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its 1 am lol sTUPID

8ch already feels nostalgic


Feel bad that Stu is dead now.

>check 8ch Sup Forums
>it's literally what Sup Forums would be if Sup Forums and Sup Forums were one board
it's insane how triggered they get by SJWs, you'd think they were SJWs. I hope this board never gets like that

will the suffering ever end?

Like a sixth of the cast is dead

>will die one day
>might go to hell for eternity
>might be reborn with chance of being a third world shitter
>might just be a floating ball of energy forever
>might just cease to exist in any form, lights out total blackness (????)

The thought of dying fucking terrifies me

I played a video game today.

>get new job
>all I do is work and school
>all relationships suffer
>friends becoming more distant and I am being left out of things more and more

I feel so lonely, being alone is the shit that makes me want to kill myself. It's the worst.



played necrodancer and yokai watch puni puni today, trying to get that fucking nocturna speedrunning achievement
also playing puni to justify the money I spent in it

So what game did you play today Sup Forums?

It's okay user, I joined the military back in the day so all my former friends have considered me a baby killer and imperialist for years now.
Got deployed 4 times and fired my weapon a grand total of 15 times

just grinded a bit on runescape, I slept for most of the day

came back from the dentist with five cavities, so that's nice

Who else is dead?

Original VA for Chuckie

grandpa dead

both of the actors even.

I am now sad.

Call of pripyat
All day
Thats all I did

>walk around the same maps I've walked around
>shoot the same enemies I've shot before with the same guns I've used before
>wear the same armor I've worn before
>do this, everyday, for months
>never feel empty, disassociation fades
Someones gotta wake me up from this night.

Any other anons suffer from this shit?

The "wait anxiously and study all day for a phone interview only to fuck up during the moment of truth" game. Afterwards I played splatoon 2.

I've got this burning


Just finished a 6 day work week and have to go back to work tomorrow so I'm a little wrecked to play anything which would require real effort.

Get a new job or quit school. Your happiness matters, user.

Sounds like they weren't friends worth keeping, user.

>No AC
>Tooo hot to sleep
>Too hot to live

>he went to 8ch

>might just cease to exist in any form, lights out total blackness (????)
in this case, you (probably) become unable to experience time as we know it, so you won't ever experience it. The only thing could happen is that somehow you come back to consciousness that can understand time.


some violated heroine and some 2hu soku