name a more forced and generic mascot in the history of interactive entertainment
Name a more forced and generic mascot in the history of interactive entertainment
Sonic the Hedgehog
How is he forced and generic?
Your mother was forced more to keep you after she saw you in ultrasound.
>this hurts the feelings of OP
The player characters in Pokemon games
Sonic the Hedhehog.
ps: Crash is great.
Any Pokemon that's not Pikachu
Bubsy? Wow that was hard
Those aren't forced generic mascots, does your handler know you're at the computer?
Stop it guys, not everyone had a good time going from 2d to 3d.
Taz the Tasmanian Tiger
This, what the fuck was up with Taz from 93-2003
Even if you ignore his game quality his design is the most generic 90s furry mascot ever. Even Necky from Famitsu looks like him.
>Taz the Tasmanian Tiger
>copied Crash Bandicoot's poses and attire in promotional material
>poorly ripped-off Sonic's design style with ugly side-mouths and eyes
>went for the "radical surfer/islander with attitude" trend
>had a commercial explicitly trashing Spyro, Crash, and Sonic all at once
three solid contenders for sure
>Should we give him spiky hair like Crash or spiky head quills like Sonic?
>Fuck it, let's do both
Seeing Ty's design in both 2D and 3D always made me physically ill.
Mario. Princess Peach. Link.
Don't talk shit about the Pac you pieces of shit
To be fair NSLU wasn't pretending to be anything more than DLC for NSMBU
Somebody say forced? That's my cue, baby!