Will it fix everything?

Will it fix everything?

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You cant fix that mess

>still no ACTUAL SEA servers

I'll give them money when they give me sub 200 ping

>wowbabbies cry for mounts for years
>anet build an expansion around them

isn't there like a homosexual dev team or something for this game?

the entire dev team got reshuffled after the trainwreck that was the last expansion.

i drooped out after the HOT expansion ... was it any good?
>the entire dev team got reshuffled after the trainwreck that was the last expansion.
did they really change the team?

No. It needs worthwhile content. Now think about what they showed as a previewf or this expansion.

Okay so what do I do in these maps? More events for trash greens or what?
So mounts with a gimmick to traverse the new huge maps so I can explore. I mean, it's nice as a side feature but to have it as your main feature? Uhhh.
>new elite specs
Could be okay if they're useful and there is worthwhile content to use them in.

As one expects from Nu-Arenanet, everything seems half-assed and bland.

They had to, half the devs were more interested in gay love affairs and tranny npc's plus that gemstore bby. Took like half a year for got to release after being shown, pof its 2 months.

Forgotten game fo shill

Just let it fucking die.

>Could be okay if they're useful and there is worthwhile content to use them in.
It's not like PvP or WvW are suddenly going to out of fashion, plus new raids, new fractals and open world content with hopefully some nice meta events but I'm not worried.

It'll be probably ok, but obviously won't fix everything, if you like it you should buy it, if you dropped out even before HoT, don't force yourself to play it.

When I did play this game (back in 2013-14), the main reason I played it was world vs world. back when seasons first started, I was there grinding hours and hours with my guild, fucking up jade quarry and SOR/TOS. I put in absurd amount of hours into it, almost 12 hours a day.

Everything I did in PvE (Living story, fractals, dungeons) to get ascended, legendary weapons, etc was just so I could maximize my WvWvW experience. All this bullshit about Trinity, raids, etc never mattered to me. Because this game wasn't designed to have high-tier PvE content. It wasn't designed to have a trinity. It wasn't designed to have a fully functional raid system. World boss is, maybe, the cusp of what should be integrated in the game. I feel like, this game can never get any better than it was. It's in the name. GUILD wars.

PvP and WvW went out of fashion a year and a half ago.

I gotchu, user
>Okay so what do I do in these maps? More events for trash greens or what?
You do nothing. Just like every other map. You make a few filler things and than do the same raids over and over
>So mounts with a gimmick to traverse the new huge maps so I can explore. I mean, it's nice as a side feature but to have it as your main feature? Uhhh.
GW2 has fast travel, so the mounts are useless. Sure there will be some jumping puzzles and WvWvW is much faster, but GW2 is dead
>>new elite specs
>Could be okay if they're useful and there is worthwhile content to use them in.
It's P2W. HoT has destroyed EVERY SINGLE BASIC HERO SKILLS. And I mean EVERY. You either have bought HoT or you lose in PvP. The same P2W bullshit with the new expansion.

GW2 addicts are just not realizing that GW2 is just a time waste. Does it matter what you do? No. You just do the same thing over and over and over and over and over.
There is no challenge in GW2. Everyone plays the meta, so raids and fractals and dungeons are easy af. If Anet would buff the raids for meta no lifers only, the raids would be dead and the people would just leave.

Yep. Just about what I expected. Last I checked in-game, people were comparing achievement scores to discern how good they are at the game. Points you get for doing daily quests. I'm convinced only morons play this game religiously.

As long as the new maps doesn't have all that vertical fuckery the HoT maps had. Looking at you, tangled Depths

People have already lost faith in Arena Net to do anything competent. This expansion can't fix it, I'm sorry.

Especially not with this man at the helm. He doesn't even even recognize why people were so upset with the previous expansion. He is not capable of seeing why people were saying the previous expansion was unfinished.

>"B-But we got it out 2 years later!"

2 years to late, dipshit. It should have been finished the day you launched the expansion.

today i saw a new player complain about verdant brink's confusing layout.

I didn't have the heart to tell them about Tangled Depths.

Also the expansion shouldn't have needed Korean levels of grind to progress in.

GW2 is literally better than it ever has been. Ignore the people ITT that quit at launch/HoT launch due to content droughts. The age of content droughts is over.

There hasn't been a period of more than 72 days wtihout a content patch in a year, and they did that WHILE making an expansion.

The next season of live content is already being made, and is going to hit 2 months after xpac launch. The game has a ridiculous amount of shit to do, and the amount of shit available to do just keeps on increasing.

Will it fix the game being dead?

They have horizontal fuckery now

>The game has a ridiculous amount of shit to do
Korean grindan is not good content.

Guild Wars 2 is 3rd in population behind WoW and FF14.

It's far from dead. It's just not no.1.

Lol ok

God no, it will be dogshit. And I'll still buy it probably.
>dumb as fuck hologram spec for Engi with long-ass cooldowns
And I probably won't even switch from my boon FT build.

No, it's too late. The game released
>without GvG, nor real PvP focus, and not even a reason to team up with people at all
>without the energy system that made the original so deep and interesting
>without interesting nor fun combat
>without a good storyline
>without UI customization
>without a good title screen

It may bear the name of "Guild Wars", it's no worthy sequel.

Lots of shit to do =/= fun

Look, I enjoyed my time with GW2, but the straw that broke me was when I was trying to play through the story again and realised that if two npcs were conversing with one another, i was left no choice but to sit there and take it.
No option to skip dialog i'd heard before, and I realised every single alt I raised after this would go through the same thing, minutes of wasted time each quest listening to two lesbians feign emotion at one another.
I sort of want to play through one more time from 1-80 and stopwatch all the time I'm forced to stand still and listen to conversation, I want to know how many hours it amounts to.

I just made a revenant after not playing since a few weeks after Hot release. I feel like this game was meant to be played for a couple hours at a time, no more. Filling hearts on the map can only entertain for so long.
The meta events are fucking stupid though - sure they feel awesome with hundreds of people doing them, but good luck finding more than 10 others.
Guild Wars 2 is wasted potential: the game

Not even Necromancy can fix that dead mangled abomination.

I understand why you quit but the game is way better now than it was in 2012/13. I think you can probably name any aspect you enjoyed about it back then and that thing would now be much improved

I've played it recently. Like, this week recently. Everyone in this thread is right. The only reason I am still playing this piece of shit is because I have two friends who do. Both of those friends have said that the only reason they still play this game is because me and the other friend is still playing it. We're not playing it because its fun. That ship sailed years ago. We're still playing it because we quite literally have nothing else to do.

Thanks for this post, I guess. I'm actually going to sit down and talk to my friends about something, anything else, that we could be doing besides playing this game. Its obvious none of us have had fun playing this game in ages. We're only here for each other. I think its time we finally quit this boring, monotonous waste of time.

What? Meta events get run constantly dude, hell there's even still guilds that do drytop metas and shit.

The entire living world stuff is horribly written. That's four years of terribly paced tripe with awful dialogue and even worse characters and villains. I think that blanda up Norn and the uguu cat are somehow the characters that annoys me the least, which is saying something.

300 ping from SEA, dodges being unreliable and enemies warping positions because of it.

Sadly I'm tapped out on GW2, I want to keep playing it but it'll never be playable for me.

>>without interesting nor fun combat

You are entitled to your opinion, but I think it has some of the best combat in an mmo.
BDO combat was also awesome.

If they would release a way to play the previous living world quests/stories, in their entirety, without using a credit card, I'd come back. I pre ordered this fucking trash heap when it was first announced, took three days off work to play it. Dropped it after the first day and luckily work let me have my two floating holidays back to use at a different time. I tried to pick it back up after my surgery in May due to being stuck at home for a month. They want 30 bucks to add the living world story to your journal and they won't even give you EVERY mission, it's MISSING 2 of them. Fuck the Jew-Tranny lesbian cock munchers at Anet

This is actually worse than Korean grindan. Korean grinding has the purpose of making your character stronger, so you can decimate shit or other players. Or destroy gods in 1 hit.

In GW2 you don't gain anything from it. You just grind, you don't get stronger. You get gold and then you can buy some 2D wings on the gemstore or some shit. It's asinine.

BDO would have fun combat if the enemies had even the slightest hint of a competent AI. Playing Dynasty Warriors: Iron Blades of Grass MMO Edition gets boring pretty quick.

No it isn't. That would be Elderscrolls Online. By a huge fucking margin. Is GW2 even in the top 10 list any more. Hell, even looking at NCSoft's quarterlies, GW2 is almost about to fall off the chart completely. Any game that pulls in numbers under 10k automatically go to the "Other" category like Wildstar has.

The thing about gw2 is that some people feel the need to be like this moron and burn themselves out grinding for gold for no reason and then come on Sup Forums and complain about the grinding. If there isn't the need to grind, why the fuck are you grinding, dumbfuck?

God damn people are stupid.

>linking grind to character strength
This is and always was a terrible idea. Cosmetics should always be the endgame of an MMO. Otherwise it's just a fucking gear treadmill. Guild Wars did it the best, endgame equipment less than halfway through the game.

Just fucking play FF14.

No wait, drop the fucking mmo genre for good.

Is this graph showing money, or copies of the game sold?

Unironically worse than tortanic, I regret buying this game.

Because there's nothing else to do besides grinding. In GW2 it's either that or standing around. The problem is GW2 also has the worst grinding out of any MMO I've seen so far. You have to grind according to a schedule because you're grinding events. You don't gain anything but trash items you sell for measly pieces of silver. And there is no variation from grinding to attain said measly silver. Grind events all day, every day just so you can get a cosmetic cockring or some bullshit that you could've bought with real money anyway to save you the hassle.

This game is dumb.

>blanda up Norn and uguu cat are some how the characters that annoys me the least
This. I am honestly surprised how the writers could fuck this up so bad. Then again, the writing in this game constantly reminds me of Hamburger Hepler's vomit from Dragon Age.

This is what happens when companies hire to get diversity points instead of hiring for actual talent or skill.


It's hard to find sub numbers because no one releases them any more, but most sites put GW2 in at least the top 5.

I play both right now and GW2 have much higher population

Ironically the part of SWTOR that Hamburger Helper contributed writing to is better written than the entirety of GW2.

>grinding events for gold

You didn't play the game longer than 40 minutes, did you.

Its revenue in Korean monies in the millions. Not game copies sold, though game copies sold does translate into Korean monies anyway. Its everything sold under the IP including copies, microtransactions, out of game services including character name changes/server transfers etc.

This also has a pretty fair, though not exact, way of seeing how healthy or populous a game is. The more people playing a game, the more money there is to be spent on it. GW2 is at the lowest its ever been and its damn near in the gutter just like Wildstar.

Also, as a point, its pretty damn obvious the game is dead population wise if you actually log in and play it. With the sole exception of the "main boss events" where everyone zerg rushes a world boss, and Divinity's Reach (mostly because its filled with RPers), all maps are desolate wastelands. Hell, even Lion's Arch is a shallow husk of what it used to be now. Mystic Forge used to be packed with so many people you couldn't see the damn sparkly glowly shit. Now I see maybe a handful standing around it?

General money income.
Games that have a subscription fee like Lineage and Blade and Soul will always have a good steady income.

Where as games like GW2 that have an in-game store with no sub fee, will rely on that and Expansions to produce income. Producing spikes.
This chart in particular doesn't show the release of GW2s previous expansion. Which was released 4Q 15.

In other words, this graph is redundant for the point he is making.

The writing has become so atrocious it's not even good to laugh at anymore. It's just sad. A stellar contrast from GW1 where the tone was much more fantasy-like than GW2. It felt like more of a serious adventure, with good times and bad times, mystery, loss. I'm not saying GW1 writing was Shakespearian in quality but it was good enough and got me immersed.

GW2 writing? Absolutely horrendous. It's Mass Effect: Andromeda tier cringe times 10. Just imagine this shit youtube.com/watch?v=WgFHIR7lLC0

Except it never stops. Ever. It's a constant barrage of this kind of cringe but the writers don't get shit on for it because nobody cares about GW2 anymore.

Enjoy telling mentally ill trans NPC's how "brave" they are

Blade and Soul is f2p. There is a sub but it's entirely optional and gets you extra goodies.

No. It's just added more elite specs that are required to play.

While you do make a good point, it isn't entirely redundant. He is right about GW2 being the absolute lowest in terms of income that it has ever been.

You can see the rest at: global.ncsoft.com/global/ir/earnings.aspx

GW2 is almost at the point Wildstar is.



Echoing this statement, my friend bought me HoTs and I wanted to vomit. Everything about the writing is so atrocious I don't know where to begin. Its so.. 'squeaky' clean, so politically correct its nauseating. That world is tumblr tier fanfiction not Guild Wars.

>"hey here is this game's expansion"
This is not even a post, it's just straight up advertising, and we've had this every day with the very same image. At least try to do a good job you shitty shill.

>only good character is Zojja because they tried to make her as unlikable as possible
>they don't want to give Felicia Day money so they left Zojja in a coma for 2 years and replaced her with a little crippled rat

they should have just fucking killed her like Eir and been done with it.

I don't think it will "fix" everything, but the new additions will certainly be interesting and I'm looking forward to testing them out. I recently started playing and bought HoT, so my fresh eyes might not be entirely reliable. Combat is more enjoyable than XIV which I also play(but stormblood is stale and feels uninspired somehow), storytelling is pretty cool if you don't get mad at every little detail, and some parts are pretty funny or make me feel things in my secret feelings place. All in all, I'm optimistic about the expansion but respect the opinions of others who don't feel the same way.

>Something new is announced and is fast approaching
>Is surprised when people want to talk about it

Look I realise this is a new and scary thing for you, probably only having been here a few years, but this used to be the norm before /vg/
We used to have threads of the same game on Sup Forums hit the bump limit 5 maybe 6 times a day when it was popular.

At the moment, on top of this being a new expansion that people want to talk about, someone with severe autism has set a bot loose into the general over on /vg/ so everyone who wants to talk about the game comes here instead.

Please don't mention him. I had to join a /vg/ guild just so I could occasionally ask questions or talk about the game and then go back to minding my own goddamn business. If it's still shit in a week, I'll harp on mods over in IRC again.

But no one is talking about it. GW2 threads only get started by marketing shills. The only thing that is ever discussed in GW2 threads is how much of a dumpster fire it is.


Sure, it will fix that shitty skill and pvp system.
Call me when they decided to remake GW1.

Except you didn't start with a picture of the new exp or talking about one of the new additions, you simply throw the name, the expansion and say "here talk about it, generate hype for me".

Again git gud at your job shitty shill.

I've been experiencing this more and more lately. Even during meta events the zone doesn't fill up any more.

Rule number number 1: don't talk to the crazy, remember that guy whom your parents told you not to talk to? Yeah that's him alright just ignore him.

Guild Wars 2 is fundamentally flawed, so no.

>Except you didn't start with a picture of the new exp

But...that IS a picture of the new expac logo

Also not the OP, like several other people in here I CAME TO TALK ABOUT THE GAME, and instead I end up wasting my posts arguing with people who come into the thread just to get angry at the threads existance.

Look, let me tell you a legendary secret of Sup Forums, passed down from the oldfags many years ago.
The report button, if you think a thread is a shill thread, you can report it, for spam/marketing and then hide the thread, there you don't even have to look at it anymore.
What possible purpose does it serve to storm in and start bitching left and right? Do you think you'll "set all of us straight" by making us realise we actually don't walk to talk about the game?

Sharing this picture of the cute new face and hair options, pulled from twitter. I think this is really nice and am looking forward to new aesthetics for gear that fit Elona. The weird mesmer butterfly gear from the trailers is jarring, though, even if it might fit the class' aesthetic theme; it's just not something I'd expect in such a setting.

>at HoT release
current-pic related 5 min ago.

>The main villain is motherfucking Balthazar
So they are still shitting on human lore.

Which is one of the things I know for a fact that shills tend to use as a standard. Where's the concept art? The screenshots? The articles? Look I won't teach you how to do your job shitty shill.

>more dreads and black people options
wew I actually thought you guys were kidding about their forced diversity

wtf that glare hurts my eyes. looks like a poor bullshot too. what is wrong with the edges of those things on his arm?

>know for a fact

Do tell how you "know for a fact" without being a shill yourself? This is entry level trolling right now, step it up man come on, reddit should have taught you better.

I think they're adding to it, honestly. They're bringing humanity's resilience to the forefront, even in the face of something like one of their absent gods returning and turning out to be a bad dude.

It's an optional hairstyle and face that was added to character creation, nobody's forcing anyone to play as it, it's just an option for people who want something different. It'll probably be the new hotness for a while until hype dies down and people will go back to their sylvari.

>Instead of going after the most popular expac in GW (Cantha, yes) they give their audience we wuz elonian kangz

fucking hell

Here's a summary.

Lazarus appeared for some reason and gathered the white mantle. But we didn't deal with him for some reason and decided to go after Caudecus because he doesn't follow Lazarus. Then we spent time playing with the new baby dragon when monsters show up and then Lazarus shows and saves us. Chinese woman goes with him to study.
We do some random shit with Braham about getting a bow he can shove up his ass or some shit.
We discover somehow that Lazarus is someone else. We also have a machine that can kill dragons now. Lazarus comes to our lab with the machine, we trap him and use mirror magic to reveal he's Balthazar.
Everyone's like "yeah okay let's go kill this guy I guess" and then we go do just that while at the mouth of Primordus who's been subdued somehow by the machine and Balthazar.
We stop him by killing some dogs and Primordus and Jormag too for whatever reason, are weakened and go back to sleep.
Now Balthazar is the big bad and we have to kill him.

Yes the story was all over the place because it's shit.

Will it remove all the SJW and tranny shit?

If not, then, no.

>WE WUZ KANGZ expansion

>without being a shill yourself?
Being on Sup Forums and having a brain. Comes a new release of a big company there will always be a few of those threads per day, always the same image, normally the logo or official postcard artwork for the expansion with only the minimum amount of words in it to form a sentence. When a game has actual interest, actually interested people create threads which differ in style.

Blizzard for example is specially guilty in this.

Look I know it's a shitty job but if you picked it then at least try harder.

To clarify, we killed some dogs. Primordus and Jormag are alive but they went back to sleep because reasons.

That's sort of what happened but somehow wrong? The machine was designed to put the dragons back to sleep so they'd stop trying to eat all the magic(everything, really), Balthazar shows up all "i'll be taking this now," we kick his dogs' asses, he accidentally nukes himself, and it turns out he was using Lyssa's magic to glamour himself the entire time he was pretending to be Lazarus, which will have serious implications for the rest of the pantheon and was most likely designed to be a hook for future content.

>Being on Sup Forums and having a brain.

So who'd you get to do your research for you?

Holy shit, that is fucking gross.

>it'll be the norm up until xmas.
>get used to this image, we're going to see it a LOT more

Not an argument shitty shill. Do a better job at entertaining me or you'll have one less person bumping your shitty thread.

>google path of fire
>first image to come up

Honestly, I think those anons used it because it's the most recognizable image for the series as opposed to an orc for WoW or a miqo'te for XIV. Some people just want to talk about the new expansion and enjoy their hype. There's probably an intern working as a shill somewhere in there, but eh.

I like that these threads either die or people are shitting on the game. I'm fine with that, to be honest.

Sad thing is Nu-Anet doesn't realize Elona was a mixture of nubians and egyptians. Pic related.

The new faces they added were pretty dramatically different. I hope they keep adding some because the stock faces just weren't different enough.

It's still Pala babes.

I'm not the OP, i'm distracting you while a few people talk about the game, and the shitty dev team.

See, I'm like you, but instead of coming into a thread and starting arguments for entertainment, i like wasting morons time.
Also, your entire argument is "shill" so I suggest restructuring yours a tad if you want me to actually put any effort into mine beyond "you're a retard"
So please, make good on that threat so I can go back to talking about the game and not wasting my thread replys on you.