What are your thoughts on Foxhole...

What are your thoughts on Foxhole? I'm having a lot of fun with it and I think it has a lot of potential if it doesn't die off.

I've been looking at and considering buying.
But it looks like a cheap version of CoH1.

Convince me, what's fun about it?

This. I'm intersted in Foxhole but I'm not sure if the game is worth its price.

most people cooperate and proximity voice chat in game feels amazing, then there's stuff like, building defenses in one zone, then coming back the next day and seeing the fight still going and your constructions being used, feels good man.

It's really not that fun or deep at all.

When it says you do logistics and base building is that actually true or is it planetside 2 tier where it doesn't matter at all?

Like can I sneak behind enemy lines and blow up supply trucks and have it impact the guys at the front?

flavor of the month game. You've got six months to play it before it becomes dead forever.

yes, that would fuck them up real bad.

Logistics works as advertised. It is very much needed and intercepting enemy supplies is very impacting.

It's a fun novelty, but I don't see it retaining players for very long.

And this will kill the game pretty hard because you can just camp a supply line and bomb trucks all day until you win because nobody's gonna be walking to and fro all across the road guarding it, they're either at the base producing shit or at the front fighting.
Since they're so easy to blow up, supply truck drivers are gonna get fed up with this shit and abandon the game, followed by people who die because no supplies in the front, then everyone else.

This game will not become popular.

I absolutely love it.

I think it has the potential to be one of the funniest multiplayer-games ever.
Hopefully the devs deliver.

Couldn't recommend it more.

This post is incorrect

You're an idiot.
I exclusively play supply, and the threat of getting ambused makes it interesting.

Adapting is important in a wargame, just like in real-life.


Surely it'll end up like PS1 where people defend the supply lines?

>tactics are bad and no one can fight against legitimate strategies durr I'm a fucking retard

Interesting opinions

These are what watch towers are for. I've seen many people hunt down those disrupting supply lines.

Foxhole shills and marketers, fuck off.

Everyone else, this game is boring as fuck. Refunded before 2 hours. DO NOT waste your time. This shit is being shadow marketed heavily on Sup Forums.

Just buy it, try it for 2 hours and if you don't like it then refund it.

I did the same thing and I had a great time, I'm at 25 hours playtime now, after 3 days

Looks interesting but indie multiplayer games are doomed from the start
Will be daed in 2 max 3 months

One rocket fired from a dude hidden behind a rock and you + all the supplies you spent so much time making are fucking gone. Enjoy, dumbass.

>t. Brainlet

Go back to overwatch faggot

Wow, anti vehicle weaponry destroys vehicles. What a fucking concept. I guess that means the game is doomed

I am playing with a team that reports to me when there are enemies on my supply-route, then they take them out until I got free passage to deliver supplies.
If you communicate it's no problem to evade or destroy ambushes. Communication is key.

Just because you're too retarded to play the game right doesn't mean everyone is.

.05ยข has been deposited into your account.

haha epic, upvoted! XD

Yeah. Picture that happening everytime you get a new truck, before you even manage to reach the front once. Oh but please, do keep wasting your time. I'm sure you'll eventually find that "fun."

>then they take them out
Assuming they don't have an entire hunter killer squad with an MG set up to cover the anti-vehicle crew, or are good at being mobile and hard to find.

And that's all without considering mortar crews bombing the fuck out of the road when trucks pass by. I lost count of how many trucks I've killed with those alone. It was beyond easy. All you have to do is fire and relocate, and you're pretty much set.
Fuck off, shill.

>top down in 2017

>And that's all without considering mortar crews bombing the fuck out of the road when trucks pass by. I lost count of how many trucks I've killed with those alone. It was beyond easy.

I play since closed alpha, have over 100 hours in the game, I play only logistics, and my truck has never been destroyed by a mortar.

You're making shit up and you're a fag, lol.

>wahh why do people have the ability to attack supply tricks in a gsme.heavily dependent on supplies? How is this allowed??

You're so irrationally fucking stupid I'm actually bewildered. This game is clearly not for you if you think every single truck is being blown up and that some trucker strike is going to happen to stop logistics from happening at all. You definitely have some strange form of autism

I played the game long before it was even talked about here, and I've destroyed plenty of trucks with a few squadmates myself. And that's when it was still barely known, with only a couple servers being populated. Unlike you, I don't vapidly defend a game like a marketer just because I've played it. Get fucked.

Do you have any fucking idea how long it takes to build a truck on your own, from gathering scrap to transforming it into supplies, to building the vehicle and getting fuel? Do you have so much autism that you pretend having to go through all that shit everytime you lose your truck is fun?
Well, I guess you'll have to learn it the hard way when this fucking trash heap of a game dies.

>see dozens of trucks driving around without issue
>wahh trucks are hard to make and everyone blows them up

Where did the anti vehicle soldier's touch you?

Tried it in the beta stage, it's shit.

it's never been in beta, moron

Old farts both of you. Did you even heard of watch towers + radio?
Completely new player here btw.

its not not free anymore so i hate it
i had fun while it lasted though

Poorfags need not apply

i'd buy that for a dollar

Just bought it, going to see how it goes

>Do you have any fucking idea how long it takes to build a truck on your own, from gathering scrap to transforming it into supplies, to building the vehicle and getting fuel?

under 5 minutes

lmfao @ your autism

I tried it but couldn't really get into it. I've never been very social in games.

>under 5 minutes
>have to bash scrap for at least 15

>not a single furfag commen
You've changed Sup Forums

Most fun is being in a tank squad and plowing through the enemy trenches.

My only problem is tanks need support fire since they can only fire shells.

Literally wrong m8.


It'll start popping up in Buyer's Remorse threads in a couple months.

Man, I remember back in the 00s, foxes were fucking everywhere. Whatever happened to Bernal, anyway? Nowadays you just get hordes of human fem bois.

>one of the funniest
You fucked up pajeet, no shekel for you.

>What are your thoughts on Foxhole?
Too much crafting and tedious grind and not enough actual action. For every alpha male who seeks some pvp action there must be one beta cuck who will farm and supply him with ammo, guns, tanks, apc's, spawn, buildings etc. You can literally spend whole day being a craft-slave and never see an actual fight and it still won't be enough. Wasted potential.

Is there proximity text chat?

t. poorfag pre-alpha player



Hey it's me, your brother.

People already do. That poster was an asshole.

This. No one is wasting fucking mortars on supply trucks.

But you were willing to be the crafting bitch or else you would have just went to the front and fought.

>he drives down roads without ensuring their safety via radio and expects to make it out alive

You're a fag, and I am genuinely glad to know that people like you exist, so that every time I blow up a truck and steal the thousand bmats it was lugging around, I know that there is a small chance that a top-level sperg is screaming like a fucking 11 year old on minecraft.

I've never understood why people carry around that many bmats at once.

>mortaring supply trucks
Why would you go on the internet and tell lies? You're not getting a (You) from me, nigger

it's actually really fun and also really deep.


i've never understood people who don't make the most of their trucks carrying capacity.

are you just gotta get one stack and make 9 fucking trips to smelt it?

No. However 500 bmats is more than enough to send supplies to the front line and have them matter. Waiting until you get 1000+ is pretty retarded for two reasons.

1. Your team has to wait twice as long to get what they need.
2. If you get ambushed you've just lost twice as much time.

>twice as long

>still one trip

not really.

>takes 45 seconds to drive from HQ to the front line
>takes 5-10 minutes to get 1000 bmats
brainlets blown the fuck out by ambushes more at 11.