Mentor is the final boss

>mentor is the final boss
>LOL ACKCHUALLY the whole game was all a dream haha

Wasted $250 and 60 hours on this shit. Fuck you guys.

But was it a dream?

Really tho?

How do you "waste" 60 hours of your life on a game you don't enjoy?
Do you have no life at all?

It's based off lovecraft lore.
The entirety of reality is Azathothss dream, if Azathoth were to ever wake up reality would end.

Bloodborne takes the same idea, Even though you're in different dream worlds each are a separate reality.

>Not eating the umbilical cords

>not understanding

Because if he didn't finish it then you would scream HOW DO YOU KNOW IT IS SHIT IF YOU DIDN'T FINISH IT 100% LOLZ

>implying you're not op

>7 unique posters

You're an idiot

even if you had bought it, which you didn't, you would have made this thread even if that wasn't the case

>If I don't enjoy the story from start to finish, it retroactively ruins any enjoyment I may have had in playing the game

I can't wrap my head around this kind of mentality. I'm sure it legitimately exists, but I can't understand it. To care that much about a story in a video game.

>he has no insight

Beastly idiot

Eyelet pls leave

>the absolute state of PeeCucks

>caring about the story in a Fromsoft game
Shame about the garbage framerate and load times

still better shitposting OP than "aliens omg"

>even if you had bought it, which you didn't
This, Bloodborne is a perfect videogame and the only "people" who have anything negative to say are always jealous PC mustard face who haven't played it.

Will PCjusts EVER recover from Bloodborne?

>Start the game
>walk for three minutes
>use a lantern and enter the HUNTER'S DREAM
>find an area in Yharnam who's very similar to the Hunter's Dream but empty

>play to the end of the game

There's literally a thread right now about a guy playing Demon's Souls on his PC. So no.

"Hey I know, I'll buy a console for ONE game that was recommended to me on Sup Forums of all places".

That's hilarious, tragic and autistic as fuck.

>There's literally a thread

is it at least 60 frames ?

To be fair, I kind of did this with Nier Automata, waiting for it to all "finally click". It never clicked :(

When the ps4 emulator is completed
So? not paying for it will still make it worth it.
>t. pc.cuck
Not even, I am an idort
But even the ps4 will eventually fail, so later when you can't get a ps4 the emulator will still make me able to play it no matter what

It was always known it was a dream, what you didn't know was why you're in it.

It didn't in 2009, not sure why it would now.

What kind of a moron would buy a console for one game he isn't sure of?

Sup Forums is right about lots of games.I wouldn't have played a lot of older 90s pc games if they weren't recommended here. They're wrong about Bloodboring though, it's the most overrated game since RDR

Wait is this actually giving you the "its all a dream maaaaaaaaaaan or is itttttttttt who knows maaaaaaaaaaaaan" bullshit at the end? I don't know I've never played this game.

It was a dream endings are the bottom of the barrel.

>60 hours

Did you not get the best ending? You either were a Great One the whole time or you became a Great One through literal "Fuck You" to the most powerful entity in the world.

It's a dream in the lovecraftian sense, dreams are universes that are very real.

I personally don't listen take any recommendations on here into account unless the game is pretty cheap.

The entire game is about you being in a never ending dream and entering other nightmares and shit.

You should still get a ps4 for dragon quest builders and digimon if you like those
Otherwise, why even bother

>peecucks genuinely think playing a game 10 years after release with no performance improvements or online functionality is a victory


The "Dream" is technically another dimension, which you know all through the game, and one ending is you getting back to real world by waking up.

I have a PS4 though, I played Bloodborne on it even though they fucked their loyalest fans with insane load times and frame drops out the ass

>with no performance improvements

>He hasn't read Lovecraft.
>He didn't listen when he was told it was a nightmare at the very start of the game.


If it is preserved and free, then how it isn't worth it? also, why do you say with no performance improvements? there is plenty of 60 fps patches for old games and high texture packs. fag.

thousands of people are very happy to play a 12 years old game with no performance improvements

Will it have insane load times even if you install it to hard drive?

gib eye source. take rare gherman for payment

Would Lovecraft be proud of this game or would it be the culmination of his nightmares?

Beastly idiot.

>I'll show you PVP bitch!

every time

although i prefer DkS1, the only BB flaw i can think of is the Blood Vial farming, which could've been easily fixed if the game had merchants outside the Hunter's Dream.

The game shows dreams/nightmares as simply other physical planes of existence. Just because certain locations of the game are nightmares doesn't make them any less real. In one of the endings Gherman gives you the offer of being freed from the hunter's dream (which amounts to forgetting almost everything you did but you're no longer going to eternally respawn every time you die).

If you refuse his offer he'll attack and try to kill you because he believes you've become addicted to the violence. Once you kill him you're captured by the moon presence and are forced to take up Gherman's job of managing the dream. However if you consumed enough umbilical cords you'll be able to resist being captured and once you've killed the moon presence you'll ascend beyond human (a goal many have been trying throughout the lore) and become an infant great one.

I feel as though he would be both intrigued and horrified.

He's a neet, manlet beta. He would be very angry.

>Lol ackshually whole game was a dream

Literally some of the first things you learn

Hope you found your worth in the waking world user, cuz I sure as hell can't.

The load times got patched right after release. The load times currently are no worse than in your average PC Souls game.

>Grant us eyes, grant us eyes and thousands of nigger slaves so we can make sure they don't accidentally summon a giant penis squid
He'd be disappointed.

>Blood Vial farming
I had trouble with this, until i realized that you're supposed to buy Blood vials with the amount of echoes you have left after leveling up.

The gist of it is that dreams are another dimension you travel to when asleep. A very real dimension, but one that operates on a different set of rules to our own - 'dream logic'.

For example, if you're in a windmill, and you take an elevator up from the top of that windmill and find yourself in a sea of lava that wasn't above you before, that doesn't make any sense by non-dream logic.
But if you're in a city, and you climb a clocktower and walk out through a door at it's highest point and find yourself on ground level in a fishing village, that makes perfect sense while you're dreaming, until you wake up and remember it later.


Reminder that Maria is dead and buried in the abandoned old workshop.

>They play Soulsbourne games for the fucking story

Watching porn for the story

Watching Michael Bay movies for the story

Watching Sports for the story

There you go , Soulsbourne games have so incredible worthless stories i cant understand how anybody would be interested in them.
Every game so far had a barebone narrative framework so people have a goal to come to the end.

Anyone have the image showing the layers and how nightmare levels are stacked?

>Tripfag with a retarded opinion

Why do you insist on garnering attention ?

Looks like a whole bunch of plebs never read The Paleblood Hunt

Because they make you work for it instead of shoving it in your face. Because you have to piece it together bit by bit yourself, until you finally start to see the big picture and connect the dots. It's not the story that's satisfying, it's the process of discovering it.

Such beastly idiocy

Speak for yourself. A good story in porn enhances it a lot for me. Oh wait, you're a tripfag. Of course you'd have pleb taste in everything.

More like

>Watching porn
>Watching Michael Bay movies
>Watching Sports

>he didn't pick up the 4 umbilical cords to fight the actual final boss.
Git gud senpai.

>For the Horde!

It's not like the gameplay is anything special kiddo.

Oh boy yeah so deep man
>DaS 3

You are the chosen one and the world is going to end

Amazing storyline
Its like puzzling together a puzlle for 3 year olds to discovere the shocking truth that it is a pucture of a fucking turd

>having an opinion.

1) "Mentor" is only 1 of 3 possible last bosses.
2) You didn't understand the spiel of "dreams" at all

If you summarize anything in a hyperbolic manner, it's guaranteed to sound retarded.

what game

man this game was pretty good before F2P.

That's what you got out of them?
The problem here isn't the games buddy

Lmao retard OP

Took 60 hours just to complete main story and still doesn't know what's going on

Back to maplestory babby

Pretty sure the "dream" was still based in reality. Like everything you did still happened, right?

>muh plot

Lol how is this a hyperbolic manner my friend?

There arent meaningful characters, the story in Dark Souls for example is so obvious it hurts it is even told you in the beginning of the game

Everything surrounding the story is just lore, the "Why is everything so shitty here what happened" is toly by armor, weapons and your enviroment something so many games did before.
Hell even Horizon: Zero Dawn has a better story than every Souls game before because it actually combines storytelling with good lore you can get

>right after release
It took me long enough to beat it
>The load times currently are no worse than in your average PC Souls game
>mechanical hard drive
pic related

wtf is this


Because it is running on hardware like 10 times faster and more expensive than a PS3 costs and is 10 years later. Why the fuck would you want to play it at PS3 speed?


but if you get bloodborne now the online is dead anyway so what the hell would be the difference between playing playing now on PS4 or in a couple years on PC at a better framerate?

You can only get invaded in two areas

i never mentioned invasions
I was thinking specifically of ringing the bell to get help. I tried it like 4 times, only worked once and I had to sit there for like 10 minutes.

I blame paid online.

I've played through bloodborne a dozen times and I have no idea how the online aspect even works

The final boss is a kind of monster with tentacles in his back.
I beat him back in november 2015 during my first playthrough.

There's 3 bell items. One that allows you to summon or be invaded when you ring it and keep it active. Another that allows you to be summoned by someone ringing the first bell and the third which is for invading someone thar ringed the first bell.

There's also levels with enemies that are set up to ring a bell that automatically lets invaders invade you without requiring you to ring your bell first.

thanks for using spoiler tags you faggy fuck. reported

Are the ringing enemies the bell I keep hearing off in the distance?


>allows you to summon and* be invaded when you ring it

Fixed, you can't really choose which you want. That's part of the risk of asking for summons since you also expose yourself to invaders.

Oh. I keep hearing bells ring, but nothing happens. I take it people don't really play this online much, huh?

Despite what Sup Forums's shills say the game is dead

>60 hours to complete BB
I think your bitterness is caused by something else entirely, bro
