>people that whistle/beatbox/hum/sing in voice chat
People that whistle/beatbox/hum/sing in voice chat
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kill me pete
you know the drill, pete
Really people do that in voice chat what the hell? I have heard background screams from moms a lot of time but never that
>teammate has a cold and is constantly sneezing and sniffling
>"Yo use push-to-talk you disgusting fuck"
kill me pete
people want to fill up silences because they find them awkward
>person is actually talented in those fronts and impresses the fuck outta you
>person actually thinks they are talented in those fronts and annoys the fuck out of you
multiplayer only games are just the laziest shit
>dude turn on your mic
t. no skill
t. no friends
t. socially awkward loser
>people that jerk off in voice chat
This has happened too many times to me in Dota 2. It's a nice time everytime.
Also happened to me, mainly on CS.
>t. socially awkward loser
Where do you think we are? fuck off back to facebook chad
>haha I can't hold a conversation and surely all the hundreds of thousands of Sup Forums users are like that
Most people here are fairly normal
Pete,I beg you
>people who blast their rap music over their mic
Ever notice no one ever blasts any classical, jazz or bluegrass through their mic? I'd find those more acceptable just because of the sheer oddity.
By doing something exceedingly more awkward?
>Most people here are fairly normal
How fucking new are you?
Kill yourself, normalfaggot. Your kind doesn't belong here. No "fairly normal" person should even be lurking Sup Forums.
Imagine being this guy
>have anthro avatar
>join KF server with 2 people in it
>they both have furry avatars
>play game fine for 2 waves with no one saying a word
>another person joins with a meme avatar starts making idle chatter and being entertaining without being obnoxious
>they kick him in 10 seconds
>send me a friend request after match ends
I thought furries were supposed to be nice and fun-loving?
>comes to place of pedos, furfags, killers (seriously once somebody posted dead body parts and the location to a dead body at Sup Forums), narco cartel faggots, drug addicts, lolicons, people that get off cutting their dicks, necrophliacs
Holy shit, again put me in the fucking screencap
>guy's mic continually broadcasting keystrokes and background noise
>game is push-to-talk only
Not really. Some boards are more normal than others. /n/, /po/ and that kind of thing are on the normal side. Sup Forums, /r9k/ and /x/ are obviously the weirdest, but whatever. Seems like the slower board traffic is, the more normal the posters are.
You have eaten the same mickey d's as surely 1 murderer.
Sup Forums is full of trap faggots, furfaggots, lolicons and CP sometimes still gets rarely posted
You or that faggot are fucking idiots
Can you read? There's a reason I didn't mention Sup Forums as a board with normal posters. Sup Forums is more normie than you realize regardless. You're talking about Sup Forums as if there are thousands of killers posting here daily. It's not that hardcore or anything. Reddit have had killers, too.
>That's not hardcore
We didn't talk about hardcore, we just talked about normal faggotry.
Stop damage controlling.
I can tell you're not actually reading my posts.
>haha I am right you are retarded!
I've been here for a long time buddy. The reality is that this place isn't some secret nerd club. A lot of people come to this place now.
Kill me, pete
if you don't use PTT i fucking hate your guts
i only don't use if i'm talking to literally 1 other person
if a 3rd person joins i turn on ptt cause that shit is obnoxious
kill me pete
>social skills
What in the fuck does either of those have to do with multiplayer gaming? If anything, if you constantly stay inside and play online with random strangers, i'd expect you to be a fucking awkward loser. Or a 12 year old, although you're probably both.
You just admitted that you are an idiot.
Of course now that the fbi seized the servers and they are watching, pedos and other shit have been almost nullified.
Kill me, Pete.
Or else my 8 will give me cancer and ill die painfully
Why does this cat look so weird
No rest for the wicked
kill me pete
>thinking you're hot shot for being mentally I'll
Crashing this plane
I don't know what you smoke but you should take it easy.
I would always start transmitting into the voice chat my friends are in right as I'm cumming. I'd moan one of their names or something weird as it happened. They all do this thing where they act like anyone that was talking at the time just took a fat load right to the face and would make fun of them for it.
Kill me, Pete
D-don't kill me, Pete. I really want to live despite my depression.
One time Discord fucked up for me and had me still transmitting and I was humming/singing to Powderfinger by Neil Young during a round of Overwatch.
>"Hey user, that's a nice sounding song but I'm already listening to music"
>"haha fuck"
He later asked what song it was and now Rust Never Sleeps is one of his favorite albums.
Then you are not depressed.
Had something similar happen, I was singing a song to myself but my PTT key was stuck on so I kept transmitting.
Nobody said anything until the song was over and then they said I had a really nice singing voice. I've never felt so embarrassed over voice chat before.
no they aren't far from normal, stupid nufag i bet you dont even piss in a bottle
>Push to talk
>Start eating loudly into the microphone
I don't think anybody in the world is exactly "normal"
there are certainly people who are low on the social interaction scale for sure like people who are shut ins and piss in bottles
That's cute desu. Would kiss.
>Not push to talk
>You can hear their keyboard clacking all the time
>They are your friend so you can't just mute em
If it's your friend, just tell them that they're being an annoying little shit.
Oh wait. You mean an internet "friend" kek
I have a friend who does this all the time so I just do this
>"Hey user"
>*hold transmit key down and start clickity clacking my keyboard while breathing heavily for 10 seconds*
that gets the message across
this just made my autism flare up
do you really act like a 12 year old?
Kill me, Pete
>person in PUG puts mic in
>never says anything
>just hear background noise, sniffing and throat clearing
Kill me, Pete
kill me pete
i'll have the usual, pete
Can it happen that your headphonse start acting like a microphone ?
kill me pete