream for this shit, anyhow? It's not like they'd just carry bans out without needing some sort of proof, because then what is stopping random people who are playing the game getting banned because unbeknownst to them, some guy they happened to kill was a streamer?

2 cancer tumors fighting each other. Most exquisite.

Streamers,the faggot in charge of moderation, and Player Unknown know they're a protected upper class because they shill this game by existing

>devs ban players for playing game
>people defend this
Can't wait until nintendo bans me for play BOTW wrong

>stream sniping

Sorry for my ignorance, I don't follow this game or any of this shit. Have the devs actually tried to police stream sniping like they're trying to with this car honking mess? Because that sounds completely fucking retarded.

Everyone who wants to play the game can buy it and play it. No streamer raises awareness for the game because everyone watching their stream already knows the game exists. What they provide is nothing more than people too lazy to play the game anyway.

They get banned for stream sniping when they fucking exit and reenter the queue for 30 minutes until they land up with the streamer then immediately and magically know where the streamer is and merc him. They deserve the fucking ban; don't fucking try to defend this shit.

By definition, law, and it would include census if you make over a specific amount of money.

Does that make chefs...professional pand-handlers?

Shut up faggot. If you actually enjoy the game and don't stream snipe you will never be banned for this.

good luck finding an EULA for a multiplayer game where the company can't discontinue service for any or no reason.

Exactly, but somehow in TWI case it's a problem.

>Denying reality over and over
People have been banned for killing a streamer and nothing more. This should be illegal. Fuck your shill ass defending protected classes in games. I will never buy this shit because I should not be forced to let a streamer kill me out of fear he will get me banned for not lying down and dying.

If you pull down enough in cash it could be considered a self-employed job.

R.I.P Sup Forums
This is where it died
With redditors defending streamers

It was shit to be here

Why do people watch streamers play this game? I get really stressed out just spectating my teammate after I die. Having no control of what happens next feels horrible


then why is panhandling banned in cities you fucking inbred moron?


>McDonald's never do ads anymore because everyone knows the brand already

Has this been happening? That guy the other week who was complaining about it turned out to have been joining the same lobby as the streamer over and over again, who else has been banned for killing some rando and they turned out to be a streamer?

>y am i getting b& for griefing
>its my game i do what i wnat

The streamers should be behind a paywall then.

should definately start at 800$

I've seen a bunch of different streamers getting killed and not making a big deal out of it, because its REALLY fucking obvious when someone is sniping them.

>land alone on a certain part of the map
>start looting a certain room
>guy comes from a fucking mile away in a bike
>hops off
>runs straight to the streamer throwing 10 granades into the room he's in

But you're gonna say "well he saw him going into the building".Stop defending shitters, because unless he actually knows exactly where he is the game doesn't reward you enough to going so far as to traveling many miles into the blue zones to kill just 1 person..

>upsetting streamers

Is this a crime or something? If Player Unknown is driving this then that game can fuck off.

>hurr durr why is prostitution and selling drugs banned when you can make a lot of money doing them?

Kill yourself

Because people don't like panhandling. Much like prostitution.

Literally banned for honking at streamers. These devs are such faggots I'm glad I didn't fall for this early access pile

no it's not. It's literally banned because it causes too many safety concerns to traffic and the direct safety of the panhandler himself.

Good to see kids on Sup Forums without a fucking license like to shitpost their invalid opinions

>Streaming was a mistake

serves you right for playing this half baked garbage in the first place

Because the people with money and power don't like to be reminded that poor people exist. They make the place look untidy so they pass laws to make their existence in certain areas untenable.

This is the exact same thing as getting banned by an admin cause you killed his girlfriend

Isnt this game listed as early access? Why do so many fucking retards buy these stupid games?

Why does that guy look like a reject from an 80s action movie parody?

>more games journalists pros shill articles
its gotten pretty blatant now desu, lay off the shill threads, we get like 1 every 15 minutes








He's literally a dude in his 40's that acts like an edgy teenage faggot. That's his entire shtick

I fail to see how this is any different than them banning people for something like spamming local voip, and I think the vocal minority of stream snipers are trying to shift the focus away from their deliberately annoying behavior and trying to cast streamers in a bad light.

>People have been banned for killing a streamer and nothing more

I'm gonna need you to provide some source for those claims. because it has never happened just like that. Are you gonna post that screenshot of the guy who got banned from a discord server now? The one you probably saved but doens't mention the ban was only from the discord server because its a shitty crop.

Reminder that Kotaku is actively advertising on Sup Forums everyday which is against the rules.

Not everyone enjoys playing video games. Are you able to hit the field any play football or do you enjoy watching other people.

No picture, some jack ass running onto the field and sucker punching a quarterback. It would be cool the first time, but not EVERY football game.

At some point, a barrier of entry needs to be made. If PUBG devs were less nice, they would have a mandetory "lurk" only period, where shitters can watch and see how the playerbase conducts ourselves before joining in matcjes. Spectator mode for vetting.

>be a pleb
>report someone
>nothing happens
>be streamer
>report someone
>they get banned right away

So when someone has already bought the game and all of a sudden stumble across a stream they'd be like "Golly gee I nearly forgot I've paid for this game two days ago, better get back to it!"
>food anology

the fuck is stream sniping? Like purposely finding them using their video feed and sniping them from afar, a sort of modern screenlooking?

If so, then I 100% support this move.

It's not free market you dolt. It's private enterprise.

>fighting communists around the world and land a man on the moon and
>watch other people play video games and honk at them in game

What went so wrong?

If people are reported enough for it they look into it. If they see that the person is disconnecting from games to get into the same queue as a streamer and then immediately attacking them they can ban them for stream sniping. It's literally playing with a faggot screen cheater, but Sup Forums acts like it's not cheating because "m-muh ecelebs."

Chefs provide a service for the exchange of compensation. Panhandlers appeal to your emotions for compensation. Both are jobs if you make money consistently with either activity. If you make enough pan handing, you will not be considered unemployed. What that amount is depends on your state/government.

The honking is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.

Fucking with ecelebs and trolling is a Sup Forums staple retard neck yourself

>Early Access
When will you FUCKING cunts learn, I fucking hate this place.

Moon landing was a hoax