Dragon Quest thread
Ready for Dragon Quest 11? Any of the games you been playing as you wait? Got any question on the series?
Dragon Quest thread
My PS4 copy is en route. Even if it was here already I wouldn't be able to play it until this coming Tuesday, thanks to my work schedule.
Yes, nobody cares. Have a bump.
Final Fantasy > Dragon Quest
Not even close
DQ has 11 good mainline games.
FF has 3.
nah son
I wish I could read moon. Can't wait for next year and all I have to tide me over until then is the knowledge that Japan is once again getting X and we aren't.
>DQ1, DQ2, DQ5, DQ6, DQ7 and DQ9
Start now, then in a year's time when something else comes out in Japan first you'll be able to play it to a certain degree.
I don't know whether to play the original games or the remakes.
I want Rocket Slime 3
>5 vs 3
Not even you shitposting saved your neck
Remakes are almost always better than the original.
1-3:SNES. GBC are alright since 3 has a bit more post game but I don't feel it's completely worth it
4: This is the only one I feel the original NES version is better than the remake (unless you know Japanese than DS). Since the localization completely ruins the game for me. You might feel the localization is alright and can enjoy it more but I just can't.
5: DS
6: DS
7: 3DS and also my favorite game in the series
8: 3DS personally. PS2 looks better but 3DS has a lot more to it.
>go my entire life not playing a DQ game (I'm 30)
>buy DQ VIII for 3DS last night
>play for 5 hours
I can't even pinpoint what it is I like so much about it, but man, what a game.
i should get my ps4 copy today.
i've heard the ps4 version uses ffx combat, where you do your character's action right after selecting.
we've reached a point where dragon quest is a better final fantasy than final fantasy.
It's easy enough to play without english if you've got a hacked 3DS but then the story is missed out on.
I just feel like you have to experience the original.
Yeah you can play V on the PS2 and DS, yeah they're better.
But I want to see what those people back in 1992 saw.
I need to understand why Japan love this series as they do.
For pretty much everyone in Japan (at least those that didn't have a actual computer like a PC-88) it was their first experience with a RPG. Look at the Famicom lineup and right after Dragon Quest 1 came out EVERYONE made a clone. It pretty much started the RPG insanity in Japan like platformers with Mario. You really can look at Dragon Quest and Mario in the same camp. Where every time there's a Mario game it has a strong retro feel to it and for many is a nice comfort food game. It also helps that every game has a strong polish to it that while is strongly rooted in old school mechanics it always feels just right.
The only really way to completely understand why Japan is so crazy about Dragon Quest you really just need to be there in 1986 with the release of Dragon Quest.
But like I said they are all pretty much polished RPG so even playing the newer version of each game you still get the feeling Hori wanted you to get from the game.
I want DQXI but I can't into moonspeak so I'll have to wait for western release.
DQMJ3 Pro english when?
Anyone else worry they are not going to give us the 3DS version?
yeah kinda
but 3ds piracy/emulation has basically reached the point where someone will try to translate it eventually.
there was already someone asking if we wanted a quick menu translation hack.
>DQ5, DQ7
>"not good"
How is the android port for 5? I played it on the ds, and I want to play it again, but I don't feel like playing it on the ds/pc.
And 6, never played it, is the android port a decent port?
Sofia best girl
Pretty much the DS version just with a touch D-Pad from what I've heard. Not into mobile games so I can't say on the quality of it.
FFX had the best turn based combat ever, I think.
Veing able to fully customize your party and switxh members on the fly was the shit.
I just like how it's hard and weapon's cost a lot so it forces you to grind.
Considering DQ8 on the 3DS didn't even manage to sell over 100K on its first 10 weeks, them yeah, it's not likely to happen.
Me neither, but it would be neat to have dq handy.
Neither in the US or EU &tw, which is weird considering it was the latter that caused SE to bring the game here in the first place.
is this a menu translation?
Even if ot sells like shit the script is the same of the PS4 version so I don't see why SE wouldn't do it for zero costs, unless Sony bribes them for a exclusive deal
Isn't that obvious?
>tfw bought DQVII 3DS, DQVIII 3DS, and DQB PS4
i just want this franchise to succeed in the west desu
I want to know how they programmed this.
I'm playing VII on 3DS, and it's my first one. But I'm thinking playing IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and maybe IX before playing XI.
If I were you, I'd try and squeeze III (SNES) in there as well, it's really one of the best.
But you really only get the impact of III after playing 1 and 2.
If I were to play one and only one of them, should I take DQ heroes 1 or 2
heroes 2 has the entire cast of heroes 1 as an endgame bonus
and online multiplayer
>when your copy of dq11 ps4 just arrives
I don't even read japanese, here we fucking go
I heard it's good, but don't know the first thing about emulating though, and III didn't come out on DS as far as I know.
I hope the switch version of DQXI at least runs at 30fps, that'd motivate me to get a NS in the future.
Ive always been interested in Dragon Quest due to art style alone and lately ive had a craving for classic JRPG.
Where should I start?
Which are not available in english?
How long does each take?
Keep in mind i'm completely open to incredibly old games and am rarely turned off by what others consider archaic or outdated.
>Acting like it wasn't GOTD and is still the source of most of the JRPG gameplay concepts that people still use today.
You can fuck right off.
DQ8 is as entry level as it gets, they're overall pretty long
that's awesome
is it worth just starting from the beginning and playing all of them?
Just start with 8 or 4.
Start with either DQV or DQVIII and then play them from the beginning(Give priority to the remakes.)
I love DQ but calling 2 good is a being very generous.
It would be like playing all Pokemon games from the beginning. You can do it if you really like the series but there's not really a point doing that.
There's a easy English patch rom for DQ1-3 SNES. I mean you could also play the NES version of them but playing the NES DQ1 and 2 is a bit too much for most people.
II gets a pass purely because it has the DQ charm and aesthetic, but yeah it's fundamentally pretty shit. All that fucking backtracking by boat, fuck me.
Thanks for the advice guys. Ill pick up 5 or 8. I might try out the old ones though since DW is only 9 hours long
DQ1 and 2 are really the only ones that might test your patience. DQ3 is when everything came together. Sadly DQ3 really hits home if you played DQ1 and 2 first. Outside that all of the rest are standalone (yes 4-6 take place in the same universe of sort but they all take place in their own story with hardly any overlap).
I've been ready since the first announcement, beat DQ7 3DS since then, also snagged the free DQ11 PS4 Theme, can't wait.
Still good! Sure it falls off a cliff in the final stretch but doesn't spoil the whole experience. Add excellent music and after the grind + final boss, you are treated to one of the best ending themes in any game.
the quality jump on the ps4 version compared to 3ds is pretty huge
i really want to see what this looks like on a ps4 pro though
>Ready for Dragon Quest 11?
I suppose so.
>Any of the games you been playing as you wait?
I'm playing dragon quest 11 right now so I guess the answer is no.
>Got any question on the series?
Not really.
No, it's a full game translation :^)
when you attack an enemy the village waifu cheers. also reacts when you get hurt.
you can move around in combat and rotate the camera but it serves zero purpose. the enemies will turn to look at you like npcs and its pretty silly
ps4 initial loading screen
>playing dragon quest without reading anything
I give you a week before you get impatient, frustrated, irritated and disappointed and decide to quit the game until they localize.
>the quality jump on the ps4 version compared to 3ds is pretty huge
Not shit Sherlock.
Also, assuming that pic is from a normal ps4 I'd say there is a considerable difference from a normal ps4 to a pro ps4 because I've seen pics that looked much better than the one in your post.
censored for lewd
When is the west even going to get it though?
I mean realistically, are we looking at Q1 2018 or what?
Maybe you have to be really slow to not make them turn
Q2 probably
They'll give more information this fall
Why do the Japs love cucking us so much user?
Are they still salty about Hiroshima?
At Hori went out of his way to tell us day 1 of Japan launch it was coming westbound. That's basically the most proactive SE has ever been about DQ since the DS days.
Is this coming for just the 3ds or switch too? I travel for work a lot so this might be great for switch. I can just go 3ds if not.
I posted before in a dqxi thread I didn't like the desert city but I take it back. The stuff that happens there is way more interesting than the events in Homura.
Sylvia is also not as hateful as he looks.
Unlike Japan the West isn't blinded with nostalgia, they have to put extra work for way less profit. I doubt they are even going to touch the MIDI ost.
Them telling us it's coming over here and we'd 'hear more in fall' when it's release day in Japan is a fucking joke.
They know this game sells well over here, and that's a shitty fucking excuse when it comes to all the other dog shit series they try to flog in the west.
Realistically, they could have had it ready for Western release the same as Japan but for some reason they have a massive boner for keeping it to themselves for a while and not letting the white piggus play til next year.
>named himself Hero
Sure user, you are absolutely right. They could have done it simultaneously with absolutely no issues whatsoever, the only reason they did not was for the sole purpose of annoying you.
>4: This is the only one I feel the original NES version is better than the remake
But the mobile remake is the only one with party chat
3DS version is objectively comfier.
Just how thirsty was DQ1's princess?
>not naming everyone hero
I want my high polygon loli mage thank you.
Playing the VII remake now. Just finished up present day Wetlock. Only complaint is that i feel way overleveled, my party is at 23-24 and encounters are a breeze.
>DQVII engine
I've played 1-6 on mobile and I'm working through VII on the 3DS and I just can't get into it.
DId I binge them too much and the magic has lost or is VII just that little bit more of a chore than usual? The story just isn't drawing me in that much
Overall level of comfiness... A lighthearted adventure in a bright world where all your problems don't exist. Character designs help a lot with this as well. I feel like Dragon Quest mixes cute and badass really well in their designs.
You can stop posting these. Menu translation is a no go since the guy mever figure it out on how to open .pack files. And nobody is helping him to figure it out because of muh spoonfeeding autism mentality
VII is a lot like an episodic anime. You'll have a bunch of smaller story arcs that really don't contribute much to a greater whole. It's not for everyone.
Playin DQ V. Pretty good so far, although some moments are kinda grindy.
I REALLY want this little fucker. Why did it have to lose the 3D though, dammit
>actually defending DQ7
Does XI even use 3D? I know Sun/Moon didn't.
3D's a lame gimmick anyway.
The real issue is the top screen flaps around to an alarming degree.
>want to buy this
>no money
>TN screens only
The n2ds has hinge problems?
what is the life of a common Slime like?