>the virgin summon

Chad is currently busy impregnating 3 other franchises while those 2 homos just discovered their passion for dancing.

>They find Chad fucking FeMC
>Its a DLC trailer for them

Nice stethoscope, nerd.

I think you mean taking Ragna dick in his ass while crossdressing

Arent they the jap version of a chad?

>Friendship ended with Yu, now Joker is my best friend


Why did they make P3MC so pretty?

Can anybody explain to me. Why do I find Persona 4 cast more enjoyable a d the MC less shit. I meab it's not like I didn't try to like P3 and P5 but I just don't know why. Please explain it to me.

How else would they have made him?

He's 5'4. Of course they're gonna turn him into a complete fuccboi and make him 'dance' with Akihiko and Shonji.

That's great because 5 and 3 are the only Nu-Persona games that deserve to be called a REAL SHIN MEGOOMI TENSAY spinoff.


>narukami is in another universe fighting bunch of crazies
>these two dumbasses are dancing


Ugly like most emos are.

holy fuck you made me spit my food everywhere

I know he always looked like that, but it was more of an emo look.

I think the fact he's smiling is what seems so jarring to me, it's like he really enjoys how attractive he looks.

Pretty sure that title belongs to Devil Survivor games.

I assume card crushing is as virgin as a summon pose will get for the series.

>Persona 53

Is this the new Danganronpa crossover?

They want to be like Yu, dude.
Would you blame them?

I liked the DS games, but 2 was far too silly for me.

I'm okay with SMT games having jokes, but it really ruined the atmosphere.

Though bishie Hitler's magical safe space already took me out of it, considering it's supposed to be a game about survival.

Reminder it's canon that Nanako loves the Phantom Thief.

I feel like P4 nailed the friends aspect. You felt like the group actually cared about each other throughout the whole thing and everyone was in it for a good portion of the game (even Naoto got a lot of screen time despite being the last member). In P3 you don't get any real opportunities to hang out with the group outside of battle and I genuinely felt like SEES felt more like Co-workers than friends until the end. P5 started out well but got oversaturated and had too many people, so by the end everyone is just trying to say a line each about a topic and it's just silly.

And a robot that barely looks human going to school didn't?

Has Atlus even patched P5's nonsense text yet?

Better clean up after yourself my easily amused redditor friend.

P4 has some of the best slice of life events and interactions and chemistry regardless of your thoughts on the rest of the game, especially considering the pitiful state of P5 which has only two beach trips (one of which was even acknowledged in-game as shit), that awful theme park "event" that was cut short, and heatproof grandpa. Simply put, you see more of the cast interacting outside of dungeons and story-heavy sequences, so you get more attached to them. As far as the protagonist, well, he has the worst design of all 6 games, 7 counting If but is by far the least edgy and is your window into the aforementioned friend events.

Because it's just a matter of preference, I personally find their bubbly interaction in P4 is annoying as fuck. It tries to be so "good friend" but in a forced way and hide that with a layer of events events and events.
It's not like I didn't try to like P4, but it just feel so artificial.

Sophisticated humour patrol is here lads, pack it up

How does it feel to be Ryuji?

Oh, yeah, I get what you're saying now. Now it's going to bother me, especially if MDN is set mid-game like Q. Thanks user.

>heatproof grandpa

It was probably the little things like this I found most funny in P5.

Also, Yusuke showing up out of fucking nowhere in Hawaii


To further my point see>especially considering the pitiful state of P5 which has only two beach trips (one of which was even acknowledged in-game as shit), that awful theme park "event" that was cut short, and heatproof grandpa.
Things doesn't goes the way you want, you expect for them to have beach events and "fun" group events like P3 and P4, but no, welcome to Tokyo, welcome to Japan.
They got their shit together which, for me is hundred times better than YAY WE'RE HAVING FUN LET'S RIDE SCOOTER TOGETHER XD

When is this?

Most recent one.

P5 only?

>2 votes for Ohya

>Lala-chan at top and beating Lavenza by 1 vote

The Chad invocation

>Tae 2nd
Guess nips sometimes have good taste

What do you mean by they got their shit together?

>th-th-they made fun of my self-insert!

P4D already came out. Your new is showing.

>That old man in bath house

When they got shitted at, they got shitted at together. That's what I called true friendship.

What is this from? That's not DAN.

This is the most accurate MC's looked to his original concept art since P3 released. Everything else exaggerated the design.


it's from super DAN

I'm guessing Iwai was only at 7 and not higher because his confident bonuses are almost as meh as Ohya's considering the best guns in the game are from itemization.

Yusuke in general was god's gift to this game as far as comedy goes, even in terms of little non-consequential stuff. Truly best boy.
>I'm most certainly in the mood
>Observatory event with Mishima
>Pic related
>For something salty

I need the complete version of the P5DAN intro right know

DAN pre-release artwork

>I'm most certainly in the mood

I never understood this

But they are chads

>shido 4th

Yeah they did a good job of making the models accurate, Yukari in particular.

His message chain was interrupted. He was saying he was in the mood for something salty to eat.

Reminds me of the time Kanji took a salt shaker out of his pocket to salt his watermelon slice.


>Chad Ziodynecock is so alpha he needs TWO protags to take him down

hes 5'7" (170cm) actually. still a manlet but thats average jp height.

but it's a messaging app why would he send the first part of the sentence in the first place, this literally only happened once

*follow his footsteps

It's a combination of the timing, the split message, and the fact that he's ignored in favor of plot-related stuff. It's admittedly not side-splitting, but pretty amusing considering the awful slog that text message conversations are by that point. Same thing with his Medjed exposition dump and Makoto(?) awkwardly thanking him

>/ourguy/ didn't make the list

I don't know why he chose to split his sentence into multiple messages considering he was able to give long explanations for the research he dug up on medjed.

Maybe his fingers slipped.

Reddit spacing
Yusuke is a fucking redditor

Why does everyone say Chad instead of Brotag all of a sudden

it only happened that one time too, no one else ever did it

kind of unrelated but the mouse puns he did during the ship was kind of out of character imo

Chad is literally dead. He hasn't even show up for a second during sound bomb

Reminder that Yu's VA was cheating on his wife with an underage girl.

he's stuck in blazblueverse

Maybe it's just me, but I also felt like Yusuke was the only other member to actually "fit in" with the team. Since it originally started off as a group of outcasts.

>MC is criminal with a bad record
>Ryuji is a delinquent punk
>Ann is gaijin slut
>Yusuke's a complete autismo no one understands

Makoto, Haru, and Akechi never had problems with being shunned by society.

Memes and P4anime. He refers to Naoto as funbags an Nanako calls him a manwhore.
Margaret is a salty cunt.

>been on this board since 09
>I still get mad when someone calls my favorite game shit

Because of the scandal surrounding his affair. Remember to never have multiple waifus in persona.

My hero

How will the rest of the gang look in their DAN outfits?

Literally my dream games. Until they bring in seemingly random people to remix the songs and leave the original tracks out of the whole thing.
And add a shit ton of DLC, to boot.

What's P5 even got to have a reasonable track list though? There's not that many songs that'd work, are there?

She was underage when they started dating, but she's like 30 now. He had been caught with her before and said he ended the relationship and even got her a job at the agency he works for after that. They got caught being not so broken up and in production shit is now suffering for it because Japan is a very fundamentalist country.

Makoto's isolation was pretty much self inflicted with how much focus she put into academics and nothing else. Haru's was more of a case of not letting anyone get too close because she was keeping the fact that she was filthy rich secret.

>It took being voiced by a pedo to finally kill Chad

Thank god it's over

>joker is /fa/
>yu is chad
>mc outfit is a mess and looks gay as fuck
It's not fair


If they don't keep Yusuke galaxy pants and Ryuji gangsta outfit i will riot

They'll be DLC

>Bread is thoroughly burnt
I wish I didn't laugh so hard, but I did.

You forgot Futaba who was NEET, her arguing with Yusuke was cute.

It would have been amazing if he had been completely right and everyone including the player ignored it at first thinking he was just sperging out

>implying he's going to die that easily
A lull in chad's chaddery

>post yfw Main Series Persona game comes out that somehow ties all 3,4 and 5 together

How would they do it?

The continuity/lore nutjob in me can't stand having these games in alternate timelines.

I feel like P5's at such a disadvantage. At this point P3 has such a massive selection of music in comparison, it's not even fair. Dancing Star Night is going to have 3 remixes of every song to make up for it.

So this is going to be in P3:DMN right?

Chad frees MC and catches the thieves.

shame on me. I did. Plus she was considered a freak when she actually did used to go to school.