How can we get Activision to remaster This?

How can we get Activision to remaster This?

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This is still my favorite one of them all.

>frisking random person on my beat
>decide to plant drugs on them
>"You're going down Cody!"

>respond to a bar fight
>shoot off a round in da club and tell everyone to get on the ground
>citizens do not comply
>crack everyone's head in and hook and book them all

It was too fun user... Hong Kong disappointed me because I couldn't do these things and act like a prick.

is that the one where you could walk into random houses sometimes?

i remember just sweeping the streets trying to get into places if its the same game

I loved how most shops and places were accessible and responding to callout was so good.

What the fuck was with car dealerships in this game, most of the people in them always carried some sort of contraband. Pretty fun but so buggy and unbeatable on xbox huge.

What issues did you face with it on Xbox? I don't remember any

this game was the shit

It was fucking ahead of its time and for whatever reason it never caught on.

I'm going to guess and say it's because they made the main character black. Just a wild guess but I could be wrong and missing other shit

I've only played streets of LA but it's incredible that no other game has diverging paths in the story like it did.

It was superior to GTA games at that time yet sadly wasn't as successful

>you can either take the story down a serious crime route or take the path that goes into mad mystic dragon shit

a remaster might be closer than you think

streets of NY is almost identical to streets of LA and the main character in that game was white, just fuck off you dumb SJW

Yeah but didn't Activision drop the True Crime brand? I doubt they'd remaster it desu


Lol u mad? Getting this triggered on a Pro-Trump image board can't be this good for your health or the economy.

You have to go back.

Whoa, I never noticed this

The best we can hope for is Police 10-13 at this point though there wont be any story mode from what I heard

not mad at all
just tired of seeing you checklefucks try to shove your propaganda down everybody's throats 24/7

>guy states a fact and people instantly sperg out as if he's stating something that is wildly debateable

everyone knows things with a black lead would suffer in sales back then

Seems too good to be true desu

Liked Streets of LA a lot more. Nick Kang was more likeable protag and the plot and branching were a lot better.

Prototype 1 faired a lot better than 2
People seem to favor Vice City over San Andreas

Shall we continue?

Btw read my shit carefully and you'll notice that I say it's a guess. Not whatever propaganda illuminaughty stuff you think keklord is bestowing upon you at this moment.


I remember having lots of trouble with General Kim.

Streets of LA would be a classic if the the actual act of driving on the streets of L.A. wasn't boring and difficult to control. The rest is still better than anything in NY.

I favor only Vice City's soundtrack. San Andreas was much more fun to play

Didn't you hear about how the mexican car factory use it to smuggle drugs?

I always arrest everyone in the interiors during a crime scene to imitate swat 4's "Arrest everyone, even the hostages" system.

There is also this

Too bad they don't shit like that anymore in GTAV.

Barely played this one but I remember it was very bugged.

I remember making drivers standing up on their legs inside of their cars, clipping through the roof, giving me the finger, then continue driving while standing.

Everybody likes The Shining, a movie where the only black guy gets murdered, everybody hates The Dark Tower, a movie with a black protagonist.

Whoah... it really makes you think...

Wait a minute, didn't get this game horrible reviews, worse than True Crime L.A. which at least had his Hong Kong/John Woo cinema style?
I never played it, but I read even in old forums that this game is bad. Red pill me on the second True Crime game.

>People seem to favor Vice City over San Andreas

Streets of LA had the better sound track.

I remember when my Step Brother came over and heard the in-game music playing he thought it was custom music via xbox, I was like "Nah, I'm on the Playstation, not the xbox" he was like "what!? hahahaha, what the fuck"

San Andreas is the best sold PS2 title of all time.

remaster the shittier one? Streets of LA was the good game. it had snoop dog and nick KANG

they don't really have any competition. driver's dead, true crime/sleeping dogs is dead, the godfather's dead, mafia's (probably) dead. saints row is now a parody/crackdown clone.

Worst part about Mafia was ruining Vito in M3 and not getting a better ending for M2

>ITT: faggots defending a half assed, buggy and unfinished game.

Finding glitches in this game was surreal fucking fun.

>I'm going to guess and say it's because they made the main character black
Don't be such an SJW, I don't like niggers but didn't have any problem playing games with black protags like this game or San Andreas It didn't catch on because it was a buggy as fuck game with bad soundtrack and it wasn't GTA back when GTA was huge.

True Crime was an objectively shittier game to GTA but it was fun as fuck because the dynamic events in the game world and the bugs made it super replayable.