Why don't you have a Switch?

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Currently it's just Wii U Remastered

You DO know they can only slip off when you push the buttons on the back, right?

Each controller has a release button.

Waiting for more games I'm interested in to come out.
By which I mean Odyssey and Fire Emblem Warriors.

Im not gay

On top of that, the side things push up, not down. Meaning that OP's gif could literally never happen, unless you were a retard holding it upside down.

>nintendo products past the age of 12

Nintendo defence force in full action this morning.

Well, actually, the main unit would slide down in that case if both controllers were released.

Is it really a defence force when they just prove OP wrong? With legit facts?

Look at the board you're on before asking reasonable questions in an obvious consolewar thread.

biggest reason is that I can't afford one right now

smaller reasons in no particular order
the dock scratches the console
not many games yet
voice chat sucks (again)
you can't message people easily/no invite system (again)

The only reason I have to get one right now is Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

Because it has no games that interest me. I don't like multiplayer.

Good point.

I almost bought one for Spla2n but I prefer to put it off till it has more games that I want

Because zelda is for grils and splatoon for little kids

I'm waiting for GameCube VC or a Dolphin/Nintendont port. If we get neither then I guess I'm never getting a Switch.

Fucking Gamestop...

I honestly know barely anything about the thing.

I know it has legend of zelda and 1 2 switch and splatoon.

What else does it even do other than play those three games?

Too expensive to be a dedicated handheld, too underpowered and lacking in software features to be a dedicated home console.

Like why would I pay $300 for a 32GB Switch when I can pay $250 for a 500GB PS4? Again why would I pay $300 for a Switch when I can pay $100 for a hacked 3DS?

No smash
No kirby
No animal crossing
No mainline mario
No metroid
No starfox
Maybe by late 2018 it will have a nice library. As it is now it's embarassing to look at.

And no pokemon

And almost no 3rd party games

Planning on getting it during winter together mario and possibly burqa'd xenoblade

Someone post the webm of those reviewers detaching the controllers without pushing the buttons.

>I only play mature games because I'm a mature gamer
How are those "cinematic" games were you repeat the same mechanics for 6 hours holding up?

One good game

iirc, it was because the fat one dropped it in the parking lot, shearing the locking tabs clean off.

I was not gonna get one till mario came out but one day my wife just came home with one and a copy of zelda, It's been nice to have if only to let my friends feel it and tell if they like it, all these people on the fence would make a decision one way or another if given such a chance.

they unboxed it on stream and both of them had the same issue
either way, it's fucking retarded design to top slot the controllers

You mean the reviewers that literally broke the system.

because i dont want to spend $400 for an outdated tablet and a port, an online service that is beaten by xbox live in the year 2000, and features locked behind $20 mcdonalds toys

bring me a nintendo client on pc and i will gladly buy zelda, mario, and pokemon

Think again, thoroughly this time, retard.

i got a switch and its just collecting dust

same. after beating zelda its just a dust and fingerprint magnet. couldn't care less about splatoon or arms.

it has no games


Yea, they managed to get the controllers to slide off when they applied a large amount of pressure. One of them punched it off.

That's not what's happening in OP's gif. This argument is like saying "I don't trust bottlecaps on beer bottles cause they could slip off any second." You have to be trying to get them off for them to actually come off.

Can I have it?

I will give you some money to compensate you for Zelda if you bought it digitally.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is fucking amazing if you skipped it on the WiiU. ARMS is a new Nintendo IP for once and it's decent.

Those are the biggest games, I'm also been playing Blaster Master Zero, FAST RMX, Bomberman R, Puyo Puyo Tetris and Mighty Gunvolt Burst.

The hybrid nature of the console is convenient as fuck in case you ever leave your house.

Nintendo games don't interest me. I'd play F-Zero and that's about it. Oh, and them locking the highest setting behind baby toys means I'll never buy another Nintendo console. I'm a difficultyfag.

then why the h*ck did you buy it lol?

Not enough games for me yet

I love BoTW, and Mario Kart but I've never really been into Splatoon or Arms. Disgea looks neat tho desu

>I'm a difficultyfag.

nobody says that, shut up

i'm poor as fuck

it is my greatest failure

the lack of switch, i mean

I play on the highest setting ninety-five percent of the time. Kill yourself.

thats nice :)

Impossible to find at $299, especially here in maine

Calm down user it's just a joke and it isn't even about you. Don't get too mad okay?

>the only game on there that isn't a port is Arms
You sure showed him!

What else is Puyo Tetris on?

If you are planning to get breath of the wild+dlc gamestop has a bundle up for preorder that costs the same as buying all of them separately.

Your mom's greasy vag.


Already played zelda on my wii u

>Splatoon 2
>FAST rmx
Oh I see, you're just a Sony-cuck shitposter

3ds, wii u, vita, ps3 and 4, and xbone. Though only the switch and ps4 had releases outside of weeabland.

port of a wii u game son

That's neo, not rmx

You don't know what a port is do you?

Just like mario kart 8 deluxe is a brand new game!

Tearaway isn't cinematic.

It's also shit.

Right up your alley.

I could say the same thing about literally any sequel, but to you, any nintendo related sequel is a port or rehash isn't it?

because it has 0 games I'm interested in, at all. On top of that I don't really care for the design choices they made. I held a joycon the other day and it's incredibly small, I was getting severe cramping in my left hand after maybe a half hour of trying to play splatoon 2 with a friend.

Expect it's not a sequel.

Why would I buy one now when in 2019 Nintendo will release an upgraded version and by then it will have a actual good library?
Never buy a console in its first year launch.

Alright, but Splatoon 2 is a sequel, isn't it?

Yes, that one is.

Portability, also Splatoon 2, Graceful Explosion Machine, Tumbleseed, Snek, and technically World of Goo, tetris and MK8*D* aren't ports...

How fat must you be to get cramps using the joycons?

just put the wrist strap on dummy!

MK8D is a port but not a direct port like the remasters on other systems.

not very, I just have big hands, the joycon reaches barely the first knuckle of my middle finger down to my waist when I lay it in my palm. It's pretty annoying. I liked the pro controller but that defeats the whole purpose of the console being portable.

>I liked the pro controller but that defeats the whole purpose of the console being portable.

no it doesn't...

kek, wrist.
I did, that was more of a safety precaution because I still remember the horrors of retards throwing their wiimotes out windows and through TVs.

>I just have big hands
Yeah and?
You're not alone in that regard you know. However it seems that this cramping issue is contained with fat fucks.
Also you're not meant to hold the joycons in your palm you retard.

If I wanted to drag around an enormous fucking controller on top of the already huge switch, I'd be much better suited just getting a gamepad for my phone and emulating shit on it.

How are you meant to hold them then? I don't really think holding them in some sort of retard's claw grip is the right way to hold them either. Certainly wasn't comfortable in the slightest when I tried, anyway. Palm was the only way remotely comfortable and it lead to pretty bad cramping.

Good luck emulation BotW and SMO on your phone

I dunno man pro controller gaming while it's mounted on a stand on my desk is pretty comfy. You could always just slot them into the grip...

I'd just emulate those at home. I'm sure with how fast CFW is progressing someone's got design docs somewhere and we'll see a release and rapid pace of progress just like cemu. And besides I don't know about you but if I'm out and about I usually don't have more than 15 minutes at a time to play a game and that doesn't seem anywhere near enough time to play a level in odyssey if E3 is an example.

>He think he'll be emulating Switch games within 5 years

I mean we're emulating wii u games within 5 years. Kernel access already on the switch is comparable to the speed at which we had homebrew coming out for the PSP. Granted there were actual protections and it wasn't just a straight up no protection against piracy running unsigned fucking programs like on PSP 1.5

that's because CEMU is STOLEN

Fun fact. Microwaving cup noodles is a stupid idea. The Styrofoam cup releases a small amount of toxic chemicals into the soup if you microwave it, it's why you're suppose to put hot water in the cup.

>I don't want to carry a Switch pro controller with me
>I'll just emulate at home
Just play your Switch at home then, you serious nigga?

So? Point is it's still happening. Progress takes one breakthrough and then it's rapid from there on. look at PPSSPP, struggling to compete with JPCSP for years upon years, 2012 (or was it 2013?) rolls around and BAM compatibility running full speed at 4x native res in 85% of PSP games in a single update.

I'm waiting for a hardware revision that is smaller and more suitable for handheld play. Until then I'm sticking with the 3ds for my nintendo games.

The switch isn't really a worthwhile home system though. There's splatoon and that's about it for online games, right? I mean mario kart I guess, sure.

Everything I ever see about marketing for the switch leans into the portability of it and it definitely seems like the main selling point in advertisements too. If I'm at home I'm going to want to be on my PC or my PS4 or my xbone. A switch if I ever got one would pretty much just replace my 3DS, and it's way too big, and way too uncomfortable for that.

Because you can't pirate anything yet

You really think Nintendo hasn't up their security because of what happened with the Switch?
Kernal access isn't going to blow Switch emulation wide open
So, with stolen code they've progressed much faster with emulation than someone who has to make an emulator from the ground up

>Everything I ever see about marketing for the switch leans into the portability
There's literally no reason why any game would be better portable than at home
Zelda doesn't get better just because you can play it on the bus, it's still the same game no matter where you play it

> ''Reasons why i don't get a Switch''
> He shows me a .webm of a situation that could not happen.
> I merely told him that could never happen
> ''lol u mad''

That's the main reason I'm getting it, Last time I bought a handheld was the og ds.

>M E R E L Y P R E T E N D I N G

You say this like it means LITERALLY anything. All of this shit is just pointless buzzwords.

Very subtle.

Given that it just came out it has a pretty impressive selection of games