ITT: Splatfests that will never happen

ITT: Splatfests that will never happen

Other urls found in this thread:

Bourgeois v Proletariat

>ITT: Splatfest that should NEVER happen



Sup Forums vs Sup Forums

Uncut v cut

The home improvement industry vs the porn industry

Should went morty x summer

Does this show ever have a joke that's genuinely funny? I don't get the appeal

Whites vs Blacks


>Delicious brown picks Sup Forums
>Worst girl picks worst board

First season was fun because cool stuff happened and it was an interesting premise. Jokes happened but it was never this outright hilarious thing. Now it's just trash.

pepe vs reddit alien




Overwatch vs TF2

how come it's never a communist that gets beaten up?


Because Trump isn't a communist. Liberals want to hate anything they assume Trump sides with.

>nazism is an ideology based around hate
>communism is not
Plain and simple

>Shits on feminism throught an entire episode
>Jokes about how thinking that the use of certain offensive words has some sort of repercussion in society is retarded
>People only remember the punch a Nazi part which was way before lefties started to post and do that shit

because communism is an ideology that's well intentioned but never works because most communist leaders were super fucking evil, Nazis actively seeked out entire groups of people and sent them to death camps

People hate nazis more

You're right. Communism managed to kill far more people via stupidity and hubris.

How can they both pick Sup Forums?

Because modern communism doesn't aim to have an effect that shows up negatively immediately. It takes time

Communism has killed an order of magnitude more people than nazism

Capcom vs Square Enix

So, Communism killed over 94,000,000 people with ... love?

Because communism is like Todd Howard
Would you beat up that adorable lying manlet?

Read a book kid

Faux communism killed with stupidity.

>Furries should be exterminated
>Furries should be locked up

Yeah, this. Started as kind of Futurama meets South Park meets American Dad parody of Back to the Future and it was alright. After that though it became smug and shitty and tryhard.


White race v. blacks, latinos and their allies.

>the one splatfest that gets everyone to side with Pearl

The jews are obviously behind this

I like this show, its alright. Most of you faggots only hate it cuz its popular.


reddit and memey is pro-feminist

Rick and Morty is the apotheosis of the representation of reality. It is somewhat like a psychedelic drug in the form of a cartoon show. Unlike other drugs, psychedelics does not sedate, it "awakes" users and expose them to reality unfiltered as possible from our senses. Watching Rick and Morty gives you the opportunity to espy and behold things present and existing in our reality that were there but we were never aware of before such as these philosophies shown in the video. Rick and Morty and some few shows (ex. Eric Andre, Mr. Robot, etc.) are psychedelic in nature while other shows are sedatives overdosing the masses with false joy and happiness. Nonetheless, too much psychedelic has the propensity to sedate. Anyways, you know what's better than watching Rick and Morty, boi? Watching it while tripping on psychedelics. I ponder that the ultimate purpose of this show is to be watched while heavily under the influence of psychedelic drugs, doing so might enable us to construe and assimilate what really is the message hidden within the show in all its nakedness and blinding glory. What do you think? Will tripping while watching it enlighten us with its light or will it bring unimaginable misery caused by its painfully piercing blinding light? Do you remember Plato's allegory of the cave? Watching this show while sober is but mere "shadows", illusions of a spectrum of colors and light, perhaps watching it in an altered state of consciousness might enable us to see pass through the shadows and enable us to only perceive, assimilate, and grasp the thoughts and ideas in their purest form that is being attempted to be conveyed by the creators through this cartoon show? Is Rick and Morty meant to be some thing more than a mere cartoon show, like a reminder that the natural state of humankind is nothing but suffering? Or... is Rick and Morty only meant to entertain people? Vagina?



>being illiterate

Dunno about the third episode, but the previous two didn't give me that idea. Specially the Gazorpazorp episode .

Libtards vs Conservabrains

>trying to moralize political ideologies

Hate is a spook, brainlet.

Third season damnit.

There's a episode where they imply women don't have equal rights

>Eric Andre
>Psychadelic and enlightening.

Sure user. Just look at the below example of raw reality made bare to our senses:

Not just the third season

Fuck this reddit cuck show

Morality is for the weak

I want this


Silly user, it's all "with us or against us" now! There's no such thing as an elaborate political view, you're either a nazi or a cuck

DFC vs cowtits

>>communism is not
did you miss the revolution part?


>assault is ok when its against someone i disagree with

Liberals everyone

I know right cartoons need to be held to a higher standard

>Democracy and equality


>People should be gassed because of where their ancestors came from.


You sir are a cuck

Such trenchant insight and flawless logic is exactly what I expect from Sup Forums

>Democracy and equality
that's already a platfest dumbass

You mean the groups that just years ago tried to lead a communist revolution and actively fuck up your country? The kikes asked for it.

>inb4 cultural revolution
>inb4 nazism isn't actually based on hate, but the belief that culture should be preserved by staying in your own ethnic state

>Callie being shocked

Nigga she would be way more into that than Marie

>inb4 facts
>lol now if anyone says them I can pretend to be right


Thank god R&M is fucking cancer.

What isn't these days?

Nazis are socialists which are basically less harmful communists.

there the same you fag

Mick & Forty

>leftist education everyone

w-what game

I unironically want a Jotaro vs DIO Splatfest if only for more memes like this.


>the OP is about video games but includes Rick and Morty somewhere in the picture
>the replies are mostly people complaining about R&M and unrelated politics

Was this an MXC episode?

rip man...
blue board

Overwatch vs Talon.

Top right corner of image

>30 characters vs. 3
Lol OW sucks again

Suicide vs Suffering existence

you can't just reference the strawpoll and not link it.

>implying the jews got gassed

>Talon has 3
>what is pic rel

some of the 20 aren't even Overwatch (Shimadas, Helix, Junkers, D.Va, etc.)

At least we get Turf War mode and Squid-themed skins on Overwatch in return.

ah my bad

that don't stop furries from posting their porn here though

They spoiler it.

Heavy vs Pyro

What exactly is the point of these splatfests when it's obvious nobody will go with the gremlin regardless of the options?

Only assholes pick their side based on the idol

Honestly it would show if these things win based on the topic or the character backing what side. like no way anyone chooses Morty over Rick.