game dev here, working on something and just want to tick some boxes. what boxes are most important to you?
example -
easy control scheme
responsive controls
ect ect
what needs to be ticked in you're eyes Sup Forums?
game dev here, working on something and just want to tick some boxes. what boxes are most important to you?
example -
easy control scheme
responsive controls
ect ect
what needs to be ticked in you're eyes Sup Forums?
Full frontal female nudity
[ ] Check some boxes.
Tickfags get out.
Full modeld pusy
detailed female genitalia
Violent gory player deaths.
Female protagonist
Trans representation
Cross play is cancer.
Easy control scheme? No, make it convoluted and resource demanding.
Responsive controls? No, I want to see my character jump about 1/25 of a second after I press the button.
What kind of questions are those? Do you work for Ubisoft? Bioware?
>tick boxes
Oh, you're a remnant from Lionhead.
Biggest one that devs seem to have forgotten about these days is the ability to couch coop a game if you want. Fuck, even two tv's and two systems with an easy method of co-op'ing would make me happy.
who /[x]fag/ here
I like being able to customize my character. Not necessarily character creator but I like to play dress up sometimes. Especially if it's a girl.
Female protagonist is unironically a plus for me.
cross play is gay
controls should be responsive
control scheme should be fairly simple, but also allow interesting options. There shouldn't just be light attack and heavy attack, there should be different modifiers for each. The best way to do this is to usually have most of the action buttons do something different depending on the directional input, or have a button that acts as a modifier for them. Ideally both.
Is your game multiplayer or single-player
story desu. Cute waifu childhood friend desu. Complicated main character who has a past we need to figure out desu demo not the main goal of the story desu.
The most important thing about any game is for the controls to work. I can't enjoy a game is I can't fucking play it.
>game dev here
If your game isn't an early access open world survival crafting adventure with hacking elements I don't know what to tell you
I hope you like losing money
Open world
Early access
In all honesty, replay value, fluid combat and responsive controls
Good OST
looks like we both know what makes a game great! See you on a PUBG Twitch stream user!
-Definitely responsive controls
-Don't you fucking dare camera screw me. Leave the camera control to the player.
-minimalist UI
-character customization: I don't need fucking nose bridge sliders or anything autistic like that, but I should be able to choose my hair and equipment appearance at least.
Quiet there
This might just be a meme here, but for some is a valid opinion
Cute lolis
User interface and menu navigation, there is nothing more horrible to figure out than a menu that's more confusing to navigate than the game itself.
User interface and menu should be simple, and easy for a player to go through various options to find what they're looking for.
Also more recently, even in Triple A games, they make the text for subtitles and other various things easily like 6 point font. I have to actually get up and move so fucking close to the screen to actually see what something says.
>60 fps minimum
>Dedicated servers if MP
>No pixel art shit, fucking hire an actual artist and graphical designer you lazy cunts
>No hidden SJW bullshit
>No pretentious 2deep4u shit
>No zombies
>Allow rebinding controls
>If character customization, don't over-do it
>asking Sup Forums for opinions
It's like you want your game to fail or something
Diversity and killing Nazis