He didn't change his clothes for millenia.
He didn't change his clothes for millenia
People pretend fighting him is difficult.
our guy
>implying people showered in the middle ages
>implying he even sweats
Dont be a tryhard.
OMG you must be some video game prodegy everyone else found him hard but you are the chosen one just like in your RPG its only a matter of time before girls showing up at your door wanting to bang you because you are just so nice and amazing at playing dark souls
If he is as aggressive as Gundyr or Gael.
more like Rangeless King amirite friends
>he saved the same picture twice
The flow of time is convoluted in my pants.
Why do people pretend this fight is good?
>shitty, filler fight against his dragon that's more a waste of time than anything else
>ugly, featureless arena
>NK himself is slow as balls and has an extremely basic moveset
>can be largely trivialised with the greatshield with thunder resist
he's one of the more difficult bosses, yes. why would people pretend?
His statue had different clothes and a little different weapon so he obviously changed his attire.
I love how they subtly confirmed he's solaire
Obviously weaker than Midir why brag himself as Dragon slayer.
Midir was a cuckold bitch boy.
>be immortal dragon
>weakness is lightning
>sell your ass to a woman because she gave you a little attention
>try to fight the dumb human purple stuff for the non-purple humans
>get purpled
>notice a non-purple human is invading
>try to stop them reaching your waifu
>get stuck on a ledge
>they force you off
>forget you have fucking wings
>plummet down to the ground
>they follow you
>remember you have wings
>get in an autistic rage and try to fry the dumb tiny human
>they too are immortal but only while rolling
>they execute you and go to look for your waifu
even Seath wasn't this much of a bitch
Firstborn of all bosses would annihilate Midir because he has powerful ranged lighting attacks.
Maybe in your edgy animes
First born alone would get his ass handed over, fighting dragons wasn't something you could do alone
Memedir probably had no idea what was going on and just acted like a guard dog
tell that to Gough and Ornstein.
Do you really think they went dicks out without thinking against dragons?
They worked as a team
>NK himself is slow as balls
which nameless king did you fight? the dude fucking flies across the arena in a split second and his combos last forever
He enjoys Dutch Ovening inside those robes. Why do you think he's got his nose covered? I'm doing it right now and this is really intoxicating.
>and his combos last forever
And are telegraphed to fuck.
moving the goalposts
the argument was that he was slow as fuck.
And he is.
He doesn't "fly across the arena", he's got one move that makes him travel a short distance rapidly and like every other move he has to charge it up.
>I imply that a difficult boss is easy as a passive aggressive way of stating how good I am at the game.
How hard would Artorias have been if we had fought an uncorrupted, shielded one.
In fact how would the events have differed if Artorias didn't leave his shield behind? Other than the immediately obvious of course (ie Sif dying).