Google Chrome for a browser?

Google Chrome for a browser?

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Wrong board, user
Or is it?

What is the google chrome of videogames?


DOOM 2016


Have fun with your spybotnet


now that firefox is a broken pile of shit, yeah

i still use firefox and haven't noticed any changes

Waterfox is superior; it's literally Firefox with all the bullshit cut out.

It's Firefox with the memory consumption of Chrome.

There has literally never been a reason to use anything else for the last 20 years

Before that I used Netscape

Firefox and Chrome are shit for little kids

because your a broken pile of shit as well

Opera is the only browser worth using.

Only fags use bloatware like Chrome or Firefox


Yeah having Ad blockers is for children lol

IE and Edge both have adblock, ublock and AB+ tho?

Pretty much

If you cant handle ads you must be some sort of autist or something


Yeah well I need Ublock desu
Ah remember when Sup Forums had ads that gave you Adware? Or like most pop ups? And damn I sure needed to know Cokeā„¢ still existed for the billionth time. And I needed to see that Ad for cheap boner pills on some random porn site. Yep yep yeppp plz be bait

Use chromium.


If DOTA is the Chrome of video games, does that make DOTA 2 the Chromium of video games?


>lmao why would you ever want better quality of life why arent my arms always broken to make life harder for me

>Ah remember when Sup Forums had ads that gave you Adware?
>Or like most pop ups?

You must be some sort of faggot to not like drinking coke with an erection while browsing random porn sites

Plus what kind of homo is scared of adware anyways?

I know you're just b8ing because it's pretty obvious now, but Sup Forums had popup/redirect malware ads for about a year after Hiro took over.

And what bullshit does firefox even has? I use it and have zero issues.

It's not broken completely yet, though some things have stopped working.

Come firefox 57, a whole fuckload of add-ons will quit working because they're removing support for the shit they used, and focusing only on what chrome uses. It's been a big shit for the last year or so, since they're playing favorites working with a handful of hugely popular add-ons to make sure they have what they need(like noscript), and blowing off everyone less leaving what they'd need out(so even if they want to change to the new system, they literally can't.)

tl;dr firefox 57 will be chrome light and ditch most everything you'd use firefox for to begin with.

yes good goyim chrome is the best

>Sup Forums had popup/redirect malware ads
Sure it did kid

Just because you are a moron you don't have to go blaming gook moot for your own asinine problems with your pc

>have no problems with pc ever
>don't use any kind of malware scanner for years and when randomly using one every few years just as a checkup have nothing detected due to safe browsing/downloading habits
>one website out of the thousands visited has redirect malware ads
>"it must be your pc"
I hope you just think you're being funny, if not you're in denial because you don't want to believe that could happen to Sup Forums.

This site has millions of unique visitors per day you fucking halfwit

If there was malware being injected through ads there would be a shit storm

Denial is you believing its not just you


This one is enough.

>with all the bullshit cut out.
What bullshit? The ads that only appear if you literally open up or those preloaded tabs when you first install the thing and open up a new tab? I am completely at a loss for what could actually be so invasive that you'd need a third party version of Firefox. The only thing I can even think of is memory leaks but they've been getting better and better with that, I've only had two in a year now and that's only when I open up like 60+ tabs.

Firefox and then Chrome if Firefox plays up

Most people probably don't even care, the rest use adblockers and it only happened when I was browsing from my phone, and happened right after doing a factory reset on it to make sure it was clean. There were lots of other people complaining within that first year, but only to be met with "it's your pc/phone" from people who didn't want to believe it. Forums+hiro+malware+ads

I am careful in how I use the Internet. I generally do not connect to web sites from my own machine, aside from a few sites I have some special relationship with. I usually fetch web pages from other sites by sending mail to a program that fetches them, much like wget, and then mails them back to me. Then I look at them using a web browser, unless it is easy to see the text in the HTML page directly. I usually try lynx first, then a graphical browser if the page needs it. I occasionally also browse unrelated sites using IceCat via Tor. Except for rare cases, I do not identify myself to them. I think that is enough to prevent my browsing from being connected with me. IceCat blocks tracking tags and most fingerprinting methods.

Stop clicking the Submit button, user.

>I was browsing from my phone
Just fuck off already you fucking dipshit

Go back to where you belong

Excellent tactic to avoid the argument user. I've been browsing Sup Forums since it was less than a year old and browse from my phone while pooping so I don't get withdrawals.

I don't care if you've been browsing Sup Forums since you were less than a year old

Ive been here for months and I'm telling you gook moot don't malwares

In fact I don't think Ive ever gotten a malware on my macbook

>Reddit spacing

gud 1 haha

Fuck this thread