What do you think about Path of Exile?
What do you think about Path of Exile?
Tried it, all i got to do was collect identify paper, sell my shit for more paper, fight paper enemies at some paper keep.
Shit paper game/10
Diablo 2 is better than this horrible garbage that nerfs builds that arent dev-approved.
It's Diablo for poor people.
I rate it a 9/11
No fun abilities, slower than Diablo 1, procs replace gameplay.
but it's obviously better than d3
Here's what I think, family member.
hmm is that some HOWA spectral throw socketing some bladeflurry and deleting the entire game? oops VP gone from CI. and CI dead for 2/3rd of the builds. you can still do this same shit with 7k life tho. so eh, whatever.
lolkektopjoke 8/8
It's inferior to Grim Dawn.
this this this
the only arpg it's better than is torchlight and that's debatable because at least tl doesn't handle like dongs
>my build was nerfed
Torchlight handles the worst out of any arpg I've played. Everything having giant clickboxes is just awful.
As for PoE. I like it. You can play good builds and the itemisation is the best in genre.
Any good summoner stuff?
I havent touched the game since it added the new act like 2 years ago.
Want to make a sexy new summoner that is actually somewhat fun.
And the streamer builds aren't. Coincidence or not? ;^)
Not really, they're both pretty bad and completely missed the mark.
No, it's clearly the devs trying to appease a few retarded streamers instead of their customer base. You're right.
>Fun with depth tier
Titans Quest
Grim Dawn
>Don't have to think about it fun tier
Diablo 3
>Pure trash tier
Torchlight 2
>Tis' a gentlemans game unlike Diablo, am I right fellow Exiles?
Path of Exile
PoE is diablo for fedoratippers
So the same old garbage?
fucker, in what way? i dont dislike grimdawn and waiting for its new expansion myself, but whole grimdawn mechanics - stack as many procs as possible and watch blurry explosions while you autoattack\run\stand still. Its comfy, but very poor on mechanics
its fun doing dumb builds like arc/lightning tendrils marauder
I was seriously considering buying some cosmetics for my character cuz I loved my build so much. Then they nerfed my build.
My wands that were worth 50 ex made worthless from the nerf. How am I supposed to feel when months of hard work is turned to ash?
There's a new skill called Dark Pact that chains a chaos aoe along your skeletons for a portion of their health.
It sounds fun.
Wait for your rectum to finish bleeding, and then play again since it's just a video game.
Ah I was expecting this "cry more" reply. That was fast thanks.
It's pretty much your only option, in'nit? It's either that, or stop playing.
i just wish the god damn grim dawn expansion came out already
i need to get autistic with those extra 5 devotion points
care to show off build or wands? because i highly doubt in existence of 50ex wands that suddenly became worthless.
Was it poison KB\Barrage assassin?
I'm in a weird place where I'm willing to spend some time getting to end game but not enough to grind for gear and I can't trade because autism.
Good game but not for me.
>My wands that were worth 50 ex
post pic nigger or fuck off
If you really played so much you got a 50 ex item, and you were only "seriously considering" buying something, you were never really going to do it, faggot.
It was probably some coc build a couple leagues ago.
>50 ex wand
Respec'd into elewander which had amazing DPS, even more than my previous build to my surprise.
I quit POE months ago tho. The reason nerfs bother me so much is because they keep happening to my favorite shit in every game. After like 10 years of this shit It starting to get to me. I'm allergic to nerfs.
diablo for uber-hardcore hack&slash players
Got my build all prepared, ready to tackle the new league. Bunch of buddies are picking it up again too.
Nah i deleted everything. I probly should have given it away since there were some powerful legacy items
>build is already prepared
>bought 2 more quad tabs
>gonna order pizza tonight
>got 6 red bulls
its gonna be glorious tonight
Im fucking befuddled here. are you dirt poor in poe to not believe 25 ex wands x2 exist???
played it since beta on and off, everytime i get to lvl 70+ i dont see anything left to do except hope for good item drops that increase my dmg by 1%. also if you dont start putting your focus on defence around lvl 40 youll be royally fucked at 70. good luck finding the perfect gear to max out all your elemental resistances.
>show me your 50ex wand
>nah i deleted it
comon dude i know this is Sup Forums but seriously?
show me even a 25ex wand
Whats the appeal of 5 spell cookie clickers?
What's the hottest cyclone build currently?
what the appeal of playing Mario and jumping on koopa heads 15 games in a row?
A shit game with fake customisation where every build looks the same because so much of the skill tree is mandatory to not die instantly. The devs have a hard-on for increasing monster damage without giving tools to survive it so the game became an unfun mess of one-shots unless you have 12,000 hp, but GGG doesn't like that you can survive one-shots so they nerfed it for 3.0.
friendly reminder that there are shitcrow players in this very thread posting their opinions
it's extremely ugly
Theyre gone dude. why do you care so much? they, when they still existed became worthless because of the nerf.
25 or even 10 ex aint a big deal. remember when 6 link cloak of defiance costs 20+ ex?
the cost is a big deal now because exalts doubled in price since i last played. thus making the grind to recovery the loss not fun or worth it.
It's pretty cool, haven't played it in like 2 or 3 years though.
dude no one cares for standard league prices, pls kys
what's with Sup Forums posters and their tendency to tribalism
oh my god fuck off. the fact i mentioned legacy items should have been a clue
>spamming two skills the game
boring as fuck
there were no 50ex wands in lagacy league my friend
CoC was nerfed before legacy
Uninstalled after a few minutes.
- It had always online drm.
- The camera angle was terrible and couldn't be changed.
- It wasn't particularly visually or musically appealing.
+ It's the only Diablo clone that understood the Diablo combat, though.
oh my fucking god what. legacy league what? NO. LEGACY ITEMS not legacy league items.
I think misery loves company. /thread
Developers hate fun, nerf everything to the ground and introduce several currencies to bloat your stash until you're forced to buy some. Never mind the fact that some of those stashes cost more than full games.
>"B-BUT D3"
You know your game is shit when you have to compare it with literal feces to make it look superior to something.
>Ziggy just posted a video of a build I was going to do
>Now tremor rods are going to be stupidly expensive and everyone else is going to do the same shit
I'm fucking mad right now
I try not to.
I think Diablo 3 is actually a lot of fun. You get to try new builds and skills without having to grind a new character for years.
its ok if you don't have a life at all and want to become neet virgin for a next few years
>not playing solo-self found
But yeah PoE is an incredible game but it's a slow game to get into off the bat. I would recommend giving it a try today after the new expansion comes out. It's up there with Diablo 2 for me.
TQ and GD are so goddamn slow
Sounds like you played for about half an hour.
There is no D3.
I like it, I wanna play it but my gf gift me diablo 3 to play with her, I wanted to play this with her
the only problem with poe are
1) shit music / visuals / camera angle
2) instagib mechanics (supposedly they are fixing these and nerfing ES bullshit)
3) leagues, leagues are fucking retarded, except to separate game mechanics
4) trading should just be it's own "trading league"
5) currency drops are abysmal
6) enemies are uninspired
7) passive tree is uninspired for the most part
8) 35%+ movespeed is basically required for the game to feel good
>you have to be very specific to the point of if new being forced to look up guides to not make a shit build that can't carry you through the first difficulty (as in half of the entire game starting tonight)
>you have to get extremely lucky with point percentage chance drops of either the very specific loot you want, or exalts to trade yourself into what you want (which is a bad system, i just hate having to deal with other players for no reason)
>almost every single ability feels the same, there is little oomph, it's almost all just "this deals damage" or "this deals damage over time", exceptions are a few that move you around like shield charge or the delayed teleport
>gender locked classes, i'm a faggot and can't immerse myself in a game where i'm forced to play as a female, HOWEVER i have no problems playing a literal tribal nigger(???)
This is what I think.
I'll still try Fall of Oriath tonight, but I'll probably get bored when I reach the point where I can't progress again.
Because the new expansion comes out today and the game is being heavily 'revamped' with it.
Campaign goes from 4 to 10 acts. Clearspeed meta is going to get hit hard which a lot of people enjoy because that's how the game originally was.
>3) leagues, leagues are fucking retarded, except to separate game mechanics
Leagues aren't retarded. I used to share this opinion until I finally saw the light. Leagues aren't really different than the D2 ladder seasons other than a new mechanic is available for a few months which spices up the game a bit. Having to start a new character every league keeps the game fresh and is wonderful for the economy when everyone starts from scratch. Permanent leagues become shitholes with huge inflation when you have economy based games.
>Streamer builds were not
This is some A-class bullshit. There are very little 50ex wands (or even 25ex x2, which is already a fucking lol) in a league, even as long as legacy. Care to tell us the rolls?
what kind of cash shop does this game have? is it pay2win?
It's pretty good.
Hopefully the new patch fixes the various balance issues with the game and they finally stop with ES being overpowered as all fuck.
Nah. You buy stash tabs to store more shit and to have it shown online for others to see to buy/you to sell. For a casual player 4 tabs will be more than enough and if you like it, spend $5 once
Not really, it has one of the best free2play mechanics. You pay to make your character look more interesting. Weapon/armor skins, pets, etc.
You can also pay to expand your inventory. This is a HUGE quality of life increase but isn't necessary. Faggots who have less than 1000 hours in the game will say it's necessary.
This is a downright lie though. The most popular streamer builds are vaal spark and it's pretty much dead. Streamer builds get nerfed all the time.
Cash shop is almost entirely cosmetics, but, there's also stash tabs which are pretty important.
The cosmetic items are also absurdly overpriced, a whole costume set often costing more than $50.
My dude here is correct.
Leagues are the best thing about the game, are you mental? Leagues are what keeps bringing people back and it's important to regularly reset the ladder and the economy.
Fun with depth tier
>Titans Quest
>Grim Dawn
GD classes are unbelievably 1 dimensional. Don't try tell me the Occultist/Shaman has a dot build because if you tried it you would know it was hot garbage.
I do love Grim Dawn but Animeposters always trigger me
Im interested in grim dawn, what are the pro and cons?
Not him but play it and find out, friend. If you like the genre, you'll enjoy the game.
Is expensive for me
You can always pirate it and decide if you enjoy it enough to spend money on. I would say it is worth it but that is simply my singular individual opinion. I hope you enjoy it as well, user.
it's on gog. so just go download a fucking gog torrent of it retard
you should stop using this site then
GD is shallow tho, that user either unexperienced or just plain stupid
decent build variety
two new classes coming soon
requires conscious thought unlike D3
but not as much as PoE if you go full autism
arguably looks ugly
slower than other ARPGs until you build movement and attack speed
have to deal with autismos spamming grim yawn
>fun to play through as a story with tame flashy effects.
>varied classes
>gore system is worth a chuckle
>costs money
>end game is meh
Play it for the story and have a blast.
And I can still play online?
>Don't try tell me the Occultist/Shaman has a dot build because if you tried it you would know it was hot garbage.
>Every damage type has to be viable for every class combination.
What's your point?
You are absolutely retarded by the way. Occultist/Shaman has access to both Curse of Frailty and Devouring Swarm which will result in a theoretical Bleed Resistance Debuff of -110%. If I wanted to make a Bleed Build it would be exactly this class combination. Are you baiting my friend?
why the fuck would you want to play a sp arpg online?