who's your favourite spedrunner Sup Forums?
Who's your favourite spedrunner Sup Forums?
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Coolkid. Sweden yes.
Before I come in here and call you all faggots for watching speed running, I'd like to know why you watch it in the first place, and what you get out of having a favourite. From an outsiders perspective it's like watching someone watching NASCAR.
what the fuck dude I came here to see you play Zelda games, why are you wearing a skirt and playing with your dick
we laugh at them
post the gif
This guy.
I do it only for games I like, so I can later try to do some of that shit and improve my own runs. I also like to see some for those old platformers / action games from old stuff like SNES / Genesis that I can't be bothered to actually play so I get to know the game in a fast run
Oh, okay yeah now it makes some sense. That's why people like Cosmo become Sup Forums memes
I think a more compelling analogy would be to say that playing a game regularly is like admiring an attractive person, while speedrunning is sort of like marveling at the complexities and nuances of the human body at a biological level.
At least the glitchy ones are. I generally don't like runs where it's mostly optimization of movement. It's only compelling to me if there are ridiculous skips and tricks in the game. It's partly a technical curiosity of how you can break a game. Watch nearly any Zelda speedrun, and it's like they're playing a different game entirely. That's what makes watching them so fun for me.
Do you think it was the Nintendo Championship that made him turn out this way or was he fucked way before this also Nintendo should do another one, that shit was rad
Cosmo was painting his nails before the Nintendo championships and showing them off on his livestreams. That should have set off a red flag.
>discussing autism to the point someone posts animal cruelty in autistic retaliation
lets keep going
This autistic Canadian fuck
he's cool
>tfw cosmo is a trans and his dick is bigger than yours
>ywn save animal abuse webms just to post them in a thread of something you don't like
Be nice to dogs please. They love you.
>builds the car while it's being inspected
>forgets the steering wheel
I thought it was going to be pure finnish memes going in but looking back, it wasn't a bad run at all
dont worry user she'll get it cut off soon when she has enough money to pay Dr Shekelberg
you know who's more mentally insane? the people that pay for cosmos patreon and enable his fucked up mentality by saying that he's a beautiful woman and everyone is jealous.
He could've at least made it interesting and posted the tranny operation vwebms to get more people to hate trannies. Or that Sup Forums screencap that describes what's done to trannies with the picture of their fake vagoo. But nope, instead he just spams randumb webums of "shock" videos as if people on Sup Forums aren't already conditioned to not care about hat.
>tfw 2 snuggly dogs at home
Found the vegan
why tf 4chin hates twitch links
check this 4
The only one I've ever watched stream was Cosmo, back before his mind exploded.
god i wish that was me
You obviously don't know much about this person you profess to like so much.
Go watch healthy stuff you degenerate
Thanks, almost forgot how much I fucking hate chinks.
that one streamer that speedruns megaman with his shirt off
>back before his mind exploded.
What are you talking about
wow she's such a brave and beautiful girl :)
>Calls himself Narcissa of all things
>Sup Forums doesn't think it's just performance art
When will you children learn? Most of what you see on stream or in Youtube videos is fake or hammed up?
Dawww little janny booboo can't delete the thread.
no he's just really mentally unstable