Star Wars The Old Republic

So I'm kinda late to this but why was this such a meme before?
I remember a lot of threads shitting in this game, and today I had nothing to do and decide to give this a try.
I gotta say, the way the dialogue with NPCs work is really charming to me. I usually just skip talking in mmorpgs but in this one my answers actually matter something.

I just wanna know why exactly it failed.
As far as I can tell I'm guessing it was p2w shit wasnt it?

Other urls found in this thread:

Bioware thought they could break the MMO mold by making one completely different from WoW that was story and single player driven and didn't focus on max level raiding.

It failed spectacularly and even the autists on Sup Forums ended up admitting that all they wanted was a WoW clone. So the game got revamped, offered a F2P option and ended up being a WoW-clone. It's now well-liked.

well-liked? it's a literal fucking ghost town, there were no more than 3 people on the fleet a month ago when i started trying to play again. the story for the last two expansions is horrendous. i wish we got a graphically-nice-to-look-at wow clone, instead we got dog shit

>there were no more than 3 people on the fleet a month ago
Stop playing on dead servers

What a fucking shame, I really liked the dialogues.
Is there any other mmorpg like that?
Cant fucking believe Star Wars as a mmorpg actually failed this hard.
I'm not even that big of a fan and I'm triggered that it didnt work out.

I played it in 2012. It was really fun, coming from WoW (played since Vanilla till Cata).

I guess it failed because WoW had stronger community. People didn't want to switch games.

Dungeons were much better than WoW's at the time, same with quests and story. World PvP didn't exist almost at all, however. It must have been major turn off for lots of people.

What can you expect when you have EA and Bioware behind it?

The quests range from good to really awful. Light side Sith quest line was pretty funny from what I remember.

Bullshit, it was wow clone with dialogs from the start. From gameplay differences it only had companions with tasks (just like in legion now) and aoe loot, but wow had group finder. Story was good but it was 30% of game type, it had voced dialogs and stuff. But quests was generic kill/loot, quest giver speaked alien gibberish and protag ansewered with 5 posdible phrases like: "go on", "whats in for me?", "ill do it, for a price". When it gone f2p the just slowed grind and took away sprint.

They have cut a ton of content from beta because crybabies didn't like it.
They have made nonsencical balance changes that made sorcs and sages retardedly overpowered for 3 expansions straight because crybabies thought that sorcs and sages story missions were too hard. They actually were but the buffing those classes was retarded
They started focusing on singleplayer content because crybabies didn't want to play with other players. Literally.
Crybabies left and now there are barely one server in each region with decent population.
Swtor is nothing but a glorified fashion show now

>Bullshit, it was wow clone with dialogs from the start.
yeah this.
granted some of the class stories were actually nice and of course it's, well somewhat star wars.
other than that, pure generic shit


Still better than Andromeda desu

They also fucked up launch by making a shitton of servers most of which died after one month

And story was fallout4 type (yes, no(yes), sarcastic yes, know more) not kotor freedom, companions are permanent and you cant get rid of them (i hate you, gault reno). At max levels its same as wow: story is done and its only dailies, raids and bg's.

They made "gay planet" addon later, to attract more players.

>So the game got revamped, offered a F2P option and ended up being a WoW-clone.
It was always a WoW clone. It is simply even more WoW-like now.

Hotbar mashing combat, 'rotations'. quest-hubs to level are the core elements of make a WoW clone. I must have missed the part where Tortanic didn't have these things.

What are some actual good mmorpgs?
no Guild wars 2

Because take away the dialog system and it's one of the most generic and boring MMO's on the market that plays like the blandest of F2P korean MMO's.

They shoul have made two stories, one for each faction, not 8 per each class/faction, and spread it for all 1 - 50 lvl experience.

is this worth playing f2p for the stories?

If you really want to try then imperial agent is the best

What game was outsede of story (80% of game): area with mobs, some crates scattered around and big elite mob in the middle. Quests are: kill 15 baddies, get crates, kill big bad dude, bonus: get loot from those 15 dudes. Mobs are always two types: small and big. They are in groups of 3 small or 1 big alone or 2 smal + 1 big. You can kill smalls in one aoe but big ones has health equal to 2,5 smalls. Yor best bet is carefully kill groups of 3, becouse big still counts as one kill. And quest is most likely was spoken in alien language with subtitles, mc replies with generec answers you heard so many times. Thats it, at least how it was in first year.

At least you can blame the fucking stupid community for the companions thing. What with the testers whining that you could kill off healers and they weren't expecting it.
>Hating on Gault
Fuck you too, Skadge.

think i'll give it a shot, will try a sith glowstick man too and maybe a smuggler

Sith Warrior and Imperial Agent are the best storylines in the game. SW I can say from experience is best when you do it Light Side with occasional Dark choices. Have not done much of the Agent story though.

Smuggler is a little dry but if you can get a feel for it you'll enjoy it. Despite it being a republic side, do a dark side run. Light side is fucking boring.

Also Mako, that dumb bitch, typical "fake gamer girl": "hurr durr im a pro, money first, muh professionalism", but as soon as we get to kill a target and it is turns out to be a noble jedi: "NO, LETS SPARE HIM AND LIE TO EMOYERS!", you dont listen to her and she gets mad at you. You hired by empire, so pretty much all of your targets are good guys. Yet i restored her reputation with me with gifts and banged her. All you have left is cuck-boy and comedic relief java + dumb robot.

You know I want...a Diablo style SWTOR game.

No, that stupid phone game doesnt count.

Being an mmo, light/dark side meant gear, so you must max out one, that means: cartoon villain or goody paladin. Most sane options are neutral, but good luck maxing your light/dark side with that (and its not fast, you have to grind it, you got your side maxed to level 35-40 (50 max)), that means afto picking your answers.

Hear me out.
Shadow of Mordor Nemesis system put into SWTOR setting, where you play as a Sith and have to build up your own power base against both the Jedi and the other Sith, all the way up to the Dark Council.

It was and probably still is a boring generic mmo with a bioware style singleplayer story inexplicably layered on top of it. It's notable for being a 300 million dollar flop and some weird and hilarious bugs like this

Don't pretend you can rewrite history just because it's been six years since the tortanic jesus fuck

What phone game?

>with a bioware style singleplayer story inexplicably layered on top of it.
But there are no trannies in the game. And vanilla SWTOR didn't even have gay romance.

You already posted it.

>back in the day
>THAT addon
You can see how they desperatly turned for sjw audience.

Wait wut? The expansions added a single fling for gays lesbians, and a single actual romance later on. I forget, was Koth gay?

It had a budget of $300mil and lost shitloads of money for an MMO that nobody wanted, in place of an actual conclusion to KOTOR. Also the early art style was fucking hideous and prime meme fuel.

TORtanic thread?

how much money did it lose? sauce?

only new gameplay (class) thing different from wow was ranged tanks (bh and trooper). Adjust the damage numbers and you could have yoursef crossgame (wow + tor) raids and bgs. (yes i know cc deminishing worked different, they should pick one)

dude gw2 is fucking slow and unfun to play

god I fucking hate bioware

The fuck are you talking about?

its still the other best mmo everything else is dogshit. if wow suddenly imploded I would play gw2 honestly

gw2 is the worst mmo i've ever played

TORtanic posting was hilarious, Sup Forums has never been more wrong and they are still not over it. When the game dies someday like pretty much normal for any MMO that is not WoW, they will be like "TOLD YA SO 10 YEARS AGO HAHA"

I am still bitterly pissed off at this fucking pile of shit game taking the slot of a Star Wars MMO from SWG. I was hoping with the Disney purchase of the SW intellectual property we would maybe get a new one. Still hoping.

>I was hoping with the Disney purchase of the SW intellectual property we would maybe get a new one. Still hoping.
Literally why would you think that? Disney wields vidya like a club. F it's not precisely in their guidelines then it gets scrapped, and their guidelines are based entirely around what's popular. We got Star Wars Clash of Clans before anything else under Disney. Shit dude, we have more mobile SW games under Disney than actual SW games under them.

Bump to question

Not him but its this game I think Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes

I've been subscribed recently for about a year, where I was doing all the class stories available and what else single player content there was. During that time, I felt entertained enough, though the repeating planetary stories were wearing their welcome thin once I was done with the class stories. The add-ons and KOTET and KOFTE were pretty nice, though I only felt the motivation to do those two times on my fav republic and empire characters respectively. Now I dropped back to F2P preferred status and can't say there's anything in there to motivate me to keep playing, let alone resubscribe, as I'm not into the MM part of the game.

Also, it's pretty hard to keep playing in preferred mode if you were a subscriber, as they cut you down pretty hard on the convenience of life stuff. The money limit bars you from any interesting action on the GTN. UI, vanity and item usage paywalls prevent you from using stuff that you bought and used while subscribed. You have to pay extra for that. Holding stuff I already bought at ransom isn't really motivating me to go back. Oh, you wanted to use feature X on all your characters? Well, pay a visit to our awesome cartel market! I detest their "unlock for one character or all characters" scheme, even for subscribers. Sure thing. Let me pay for an item, them let me pay for the item some more, so other characters may use it as well. Yeah, no.

Don't get me started on the dye schemes, the Galactic Command treadmill or the loot crates. It's ok enough to play while there's new content, but SWTOR's nickel and dime pay scheme is so overly apparent that it leaves a pretty bad taste, even if you're subscribed, then more so if you're on the F2P side.

Guild Wars 1 remake would be pretty cool if they would balance the fucking game out.

>battle stance
>cannot be used in combat
And this is the most popular, most successful game ever made.

You'll take your Star Wars Kingdom Hearts level and you'll like it

My devotion makes me delusional.

But, yeah, I hoped all the renewed interest and new stories coming out of it would spark something, anything resembling a persistent massive star wars world to run around in. I realize MMOs are not a good business model. But maybe some nutter w power in the company would push it through.

Phantom menace is made by lucas and it had jar-jar. Also clone wars cartoon is before disney

SWTOR has been on record ever since the model change as the worst monetization system of any MMO ever.

Give it a try. Story is fun, but gameplay might be boring tho. Before 3.0/4.0 the game was actually somewhat challenging when playing alone. The last time I tried, it was just a sprint over the dead bodies (companions age generic and OP now. Plus you don't need to gear them anymore)

>So I'm kinda late
You're only 5 years late newfag, you missed it, and you'll never know how fun it was

>They started focusing on singleplayer content because crybabies didn't want to play with other players. Literally.
That's basically the state of MMOs nowadays, almost everything is soloable or zero player-interaction required, it's damn endemic.

Lord of the Rings.

Honestly, it's mostly for the atmosphere and a pretty good community, but it's also fun to kill Orcs with bagpipes.

I guess people play SWTOR because for years, it was the closest they'll ever get to a SW single player continuation of Kotor, or really any kind of SW single player content. People didn't want TOR. The MMO crowd already had SW Galaxy and the single player crowd had Kotor and the Jedi Knight series. Why they went for this weird mixture of both, leaving both factions perpetually unhappy, I don't know. Giving EA exclusive rights was a pretty stupid move, both back then and in hindsight. It stagnated the variety of what came out, limiting the output to what EA thought was attractive.

Reminds me of that idiotic Macrobinocular/Seeker Droid quest line in SWTOR. It's an long as fuck questline of single player missions, with the very final mission suddenly requiring a 4 man party for some puzzle mechanics, or you can't finish it. It doesn't make much sense to structure it that way and most people nowadays simply ignore it, which is kinda a mirror of how I feel about SWTOR's concept as a whole.