Shit games Sup Forums tricked you into buying

Shit games Sup Forums tricked you into buying
At least it was only like 3.75€

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I'm too lazy to come up with an insult for someone with a taste as shit as yours. So there.

If you let Sup Forums be a primary factor in your purchasing decisions, you deserve anything that happens to you.

that game was ass and all I remember about it was summoning a bad game defense force with my negative review on steam (probably a bunch of Sup Forumsirgins mad I didn't like their shitty game)

lol Sup Forums is shitting on this garbage game constantly....

I don't buy video games. But Sup Forums did trick me into playing Owlboy. I am glad to say though that after things had cooled down a bit and more people had beaten it the general consensus did shift and people did express their dislike in about equal volume.

is the game really that bad

Alpha Protocol
Cave Story
Goat Simulator
Far Cry Blood Dragon

All a bunch of shit.

It's the second best metroidvania since Hollow Knight.

Guacamelee > Momodra > cavestory > Rabi rabi > axiom verge >>> ori

the final boss is bullshit and the controls are fucked, accidental dashing all the time

>tfw people shit on Cave Story because it's "sped up"
>tfw prefer the sped up Cave Story

>tfw too intelligent to remap controls

What shit taste friend
>buying cavestory

People either love the game or hate it.

There's no in between.

I hated the shit out of my one playthrough with this game, and weirdly the last boss was the only thing I thought was pretty good, despite how someone had told me in advance the last boss was a piece of shit. I thought it was a decent challenge, lasted a while, and presented a bit differently than 'hit it till it dies'

99% of the game pissed me off though, I had better organized thoughts closer to playing it, but the thing I remember taking away from it was that it seemed like the devs didn't really have the concept of 'fun for a first timer' - too much shit was hidden or obscured, or going a certain direction would lock you on a path. And the platforming controls were dogshit, yet forced on you non stop with tiny moving platforms.

Just stop pushing down you ninny.

Lol? When did I say I bought it. I played it in 08 when I was 14.

I did buy it too though because I never finished it the first time.

Are you sure that wasnt reddit? you need to go back

>the final boss is bullshit
What? It's one of the easiest bosses in the game, all you have to do is attack the yellow exploding orbs back towards its face.

>accidental dashing all the time
If you accidentally hit down, change the mapping, or play on keyboard.

>Sup Forums told you to buy fucking Goat Simulator

Am I in bizarro world?

So you're saying you suck at it?

It was an alright first attempt. The problems as I saw were

>walljumping and ledgehopping control differently and you're often expected to switch between them rapidly. For casual normies who can't get into the rhythm of things this becomes an early deal breaker
>AGI is massively overpowered as a stat
>The scarcity of limited upgrade materials severely restricts what you can actually upgrade, again upsetting new players who don't realise that you can only afford to fully upgrade two weapons and two armours and 3 magic schools each run (especially in the current version with that guy you buy passive buffs from)
>tying into limited resources, there's a huge imbalance between the availability of arch angel souls and arch demon ones.
>Treu is a piece of shit boss FUCK TREU
>The game should really tell people early on to S rank every boss. It's so important you can't just leave it be

Everything else is people being bad at videogames.

I didn't buy it, but Guacamelee was a waste of time. In fact, I haven't played a single good indie Metroidvania to date.

OP is just a shitter cuck trying to vent his sad lonely friday night out on vidya that is clearly well made and of good quality

Valdis Story is great. Best combat in any Metroidvania game ever. The art style isn't to my taste and the story is just OK, but damn if it isn't really fun to play.

It's fine not to like it, but you have to be a real cunt to be bitter about that one, OP.

>atrocious controls
>worst platforming of any metroidvania ever released
>deviantart tier characters and plot
There's literally nothing to like about this game. It plays like a newgrounds flash game. Don't ever let anyone fool you into buying it.

The only times I was annoyed by the platforming in that game were the lightning palace and the path to the optional Myrgato boss. It didn't even have much platforming aside from that.

Hollow Knight.

Boring as fuck and the animations aren't even that good.

>I have conviniently forgotten about the volume of adds this boss summons
It wouldnt have been tricky outside of that

>AGI is massively overpowered as a stat
Dude, there are four playable character, which one are you talking about?
I only did AGI build with bare hands on the monk chick. Massive crits for days and insanely long focus mode.
But man, you'd be making a huge mistake if you didn't go with full on Int for Gilda. An end game talent boosts all of her other stats by half of her int, resulting in 40+ int and 20 in everything else, provided you S-ranked every boss.

You should know in advance not to play games that get that popular on Sup Forums. The best Sup Forumscore games are the ones that have like 5 fans and are almost completely ignored otherwise.

The people who think the game has bad platforming are just traumatized by their clumsy first encounter with Shu Gohth (the poison boss). They didn't realise that they're actually supposed to hold back, observe and learn his patterns, and basically loop around the arena attacking him at key points and preventing him from turning into a statue. They charge at him, get caught in the bubble storm, get thrown down into the poison pit, and then repeatedly try climbing out only to get knocked down again.

I'm not saying such trauma isn't justified, he's a boss seemingly designed to bring out maximum frustration in casual players. I've been there and experienced it. And as the bosses in the game go he's one of the weaker ones, being ungodly annoying when you don't fight him properly and a dull routine when you actually do fight him properly. He's definitely a boss that should have been designed differently.

I did enjoy the combat, from what I remember of the game. I started the game playing as the monk brawler girl though and never touched the sword guy.

>AGI is massively overpowered as a stat

This is really only a problem in a situation where the other stats aren't viable, which could lead to a player making a "wrong" choice on stat build and getting stuck. However, all the stats can make viable builds.
The issue that I saw with stats isn't that Agi is too good, but rather than Int builds have to do more menuing because they're constantly switching between damage and utility spells.
The devs must have realized that problem though, because they gave players a different way to get a double jump than relying on a magic slot.

>The scarcity of limited upgrade materials severely restricts what you can actually upgrade

Once again, although the inability to not upgrade everything is a bit annoying, at least the devs did it in a way where you can't paint yourself into a corner with weapons or armor.
Those materials are only used for the highest upgrades, so if you used them, that means you have maxed upgraded gear, and all the maxed upgraded gear is good.

>The game should really tell people early on to S rank every boss

S rank bonuses are really only important in the harder difficulties, so unless you pumped the difficulty all the way to the max on your first playthrough, it's going to be a non-issue (and if you did go straight to the top, then you should expect the game to be fucking hard)
At least they added the rank tracking thing to the hud so you can see if your rank dips during a fight instead of being in the dark til you win like how it was on the game's release.

I think the game has bad platforming and that boss was easy as fuck and didn't demonstrate it. The control scheme (down being a stance cancel is retarded and basically necessitates a button change if you're on controller and is also shit for being your way to dodge since it's two inputs) and the moving platforms are the part that are shit.

I remember hating the fire dungeon for all the moving platforms, and generally being angry about the timed challenges that required you to platform near perfectly despite the controls not being good for that. Like the one in the ice cave early on.

I must say that poison boss was an awful encounter on my first playthrough, much worse than any boss before or many after. But the platforming wasn't a part of it.
Now Treu is just a shit boss no matter how you look at it.

Not that guy. But seriously. The last boss is like baby mode in comparison to the other bosses in the latter half of the game.
Just try doing any of the optional bosses.

Gilda is the odd one out, but playing her is like playing a totally different game. AGI is monstrous on every other character as well as Reina. Especially Vladyn as he basically just becomes unstoppable when you're loaded with AGI and ancient coins.

I do find it weird that she's advertised as an AGI/INT character when she's by far the worst INT character in the game. Her INT build relies on applying that reckoning status effect and benefiting from it in various ways, but it's honestly kinda wimpy. Compare Wyatt who isn't even advertised for INT and he just straight up gets things like a single upgrade for +40 spell ruin. Simple, but way more effective than Reckoning.

Gilda's problem is that due to the story progression you'll almost always be using the exact same spells with her, making her runs all feel samey. You will ALWAYS upgrade Ice because it's your only far reaching projectile, and you're gimping yourself by not upgrading fire because of how colossal its damage output is.

2 fucking crabs.
One that walks in from the left whirl and one that walks in from the right.
Hell, since there's another NPC character in the fight with you they might even deal with them completely on their own.

I bought this on a sale. I can't play it because everytime I move my character she rolls.

I can't get a refund because it's been more than 2 weeks.

>the volume of adds this boss summons
What are you talking about? It just summons an odd crab every few minutes. It spraying projectiles all over the screen randomly is more troublesome. And even if you're eating hits from those, it's still quite easy to S-rank even on god slayer difficulty. The final boss is a pushover. It's akin to huge cinematic "puzzle" bosses from the Souls series and Monster Hunter. The fight looks "epic" but isn't hard at all.
You probably haven't even done the actual optional superbosses.

I can't finish it because it's pretty boring in the actual hostile zones. Would have honestly been better as a walking sim or adventure game.

Freedom Wars, Soul Sacrifice, Ragnarok Odyssey Ace, and a bunch of other multiplayer mission-based quasi-MMOs on the Vita. The communities are dead as dust and it's boring to play on single player.

I guess they're better than all those vapid waifu JRPGs.

The weird part about those crabs is how despite looking exactly the same their attacks are way stronger than any other crabs in the game.

What I dislike about the final boss are

>primary attacks are just tiny bubble sprays that are really hard to see in all the confusion
>being forced to repeatedly go through the orb hitting phase to do damage, with the only other way to speed up the fight is to sneak in some airtime hits just after you break the shield and to spam that one lightning move that can reach all the way up to her head.

It also used be a lot worse in the old version when the crystals took wayyy more punishment and came back faster but thankfully that aspect seems to have been nerfed.

Now who remembers how shitty it was when the optional bosses got stronger based on how many of their respective minions you slaughtered over the course of the ENTIRE GAME?

Well, you need Ice because it's like the only light-aligned spell available to her.

Dragon's Dogma. Thank god for steam refunds.

I'm sorry user, I really couldn't imagine playing Freedom Wars fully solo. It's a fun game, but it's not fun enough to carry its own grind.

There's also lightning. The main reason to get lightning is because by late game Ice just doesn't do enough raw damage. Lightning meanwhile just shreds everything that doesn't resist it, the only downside being the spells themselves physically behaving rather clunkily.

This means you'll almost always play Gilda and spend all your upgrades on

>Ice - Fire - Lightning.

With poison tossed in there via skill unlocks.

>being forced to repeatedly go through the orb hitting phase to do damage.

A couple builds can avoid this. If you're Int, the aerial void spell will home in on him if used from a double jump. And Reina can wreck him with the Golden Talons, but if you have the Golden Talons, then the last boss is already trivial for you.

I never used any of the golden weapons. They always seemed kinda wimpy to me considering the annoyance of unlocking them. Any advice for a build?

It really just comes down to what status effects the bosses are immune to what aren't.
I think Leilodin is affected by burn, but not sure about others, which like the only reason I went for Fire. Otherwise I vastly prefer the armor/spell resistance debuff from the dark magic.
Also I got a feeling Alagath wasn't nearly as vulnerable to fire compared to dark, despite both technically being dark spells. Dunno if it's true. I actually found both Eye bosses to be pretty resistant to element when I played Gilda. I destroyed them both on my Agi Reina playthrough.

Shit controls and most items you can get are behind a door that is locked behind a timer, which is locked behind a timer, which is locked behind a timer,...

Reina's Golden weapon is the only good one.
Standard Agi build, Wander's Raiment, Weighted Bracers.

>only reason I went for Fire

Pretty sure the main reason to go for fire is that (for Gilda at least) the basic punch combo is the strongest move she has when fully upgraded.

I've heard Vladyn's is the only good one, because he has a build that literally one shots everything with backstabs. Although he's the only character I haven't finished the game with.

While I'm sure it's great it's probably just extra work for something you could still accomplish by spamming AGI shotgun blasts.

What build should I go for Wyatt? First time I'm playing. I'll start on normal.

Do different elements have different base damage? As I said, I found the status ailments the elements cause to be the only difference, hence why I didn't both with lightning. It only lowers enemy damage, and doesn't help you do more.

On normal anything can carry you through the game. I personally just went Str, which is weirdly the bleed build of the game. But bleed doesn't work on everything. Plus some people say Wyatt is a surprisingly good mage.


Lightning bypasses enemy armour, hence why it's so damn strong endgame.

Oh, interdasting. It does that in addition to lowering enemy attack?
Does it outright ignore armor/spell resistance, or is it a finite fixed number?
Otherwise, what's even the point of the dark magic affliction, which does virtually the same thing, but by fixed amount?

Go full INT. It's rough at first but once you get both alignment sword skillls + the spell ruin skill you'll just obliterate everything.

>he actually fell for platinum shovelware written by the biggest hack in the industry
What fooled you into buying it? The hype, or that butt?

>I think Taro is worse than Levine, Howard, Inafune, Johansson, Pitchford
Ok buddy

Vladyn can ALREADY one shot everything with backstabs.

And this is with the rifle, so I'm not even using that ancient coins = shotgun damage bullshit

Pump Agi, use the Bow+Dagger weapon, backstab everything.
The extra damage after a dodge ability is really really strong

Hollow Knight only gets good later on
The first few hours suck ass

Hollow knight's only real problem imho is that the YOU ARE HERE map pin takes up valuable pin space.

>lightning palace
I'd have hated that place a lot more if it didn't have a kickass theme

The soundtrack for this game is pretty good all around.

Best tracks are Thriven with Life and the one that plays in the Eye of Myrgato fight, but specifically the game version, the version on the OST released by the composer is different.

Didn't know people disliked this game? I found it very fun and had a nice music.

Map system in general was a trainwreck.

ghost 1.0 > valdis story

I love how dunkey went from
>Owlboy is gonna be the greatest fucking game in the world holy shit
>never talked about it again

>Thread starts with dissing Valdis Story
>Ends up with actual discussion of it.

What the hell?

'Tis a good game. Most complaints about it boil down it "it's too hard".

j/k I had a lot of fun modding it and playing it. It's a pretty great game.

Too hard for the wrong reasons IMO
All those timers are annoying bullshit, you often get stunlocked, you drop like a rock from getting hit mid-air, the controls kind of suck, enemy attack patterns aren't too great either

Cave Story isn't metroidvania and Guacamole is crap. I was told the memes were removed in later versions, turns out that was false and they were in the game more than I thought.