Remember when we used to joke about the day when steam would star selling porn games

Remember when we used to joke about the day when steam would star selling porn games

the future is now bois

Other urls found in this thread:

Normal fags on suicide watch

>steam would star selling porn games

who cares?

I think it's great and I can't wait for the age of non-patreon porn games to be upon us

whatever just post the cg rip

How many threads about this fucking game do we need

I was browsing the RPGmaker section earlier just for shits and giggles, didn't think Sup Forums would actually give a fuck about this trash

why would I pay for censored eroge?

Shitty porn rpgmaker games are as normie as you can get, typical games for poorfag third worlders

>it's RPG maker shit


No thanks, would not bang.

What else would you prefer? Regular visual novels?
>"dark" elf
>she's just tan at best

Remember, when you play it on Steam, everyone gets to know about it.

Yeah, this. They have no reason to sell censored versions overseas.

>What else would you prefer? Regular visual novels?

Honey Select

>non thicc elf
lost interest

They have been going for a while, if all ages versions that can be patched count. :3

great character creator and poser for scenes but that's pretty much it

>Rated M

wait the ESRB rated this?

>porn game
>without the porn
This is a new kind of retardation.

Can I just buy it from dlsite and not play it through steam?

Does the DLsite one have english?

DLsite is not in English and more expensive, but it has that porn.

What level of degeneracy does this game reach?

Nigger is was dead serious.

Oh no, all those people that I care about what they think.
Why are you still a child?

About god damn time.
Looking forward to the day when I won't have to download h-patches for my VNs.


i cant believe im downloading a porn game from skidrow

There are better porn games out there.

jesus christ

Its a marketplace you retard


I wish more people could be like you and have a semblance of taste, but the fact that there are people out there who actually bought the game on steam, and let their memes reviews, really makes me sad, and what makes me even more sad, is there is people out there who think this game is "good".

>chink RPG maker game
How does this shit keep getting in even after they axed Greenlight?

Hey there's a few good rpgmaker games

Specifically, the surreal ones

why yes, i AM part of the /r/pcmasterrace

Village of Nightmare was a great RPG maker game

Did somebody call?

el presidente strikes again


>Each day steams becomes even more shitty
Truly the darkest timeline.

>doesn't even have an uncensored patch
Why bother?

what a time to be alive

weeb shit is normie shit now

>Message from
>"Hey man, Steam notification says you're playing , is it a fun game, I've never heard about it"

Remember to check your offline/friend notification settings.

I have yet to see a normalfag talking about Emergence or the newest Asanagi work. Entry level shit is ironic weeb land, everything beyond is still perceived as "degenerate", keeping everything at bay as it should be.

implying i care

>"Hell yeah! Got my dick out and fapping furiously. The one-handed controls are great!"

They'll leave you alone, give their opinion on porn games, or want to ERP which you can tell them to fuck off for the last two.

>not playing porn games with your friend and maybe with each other after that

None of the steam friends I talk to really give a shit about what I'm playing.

Friends don't have gay sex with each you mentally ill degenerate

Maybe if you pozzed up fags weren't molested during childhood you would learn what a healthy normal friendship is like. Go get gay cancer if you haven't already you shit eating poofter.

How about regular porn visual novels with gameplay, that'll be great.

I don't know why this post is so funny

So you want 3D shit then?

>normal friendship
What are you doing here normalfag~ and why did you get so worked up because of my post huhh?

>mfw we have this thread every time SakuraGame releases something

I've bought 4 of their games with trading card money

I'm kind of curious how much of the H content they had to cut to get it on steam.

It's still going to get taken down tho.

Emergence is ironic weeb shit #1

>muh so sad
>D-don't talk about that!

>Getting this buttmad
Numale cumstained whiteboi cuckboi BTFO LOOOOOOOOL

You should have spent more time trying to be a decent human being instead of trying to sexually molest and seduce that retarded boy who was the only one willing to talk to you. Just because your uncle made you sit on his lap doesn't mean you can ruin someone else so you don't feel alone.

Yeah you're in position to talk about being buttmad!
Oh yeah, I wish I could be so decent like you~

I read in the review section that the sex is censored by some kind of scary rabbit thing, anyone have a screenshot of this?

Stop avatarfagging


>Dark Elf not uploaded yet
The fuck are you doing Sup Forums?