What do you think will be the next splatfest?

What do you think will be the next splatfest?

>people actually like mayo


Mustard mustard race here.

>using something that tastes like sucking on a gas main
I will never understand the mustard meme

>People actually eat sugared fruit paste

>Don't want to mayo in the face of your rivals.

>people actually eat


At least it's not mayo.
It could be mayo vs. hitler and I'd still be anti-mayo.

September doesn't really give any clues, better question is what the Halloween themed splatfest will be

Both and also mustard
Only a retard would choose one over another when you can have them all

salt vs pepper

Sci-fi vs Fantasy

Salt is the clear winner

this guy gets it

How many hours does the fest run for? Is it all day or just a short time like for ice cream vs cake?

>eating condiments

me vs you


>not frying everything and just drowning it in salt
lmao enjoy living to 90 you fucking idiots

24 hours

Wait a few years and maybe you understand once you've become an adult

>Mustardfags have no argument other than "y-you're probably underage!"
Truly the most plebeian people like mustard. Now it's confirmed.

Mustard's not even on the menu, you spergs

Collaboration with DC. Batman vs Superman.

>this is weeb ketchupfag """""food"""""

That's because it already won

Try adding a little to your food instead of eating the whole jar like boogis.

>one of the oldest hot spices know to Europeans
>also available as a sweet variant
>only acceptable options when it comes to sausages
>can be used for cooking
>part of honey-mustard sauce

Ghosts vs Skeletons?

Werewolf vs Vampire?
Scary Costumes vs Cute Costumes?
Any other famous movie monster vs other famous movie monster?

I still don't get why it wasn't Mustard vs. Ketchup.

Japan loves mayo (I don't know their opinion about mustard though), so that's one reason. It's also an old debate when it comes to fries.

>don't like either
>supporting uglycute squid instead for this round.

the only time I play the favorites game is when I don't care for both choices.

Wait, people have mayo on fries? I don't get how that could taste good.

>F U C K

It's the original condiment for it. Serving them with ketchup was in the beginning an American thing, but also gained popularity over here in Europe (I blame fast food restaurants like McDonalds).

Most of the world does it. Mayo is way more popular in general for every country besides America, clapclaps are the only ones who LOVE putting sugar paste on everything.

don't act like mayo's any healthier than ketchup, lardo

Jews vs. Nazis

No, but it has more uses, since you can also do some cooking with it

hahaha OMG so original and witty wow holy shit

Mayo here, we gonna win

This guy gets it
>mayo literally raw eggs and oil and tastes like fermented dicc
>ketchup literally tomato paste and corn syrup and is by far the most childish condiment
Mustard master race til I die

so, who's gonna win?


>Childish condiment
Nigga, unless you're talking about that green Shrek ketchup, you need to stop personifying objects. I ain't coming home to you fucking the vacuum cleaner again.

we're doomed


On a side note yesterday I ate the shittiest, sweetest ketchup ever. Top gourmet my ass

Reminder that furries are on both sides
Weird sex ones on mayo because le cum xD
Edgy Sonic fanfiction writers on ketchup because le blood xD
We're doomed either way
Just pick the one you like more, which is of course mayo


Not trying to defend his stupid ass statement. But the reason people say ketchup is "childish" is because it's basically a masking agent and makes whatever you put it on just taste like ketchup. Which is why a bunch of kids put it on everything.

imagine the smell of those arenas, just the mixture of squid, mayonaise and ketchup in Urban locations full of other undersea creatures.

Sadly I think they're hinting that it's gonna be yellow ink
which makes no fucking sense.
Mayo vs Ketchup would make sense in japan, in america it should have been mustard/ketchup

But predictions?

Mayo no doubt they love that shit

wait so the aus splatfest hasn't started yet?

I've had squid and mayo. It's pretty good

Mayo makes tartar sauce

>make a samdwhich
>little bit of mayo
>decent amount of mustard
>mix it together
Fucking delicious

I don't like ketchup or mayo but I sided with ketchup because I like it on some food

>make a turkey sandwich
>oil, vinegar, olives, onions, lettuce, ect
>add ketchup instead of mayo to appease waifu

Reminder that if you don't prefer Mayo you're not white

I hate mustard and usually mayo but they go great on my cuban subs

How long till it starts?

12 hours

prepare for Sup Forums to become infested with furfags once they win the turf war
5-10 furry threads daily while mods don't do shit

>tfw want to pick Mayo to cover inklings in stuck white ink but hate Pearl and also want to cover inklings in blood and love Marina

Decisions, decisions.

Both sides have furries. Stop trying to slander the mayo side, ketchup kid.

Where did the furries pop up from? Seriously i just turned on my game and they're everywhere.

Boys vs Girls

ketchup furries have the decency to not shove it to other people

because lmao, mayo on their faces look like cum xD so funny let me do that, too!

Spring vs Fall

I don't feel particularly passionate about this Splatfest and as such will not play up my affinity for my side in hopes of bolstering a fun sense of competition.

>ketchupfags unironically believe this

There were like 3-4 casual furry posts, one user provoked them by posting "stop posting furrys", and then every furry and their mother started spamming fur.

ketchup furfags are less cancerous than mayo furfags all because a lame joke about mayo

Goku vs Vegeta


Fucking furries. They need to fuck off back to their corner of the internet.

Those condiments are completely different and thus incomparable. Stupid thread.

>please stop doing that
>does it more frequent
furries are childish, no wonder nobody likes them

nice projection it's a children's game you sick freak

>calling me sick freak
>while there are people making jokes about cum in a children's game having children to see

and you're a perv for even going there

so im a perv for playing this game instead of showing kids lewd drawings? great conclusion you disgusting furfag

just stop talking to me please

Why do they keep giving pearl the worst option

you stupid faggot, don't want to get hit but like to talk shit. don't reply if you don't want to get talked to, retard

calm down bro, it's just a game dude.

weak respond you aidscarrying homo

ketchupfags once again proving that they are just the worst