Are you ready for Capcom's revival of Mega Man?

Are you ready for Capcom's revival of Mega Man?

>shitty emulation of edited roms
>no MM&B
>no GB games
>not even Soccer

did not even try

gib switch version
or vita version I dont care, I have no use for this on a home system, I have a PC for that.

>not MM8 saturn
into the trash

New Megaman game never ever.

>tfw capcom no longer makes good mega man games anymore and just release shitty emulated ROM compilations.

I'll still be buying this in the hopes of sending Capcom a message, and if that didn't work out.... it will be one of my sad memorabilia about this series.

>Megaman has been dead for 7 years (Megaman 10)

And no I doubt the cartoon will ever get a videogame adaptation, let alone a good one.

>Pac Meme got 2 games
>Sonic Boom got 3
>Megaman somehow won't get one even though it's prime licensing material

They already revived him with the first Legacy Collection. I don't see how a second collection that consists solely of terrible games is going to revive Mega Man.

Oh, it'll get a game alright. By some no-name studio for phones.

Megaman and Bass will be DLC.

No. Fuck you.

Gib X collection pls. And make it all the games. Yes even 7. Especially 7.

X collection only if it also includes the PSP remake of the first game. Vile mode is fun.

Maverick Hunter X should've gotten at least two more games with remaining and playing as villains

If Capcom would keep their shit together with alternate playable characters; sure.

But Protoman's debut in Mega Man 9 was the biggest letdown in history.

Yes, and to actually explain if Dr. Cain actually died or not in the story canon.

No doubt they would make them more interesting but Bit and Byte were boring and forgettable. X hunters were alright I guess.

How the fuck did I type that, I meant reimagining I need sleep.

I didn't play 9 much.

Why would they go and do something nice

At this point, I rather let Mega Man die a dignified death than subject my favorite series through more of Capcom's jewness.

Like, Jesus Christ. Is it that hard to release a complete colectisssaass
Shhshdj a a



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