Tfw I only bought and played the first Assassins Creed up to now, but I'm going to buy the new one

>Tfw I only bought and played the first Assassins Creed up to now, but I'm going to buy the new one.

I read a preview in a gaming magazine that runs in my country. Looks like they're finally mixing the formula and controls up a little bit, and actually put some time and effort into this one instead of just annual crap. Besides, since I've only played the first one, which wasn't even the best

...I'm not even burned out on the concept yet.


no one cares you 15 year old instagram using faggot


>annual crap
>I've only played the first one
Having opinions about games you haven't played is the ultimate sign of a plebeian.

That you have to actually play something to form an opinion on it is a meme. Same thing for movies, you can already tell what is going to be crap and what is going to suit your tastes before watching it, except in like 10% of cases that surprise you.

Unity is now being considered under rated

If you haven't played it then you aren't forming an opinion at all, you're letting others form it for you.

I liked the setting and am kind of a Napoleon nerd but didn't buy it because it apparantly had bad performance.

This. OP swallows the opinions of others like semen, which is something he also loves.

No, I form my own estimate based on footage of different kinds. I never said i denounced them based on what others said, I merely never got around to buying the second one, and lost interest afterwards during all the sequals. Now with the combination of it having been since the first game for me, and the apparant renewed effort and exciting setting on this particular game, I've found the will to play it.

>based on footage
Video games are an interactive medium. You have to interact with it to experience it, baka.

The only Ass Creed i played was Black Flag and since then i knew i never want to touch the franchise again. And that one was considered like the second best in the series.

What a waste of artistic talent these games are.

>What a waste of artistic talent these games are.
This really bothers me about those games too. They look good and they put a lot of effort in the historical setting. They research architecture and popular characters from the time. And then they use all that great background work to make a game with a cringy futuristic/alien/whatever story and dull gameplay.
>muh templars and muh assassin's
just make a cool pirate game or a cool egypt game. Nobody gives a shit about Asscreed lore


Please pirate and don't buy this sjw shit.

can't wait to kill whitey

you might have read it, but the gameplay that they've (extensively) demoed shows differently

it's literally the same tepid shit again, only in a vastly bigger, still-meaningless sandbox

>tombs are dungeons, complete with puzzles, and platforms
>RPG loot system means high end gears will be hidden in dungeons
>giant monsters suggests boss battles as well as 1on1 human bosses
>sailing and various terrains suggests different dungeon environments and secret dungeons to uncover
If this turns out to be a secret open world RPG game, it'll be the greatest thing ever.

>If this turns out to be a secret open world RPG game, it'll be the greatest thing ever.

>taking risks by changing their patented "a lobotomised potato must be able to complete the game" game design philosophy

Not in this universe pal

Just because a non-white character is the main character, doesn't make something 'sjw-shit'.

But everything shown so far points to this, with the RPG loot system being the most telling.


pick fucking one

If history taught me anything about ubisoft mimicking RPG elements, those part will be superficial at best. An imitation of what its supposed to be. Like loot, perks, gear upgrades in assassins creed/ watch dogs games and in far cry series.

They had no purpose other than pad out the game time with boring side track markers and have the experience bar go *BING* to trigger dopamine injections in childrens brains.

Ubisoft makes 100 million dollar games made for the average mobile user/ cookie clicker person.

That's why its sad all the artists have their fantastic modeling work go to waste on a suit designed game for the lowest common denominator.

They're bordering an immitation of video games as interpreted by aliens.

I found Wildlands to be particularly egregious, since it was supposed to be Clear and Present Danger: The Game. Instead we got Just Cause: Less Fun Edition.

Honestly its frustrating to observe them stumbling to try to make video games. Its like the gameplay is designed by a computer scrambling a handfull of the same elements and spitting out a result for humans to develop.

So many examples of mods elevating simpler games that don't sell well to a higher level. But ubisoft just cannot develop outside their comfort zone thinking that their playerbase is a borderline clinicly retarded bunch that cannot understand anything beyond "click here" instructions.

Their games are so hand-holdy and controling, explicitly holding the players from doing anything they don't want you to do. Really how can you take a concept of drug cartel war in a south american country and suck all the imagination out of it and make it just another bland 3rd person shooter/asscreed/far cry mix.

Imagine an Anno game with Egyptian and Mesopotamian cultures.

I don't even care if it's a historically unrealistic mixture, I just want that.

Do you think ubisoft deliberatly makes trash games as a planned obsolescence type of strategy? They look good so they will guarantee to sell for profit, but they are shit as games so they will never last longer than 2 weeks. Long enough for their next Good Looker to come out and die a month later.

If they made a game that could survive for years on communities shoulders and player freedom, perhaps they wouldnt bother to buy their next interactive wallpaper?

Surely they're making digital poop out of pure genius.

has anyone played the free piece of shit they gave away this month on PS+? is it worth downloading or is it literally 5 hours of nothing?

Adawale was cool but if its literally the same shit I think I'll pass