Walk into room

>walk into room
>see this

wat do?

>turn 360 degrees and walk away



got em

Play videogames with my bros

literally every post in this thread so far is a shitty meme. congrats

put them in the gas chamber

>merely pretending

Turn 360 degrees, enter the room, and have some beers with these alphas.

Say "How do you do, fellow kids? Praise kek! Shadilay!"

who started this kekistan shit to begin with?

Sup Forums gave the base for ebin reddit posters

People with a lack of validation in their lives.

Sup Forums, dingus

Sup Forumstards are to blame, as usual

I could probably smell the room prior to entering so I wouldn't have done that anyway.



Tell them there are no women here and that this is a total sausage party and leave.

It was a minor flavor of the month meme on Sup Forums, it got stale and died out. Then Reddit found it from our memedumpster and made it their own.

They are two halves of the same coin. A based user would have executed them.

>throw up from the smell of BO and unwashed hair
>run away before the autistic screeching starts