Other urls found in this thread:

Has he actually done anything of note in the past 20 years?


>Waaaaaah, why are the mean sjws making articles about my games ;_;
What a fag lmao

nice strawman, ghazi

You posted the exact same reply yesterday.

Sometimes I feel like Sup Forums is Groundhog Day irl

but kotaku is shit. why are there nu-faggots on my vidya board?

Armikrog wasn't so bad after it was fixed from bugs. Still not as good as Neverhood, though.

>Poorly structured, confusing critiques on games released on the anniversary of said game are now passive aggressive hit pieces stemming from gender politics.
>I better respond in kind by passive aggressively calling a tranny whatever the hell gender they don't feel they are just to stir shit.
Neither of these faggots are in the right. Tennappel even more so for getting butthurt enough to waste his time responding to a stink piece.


>feminist criticizing muslim women

Never happens

>Hes so autistic he keeps posting this in every thread

GAF being GAF they have already moved onto their next faux outrage target, whatever the fuck it is - 'balloons are racist' or some such pinheaded shit.




Every day is repost day.

That's adorable.

Oh boy another fucking drama about Shitaku or/and some dev nobody cares anbout.

Oh boy i cant wait to see all the witty responses that have 140 characters or less because of how shit Twitter is

I cant wait to see Neogaf screenshots ( after browsing it for months i'm prettyy sure its one of the most seperated from reality forums i ever witnessed )where people on a videogame board demand the blood of the dev .

And i cant wait to see this threadblow off to 300 replies ( if the mod doesnt see it ) where people shitpost


kys redditspacing tripfag

it use too until they discovered they wanted to destroy the western world too

>werewolf girl will never want to pounce you

Thats a surprisingly good metaphor

you go with him

how fucking sad a day is it on Sup Forums when the tripfaggot is right

Isn't this what kiwifarms is for? Shitpost about e-celebs there.

>misgendering people is wrong

hello this isn't fucking canada where that is illegal i'll call everyone by their biological sex, just try and stop me you mentally ill queer shit eating poofters.

Watching people try to reclaim "cuck" as a positive thing has been just... just a treat. It's a damn shame that the meme has gotten overused to the point of annoyance now, but seeing this shit makes it all worth it.

I will kys myself now

Trolled haha

>like being unpopular in North Korea
>hasn't been shot yet
Explain this

>i still use names and or trips

bro you're better suited for neogaf, just leave

yiff in hell tripfag

so it's basically similar thing like how I confuse the fear of getting eaten alive for arousal instead giving me my paraphilia
it's just another way for brain to fuck up a bit without any real advantage

Before this I thought cuckolding was just a fetish I was never really going to understand
Now cuckolds look like emotional abuse victims that try to rationalize what's happening to them

i always thought these people didn't really exist holy fuck

>not playing along with the delusions of the mentally ill is wrong.

Except no, it's not.

if lefties didn't get so butthurt over the word, no one would be using it any more

the day lefties get their shit together is the day it dies out, but I don't see that happening for another decade or so

>neogaf and something awful.
Might as well merge the two sites since they believe the same shit.

Leftards got destroyed in 2016,what a year.

Piers Morgan bringing the heat

>Being so butthurt over a review that you bring up the reviewer's fake gender as a point of contention
He's a butthurt faggot, but that's all it takes to be "Based" in nu-/po- I mean, nu-Sup Forums

Ironic for a man who pisses himself at the mere sight of a gun.

Is that fucking chromatic aberration I'm seeing? Get out Shadman.

>people STILL use twitter

Want to live an anger free life from here on out? Stop reading twitter.

>the thrill of an affair without the damage
Isn't risk exactly what makes things thrilling?

Yeah, 11 graphic novels. 2 webcomics too I guess. Oh and all the album covers for Five Iron Frenzy.

He's a pretty chill dude though, I don't see the hate.
for example is a perfectly pertinent point. Fuck kotaku.

> unironically



Furshit is creepy to me but i find this oddly touching, that pleading hand on his hand, it's actually kind of sweet in its sadness. Someone should do a human version.

Are you fucking kidding me? You're a huge part of the problem
Every day you shit up the same LOL threads with the same dumb unrelated to video games transgender shit
Please take a long walk off a short pier

Being delusional myself it really hurts to admit, but it's even more unhealthy to allow the mentally ill to live as they would without interference
>tfw depressed anorexic

>mfw Sup Forums is turning all leftists into cuckolds if they weren't already

Wait hold on, is the artist being ironic or do they really believe this shit?


The green part of the Sup Forums logo almost made it look like some form of BRAPosting.
I am disappointed it isn't

>SJW are now rampant on Sup Forums
nu-Sup Forums is a billion times worse than neo-Sup Forums

You mean his real gender

Journalists > game devs

All his comics. I just read Tommysarus Rex the other day at the library.

>Nu-Sup Forums is rampant with putting people you disagree with into the SJW box or the Sup Forums box and shutting out all discourse
Would be correct.

Not vidya
Sage and report

Jesus fucking christ why there are crutches under the guy who pretending to be a cat?

>cuck wive is some fat broad
>cuck is some emasculated faggot

wow who would have thought?

Lmao yes it does. White feminists hate coloured feminists just as much as you saddos with your hate boner for everything that isn't your meme race/way of thinking.


Not if you're fucked in the head.

Fuck off. I know your talk. You do not belong here

>my politically fueled clickbait is a real article and I'm a real girl! Disagreeing makes you a butthurt faggot!


at least you found a way to feel superior to someone who simply called bullshit on bullshit, and by proxy, anyone who dares disagree with you.

Completely unironic. Even Tumblr hates her because of how horrible those two (and the furry water sports) comics are.

And because she says things like pic related.


what's HPV

Why wouldn't you get your HPV shot? That's like saying MMR is unpreventable.

the fuck is up with his legs?

Human papilloma virus


A completely preventable disease.

Warts basically.

Something that gives men/women that eat puss throat cancer. It's entirely preventable if you have the barest levels of self preservation or care for your partner/future partners. The woman is disgusting.

I got my first shot for HPV last week
why is she saying HPV is common? does she think i'm about to get autism or something?

She swung for sex positivity but overshot and ended up in "it's ok to keep having sex if you have an untreated STD"-land.


Well.. I mean as long as your partners already have the same strain of HPV or are immunized against it there's nothing wrong with it...
have they made a comic about the HIV spreading community yet?
Seems right up their alley

Right up their alley. Funny story: They had to put an apology at the top of this one because the guest was found fucking actual dogs.

really makes ya think