So why does MC go back home leaving all his friends behind after saving the world? Didn't his parents abandon him at the start of the game to Sojiro when no one believed he was framed by Shido for stopping that attempted rape? I mean litertally what the FUCK kind of shit ending is this?
Persona 5 ending
It's basically the traditional Persona ending at this point. They always end with the main character leaving in one way or another
I agree it doesn't really fit in this game though.
That bothered me too. Joker's parents are clearly fucking assholes, they sent him away, and didn't visit, call, write, or even text ONCE.
Probation at previous school wouldn't allow him to be enrolled so Joker's parents sent him to live with Shojiro because then at least he would have a chance of starting over.
It was an alright ending - Didn't really carry the emotional weight of 3 or 4's endings because I wasn't nearly as invested in the cast. The ending song really grew on me though
He went to that school as part of his probation, and it was easier to find someone out there to house him then move the whole family for a year or have him commute every day. His parents are likely dicks, but as a minor, it's not like he can just tell them to fuck off yet.
It didn't carry the weight because it wasn't as rural. More than likely Joker could just catch the train back to Tokyo to meet up with Futaba anyway
Were the parents ever bothered that their kid was a wanted terrorist found dead in the police station?
>his parents are dicks
really? if they were douchebags then Joker never would've got himself into trouble, his sense of justice is thanks to his upbringing.
I'm pretty sure it was a court order, not his parents abandoning him.
Shit thats a damn good point
You never get any letter or phone call from them though.
Sure, he went to Tokyo because of the court order, but some support from mom and dad wouldn't have been amiss.
Now it just sorta feels like they dumped him there and washed their hands off of him because he sullied the family honour or some shit.
Flipside is that it was the reverse for Akira--he grew up in the boondocks and was sent in to the city to live out his probation.
At least in the city, he could remain anonymous from shear numbers, rather than in the countryside where everyone knows everyone.
So yeah, he would still have to hitch a train ride, probably no different than Yu.
I don't ever think they released his name nor face. Joker simply went into hiding because he didn't want the wrong people to recognize him. He literally went back to school when everything blew over.
Joker's hometown is Inaba.
did the public even know his identity? game was confusing as fuck about that
>we've captured the leader of the phantom thieves
>he committed suicide
>[insert name] has to go back home for personal reasons
>he won't be coming to school for awhile
>save the world
>you're going to have to turn yourself in now for some reason
>get out of prison
>no one cares
They never actually released Joker's name or picture tho
Or maybe, perhaps, it didn't fit the context of the game. You could literally say the same thing about P4.
He's a minor the cops would have to inform the parents.
No, the public never found out, because the gov't didn't want to sensationalize the PT. Giving out names immortalizes them forever.
P5's story was a mess.
That would be cool
Actually, yeah, why did P4-kun leave? It was said from the beginning he'd be there only a year. Kinda odd considering it was just a regular high school transfer, not like an exchange program.
And that was half of the plot--Joker was reportedly dead, yet they never recovered the body. The dependency was brushed underneath the table, name or face was never released for people to cross-reference.
You could, but Yu's situation was a little different.
Mostly because he doesn't actually have a criminal record and isn't on probation.
Wouldn't it be normal for parents to at least try to support their kid in a situation like this? Unless his parents are assholes and don't trust their son's story.
His parents went traveling and wanted Yu to continue his schooling--it really was an exchange program for the year.
>save the world
>you're going to have to turn yourself in now for some reason
This bit made me really angry
Well it is Japan so there is a good chance that the parents are assholes exactly as you described.
And the game was pretty heavy-handed with the whole "adults are assholes" thing, so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch either.
And thats the point. Its almost like injustice is a major theme hmmmmmm
You're retarded if you think parents are the only reason a person is the way they are. They literally don't contact him a single time for the entire year.
That wasn't injustice it just didn't make sense
What you see of Joker's home area doesn't give the impression of it being in the country whatsoever, it's just a more suburban area of a city.
Guys i'm playing p4g and i can't get past marie's dungeon.
Should I just load a previous save and skip that shit? I can still do the true ending dungeon if i do that right?
how can you not beat Marie's dungeon?
I'm surprised no one cares about this
>Akechi-kun please make sure you deal with this phantom menace
>ok dad
>*shoots you in the head*
>haha mission accomplished who the fuck cares about cleanup
Did you miss the part where it's supposed to look like a suicide?
Maybe I just don't understand it or I have bad personas, but I really don't want to put in the effort to grind better personas desu
>Make tons of friends.
>Get a girlfriend and stable relationship
>Learn a profession (barista) and be told that if you want, eventually, you can inherit the bussiness.
>Get several jobs in the meantime that make you financially independent.
>The ending is some cowboy riding into the sunset bullshit I'm sorry my planet needs me lmao / simpsons episode ending where everything is left exactly as it was.
What a spit in the face after all those hours building relationships and a new life for nothing.
user, you don't grind personas. You fuse them.
Yeah but you need the level to make good personas
>body is missing
that makes sense
>Zero explanation of why Sojiro took Joker in beyond "I owed your parents a favour" which is never elaborated on in any way
I was able to make perfectly good personas on very hard (half exp gain) with basically no grinding past hunting for Peech Seeds to one-day clear Yukiko's dungeon. People like you should just play on safety desu.
I don't get why they had to bring a legion of police officers into the metaverse and do all this bullshit when they already know everything about the phantom thieves, they could just kidnap him from his home.
>You're retarded if
That's a petty reason to insult someone. He never said or implied that, user
Well the thing is I don't even think my personas are the problem.
I think I just don't understand how the dungeon is supposed to be done
they wrote the story starting with the in medias res and then they couldn't come up with how they got there
You get items. You use items. It's that simple.
>What a spit in the face after all those hours building relationships and a new life for nothing.
It's pretty well known that nips can't into writing.
must have goten to fuck jokers mom or something.
Phantom Thieves were actually charged with unlawful entry and property damage. Joker just took the fall for the rest of the guys.
Wasn't he paid to take him in?
>unlawful entry
I don't remember this
because it's the same bullshit hackneyed anime writing where every event in the plot happens for the most contrived reasons possible.
what exactly do people enjoy about this game and P4? I've given them both a chance and I'm just not seeing it. All characters hold the "I'm a retard" ball whenever it's convenient for the writers. Every plot point and character detail is telegraphed with painful clarity, basically zero subtlety involved. The characters almost always react to things in the most cliché, forced drama inducing way possible in order to drive the plot forward. The turn based gameplay is not exactly deep or entertaining and the daily sim / management gameplay isn't much to write home about, either.
If I ever bring up the stilted awkward dialogue or lazy plotting and characterization, my friends who are fans of the game just tend to say something along the lines of "Haha, well that's anime for you. it's always like that." I can understand that, but if that's the case then what is it about these games that is actually GOOD? What does one actually like about these glorified visual novels if not the plot and writing? The music is really good, and the character designs are appealing, and the graphics are nice. But that can't be enough to make someone play a game for 70 hours, can it?
I don't want to come off as hostile but I always see fans of these games making fun of the writing so I know I'm not the only one. What is it about them that's actually good?
After Sae bailed him out, everyone probably thought that someone already disposed of the body and faked the whole thing.
Break in to Okumura Foods. Making of Morgana and Haru.
How did Sae make the police forget about the dead body of a cop during Joker's murder-suicide?
>everyone probably thought
Akechi can't be that dumb, he must've had someone to deal with the aftermath, right? He is an ace detective after all, he shouldn't overlook any oversight his plans. I mean, he even solved Sae's dungeon and was the first to realise Joker survived, he's a smart guy.
I'm gonna chalk this up to terrible writing.
The guard who got shot was a cognitive one. Sae told the real one to fuck off for his own safety.
And the police and family would want the body for the funeral
Haru is literally the owner of okumura foods, I think she will let it pass.
It's part of the charm. Either your into it or not.
The gameplay is good, dumb dumb.
Also Persona 3 was the only one of 3/4/5 where the characters had personalities beyond sucking MC's dick and pushing the plot forward.
literally just a generic NPC, no one cares about him
There is no body, you idiot. It wasn't real.
He was an "ace detective" because he 'solved' the crimes he himself committed in the cognitive world
Reminder that akechis biggest weakness was pride, he always assumes he is the puppet master till he gets BTFO at the end
more like ace defective
Internal politics. They had to catch Joker at the scene of the crime in order to prove his methods.
>emotional weight
it's literally just taking a long train ride away from the backwater town and you can come back whenever you want.
4 and 5 ending are pretty forced as there's not much reason to leave, at the end of the game as long as you tried, everyone from where you are leaving basically worships the ground you walk on and you supposedly achieved very strong bonds with them.
There's literally no reason to leave this all behind other than "the plot said so".
Style, that's really it.
Play a real SMT game, they're honestly good. Persona games may have some style and charm but never enough to justify their lengths.
The overall style of Persona is appealing. It's got the Jojo premise of fighting bad guys with your spirit guardian. It's got lite Jungian psychology mixed with the occasional Gnostic perspective. Throw in various world mythologies and Lovecraftian horror. Sure, the character quality varies from game to game, and so too does the plot, but I don't think the writing has ever been the reason why people play Persona games. They find the characters to be leaps and bounds more engaging than your typical anime show. P3-5 have a hard time exploring their themes without being heavy handed, but they still have intrigue
I dunno, it's really easy to find flaws in this series, and the main SMT franchise. Either you're into it or you're not
Well duh, all the s-links are literally written to like you.
It's a tradition, deal with it.
You're giving too much thought into this.
I still wish it was a real casino they were sneaking into. That'd have been a way cooler way of progression, since you already had insane palaces beforehand but a real-life casino and being a showoff in a public would actually up the stakes and fit the whole theme of fighting society and being a symbol. Plus they'd have to figure out how to just hop in-and-out of the metaverse frequently to mess with shadows of security guards I guess, and to get around in general.
They even went with the fact that you can go somewhere in the metaverse and teleport straight into the real world given they did the same thing with the underground interrogation room, something they otherwise never use even though it'd be super useful.
they sent him away because it was better for him and they could've call, write, or text and it just wasn't show in game. You don't see every little thing
I wish the casino was more about you sneaking in underneath shadow saes nose as opposed to being trapped in her game
>You don't see everything that happens in a game where you literally see each day of the MCs life morning to night, including random text messages and calls from friends
my favourite part of the game was when Joker was on the shitter
You know that you can actually take a piss, right?
I didn't see his house.
it was kind of awkward how Morgana watched every single time Joker spanked the monkey though
Im pretty sure he just took a walk out if joker need privacy
just like in valentine's day
It's a combination of easily digestible style, writing and an incremental grind that gets how to make progression satisfying that makes for an appealing combination - the games are more than the sum of their objective parts.
I'd say the writing isn't ALL trash, there are attempts at depth here and there. The modern personas all have something to say, be it about confronting death or oppression, and some of the characters - particularly in 4 - build on their archetypes to make something more interesting.
The translation of P5 is objectively awful though, and ruins the threadbare characterisation that's there in the first place.
His parents sent him away because he got probation for a year because of Shido. His previous school basically said "fuck you" and wouldn't take him in while on probation, so he had to go to Shujin for the year until it was over so he could go back to his previous school.
That's what the ending is.
They never teleported with the interrogation room. You have to return to where you entered the metaverse to return to the real world. Thats why Sae re-entered the real world when walking back to jokers cell, and why goro came out of the metaverse when he was leaving.
he has no reason to go back
There's no actual confirmation he went home. Yeah that was where he was intending to go, but the whole gang was in the car with him; it's entirely feasible he could have been convinced to stay. EVEN if not, half the friggin S links end with saying they'll still visit and stay in touch.
He doesn't and Sojiro even says he could stay if he wants it. But Protag decides to go home anyway..
Maybe we'll find out in the spinoffs why.
would *you* walk out?
Well he could totally miss his parents, old friends, childhood home/town, his old school he went to before, and the fact half his friends already graduated. There's a lot of reasons to want to go back home.
Shujin academy only took him for a year so if he want to still go there he needs to ask his parents to transfer him there. Anyway we already now he comes back, max few months later, to dance
you guys do know he has a phone right and can visit them on long weekends right
why the fuck do they still insist on doing self-inserts
i didnt self-insert
exactly so why do they keep doing it
It's literally a meme. I wish they wouldn't, because as your image proves they do absolutely fantastic MCs. There are even hints of P4 and 5's MCs being cool characters and some people reckon 3 but they're wrong that just don't get used enough because they're silent protagonists.
Yeah this made the game great there was a lot of internal strife between the team mates too that eventually gets resolved.
P5 was basically you're a stupid cat, no you're stupid. Then you find out the killer of futaba's mom. Her reaction and Haru were so unbelievably, it's like they dropped the entire plot line for it.
>joker-kun was sojiro's son all along